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  #61 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 04, 2017, 07:18pm
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
justacoach: Remember the time sixteen years ago when you blocked me. Please unblock me. Sixteen years is a long time. It's about time that you did the compassionate thing and finally unblock me, don't you think?
Still waiting on your apology for calling me a schmendrick way back when I was just a mere coach. I have graduated to an esteemed (retired) forum member but I cannot muster any sympathy for your transgression.

Maybe in another 16 years....
Prettys Womans in your city
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 04, 2017, 08:37pm
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Originally Posted by Kansas Ref View Post
Well, this thread has given me a moment of pause to reflect on exactly "why" I choose to ref basketball. When I first started out the local YMCA, my purpose for reffing their youth games was two-fold: 1) it got me extra income and 2) it afforded me a free membership. Then after two years with them, the sports director sponsored me to take my first NF exam and paid for my certification process. Ymca managment said they wanted to "improve" the level of YMCA basketball officials and this would in turn improve the status of their youth leagues--which actually worked out quite well. It was such a pleasure to work those Ymca games in my early years of officiating---the fans (who were mostly parents--and yes Billy Mac-- comprised of numerous very 'hot moms'), the coaches (dads some of whom I had played against competitively), and players (some of whom remember me even today from 15 years ago! And I must say it is always quite amusing when I see a player whom I reffed in 6th grade who now has kids, tattoos, etc.) were nice, appreciative, and would always thank me after the games regardless of the outcome of the contest. Often bringing orange slices, sharing snacks, and inviting me out to lunch. As I began to get middle school and high school assignments I found that the money was significantly better; however, the rigors (dealing with irascible coaches, acerbic fans, and travel time) were new to me and initially disheartening. Then as I began to be challenged more and acquire more rules knowledge, game management skills, and all-- I discovered a deeper reason to officiate---and it is this ultimate reason that sustains my interest and desire today. I realized that I truly enjoy refereeing games because by being a referee I get to possess and dispense a highly specialized knowledge (i.e., the formal NF rules and their interpretation) in an instantaneous and impartial manner that has a very real public impact and consequences. Could I get this same 'high' from my regular job? Yes, but this is different! Yeah man, that's a thrill to me! Officiating basketball fulfills one of the Maslow hierarchy dimensions for me. : > )
Thank you for sharing.
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old Thu Oct 05, 2017, 08:47am
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: New York
Posts: 4
Thank you everyone for commenting and giving you advice about being an official.

Does anyone know where i can get a IAABO book and or second hand trainmen videos ?

I just had a child and money is currently low at the moment.

Also I make pretty good money in my profession I would like to ref for fun and spending money. I also made a promise to myself to give back to children and believe this is the best way. Basketball got me into college and kept me out of trouble. Basketball
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old Thu Oct 05, 2017, 12:01pm
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Watch out this advocation is addicting. I needed a 2nd job over 7 years ago and was addicted doing a church game in preparation for my first paid game a few days later.

Lost 50 lbs. The 1500 miles a year running, walking, sprinting, etc has put me at much better health than most my age. I have made over $100k in those years. Sure you have to buy some gear and pay some assocation fees. But we NEED you. No matter what you want from officating we need new blood. The average HS referee across all sports is 55. And they cant do it forever. Every level has it challenges. Your family is going to miss you. So limit yourself and enjoy them because you cant get back that time. For many it is a major stress reliever. Mentally fun to be in charge and manage the game. So much to learn it makes life fun and provides variety which is a major need for us. Will there be people who dont like your calls? Always. Just laugh all the way to the bank. If you focus on how much fun the other 99% of the time is you will love it.

Basketball is the hardest sport. So expect a large learning curve. And more sports its like taking candy from a baby. IF you study if you ask for feedback you will improve quickly. Your desire to get books and get videos puts you ahead of 99% of other newbies. Your willingness to come here and talk and keep asking questions puts you way out in front. Keep coming back. These guys will make you golden quickly.

It is the best part time job in America. I make $15-20k a year and its hard working a second job for 10 hours a week. Because I am approaching my 50s but its great money and most of the time its fun working with friends and watching kids grow up and you getting paid to keep in shape.

Good luck in NY!
BigT "The rookie"
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 07, 2017, 01:47pm
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Originally Posted by Raymond View Post
You understand exactly what I wrote, extra word or not. Your first response in this thread was for one to only get into officiating if it will be one's primary source of income. Then you turn around and give a litany of reasons why money can't be made in this vocation.

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You people bashing me are not reading/undertanding. Additionally, I qualified my initial responses more than enough to make name-calling unnecessary.

Indeed, I indicated primary source of income but in the same post I also indicated "tons of money". You failed to read or include that in your assessment. You also suggest I am contradicting myself because you are focused on veterans and the money they could make. my focus was on first-time officials. Jrut indicated working every day if desired in his area. I would believe that for a veteran official but not a first timer. My entire focus has been on someone officiating for the first time, not all of the well-connected refs who are automatically qualified to work at any level and thus be offered games daily. I can't speak for Jrut and his area, but in my area, there are not games every day offered to first-time officials for $50/game year round. If that is the case, then yea, go ref and make tons of money.

Not sure why some of you have turned the topic on me. Stay focused and provide the OP your opinions.
If some rules are never enforced, then why do they exist?
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 07, 2017, 01:48pm
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Originally Posted by Chief_Khan View Post
Thank you everyone for commenting and giving you advice about being an official.

Does anyone know where i can get a IAABO book and or second hand trainmen videos ?

I just had a child and money is currently low at the moment.

Also I make pretty good money in my profession I would like to ref for fun and spending money. I also made a promise to myself to give back to children and believe this is the best way. Basketball got me into college and kept me out of trouble. Basketball
Some Youtube vids out there. Lots and lots of other associations, all across the country, that have online vids/cases/exams/quizzes/powerpoints/etc.
If some rules are never enforced, then why do they exist?
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 07, 2017, 07:47pm
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
You're right. I could have spent the time at the track. Baby needs a new pair of shoes.
Is Shoreline still running?
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 07, 2017, 10:11pm
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Originally Posted by bucky View Post
You people bashing me are not reading/undertanding. Additionally, I qualified my initial responses more than enough to make name-calling unnecessary.

Jrut indicated working every day if desired in his area. I would believe that for a veteran official but not a first timer. My entire focus has been on someone officiating for the first time, not all of the well-connected refs who are automatically qualified to work at any level and thus be offered games daily. I can't speak for Jrut and his area, but in my area, there are not games every day offered to first-time officials for $50/game year round. If that is the case, then yea, go ref and make tons of money.
I think I made it very clear that anyone could work every day if they make themselves available. You do not have to necessarily be a veteran if you choose to make yourself available. Once again, just answer emails or do self-assign on Arbiter and you can work a lot. Veterans often know better to work Men's leagues or even youth travel ball. But those that do, often are the ones that do it for the money and not for the craft. And there are games almost year-round somewhere. And again, I was talking about my area. I have no idea what they might do in specific areas I have not been. And even if you do not work every day, there are weekend tournaments where you can make enough money and often the people that do not know any better are the rookies.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 08, 2017, 07:28am
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Originally Posted by bucky View Post
You people bashing me are not reading/undertanding. Additionally, I qualified my initial responses more than enough to make name-calling unnecessary.

Indeed, I indicated primary source of income but in the same post I also indicated "tons of money". You failed to read or include that in your assessment. You also suggest I am contradicting myself because you are focused on veterans and the money they could make. my focus was on first-time officials. Jrut indicated working every day if desired in his area. I would believe that for a veteran official but not a first timer. My entire focus has been on someone officiating for the first time, not all of the well-connected refs who are automatically qualified to work at any level and thus be offered games daily. I can't speak for Jrut and his area, but in my area, there are not games every day offered to first-time officials for $50/game year round. If that is the case, then yea, go ref and make tons of money.

Not sure why some of you have turned the topic on me. Stay focused and provide the OP your opinions.
Who called you a name?

Secondly, you gave directly contradictory advice,. First:. "I'll heavily suggest not officiating unless it is and will be your sole source of income."

Then later you gave a list of reasons why a newcomer can't make any money.

So which is it supposed be?

And again, who called you a name.

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A-hole formerly known as BNR
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 08, 2017, 03:22pm
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Originally Posted by Raymond View Post
Who called you a name?

Secondly, you gave directly contradictory advice,. First:. "I'll heavily suggest not officiating unless it is and will be your sole source of income."

Then later you gave a list of reasons why a newcomer can't make any money.

So which is it supposed be?

And again, who called you a name.

Justacoach did in post(I think) #56 (blockhead)

You might think it is contradictory but I do not. You continuously focus on quoting "..sole source of income." and leaving out "..making tons of money.."

I did not give a list of reasons why a newcomer can't make any money. I gave a list of items a newcomer would face to make very little money. I have indicated repeatedly that if one can make lots of money, and feel that money outweighs all of the negatives, then yes, go ahead and officiate. I personally do not feel that a newcomer can make enough money officiating basketball to outweigh the negatives. Others do. Simple as that. Done posting to you Raymond and this post.
If some rules are never enforced, then why do they exist?
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  #71 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 08, 2017, 03:40pm
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Originally Posted by bucky View Post
Justacoach did in post(I think) #56 (blockhead) post.
If you think blockhead constitutes a pejorative as opposed to a descriptive comment, you are probably too hyper-sensitive to survive in any officiating environment.

Stop trying to backpedal on your inconsistent comments. We can all read your remarks clearly.
Prettys Womans in your city
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 08, 2017, 07:31pm
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^ Tempting him to have another last word when he already declared it. Nice. I'm curious to see if he takes the bait.

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  #73 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 08, 2017, 08:33pm
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Originally Posted by justacoach View Post
If you think blockhead constitutes a pejorative as opposed to a descriptive comment, you are probably too hyper-sensitive to survive in any officiating environment.

Stop trying to backpedal on your inconsistent comments. We can all read your remarks clearly.
Originally Posted by crosscountry55 View Post
^ Tempting him to have another last word when he already declared it. Nice. I'm curious to see if he takes the bait.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Several months ago when a similar thing occurred, he stated he was going to block me after one of my replies. I don't remember what it was about, but this isn't the first time this has happened.
Owner/Developer of
Commissioner, Portland Basketball Officials Association
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 08, 2017, 09:17pm
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Originally Posted by bucky View Post
Justacoach did in post(I think) #56 (blockhead)

You might think it is contradictory but I do not. You continuously focus on quoting "..sole source of income." and leaving out "..making tons of money.."

I did not give a list of reasons why a newcomer can't make any money. I gave a list of items a newcomer would face to make very little money. I have indicated repeatedly that if one can make lots of money, and feel that money outweighs all of the negatives, then yes, go ahead and officiate. I personally do not feel that a newcomer can make enough money officiating basketball to outweigh the negatives. Others do. Simple as that. Done posting to you Raymond and this post.
Again, that is your personal perspective. You have the right to have that perspective and certainly, can suggest it is not worth it to you, but that is not really your decision to make for others. If a person would rather work a couple of hours and make more money than they would in the same time while working a fast food job or other minimum wage positions, then it might be worth it to them. Especially when they have other things they might want to do. I know for me I do not want to work all night to walk away with less than $50 and in a couple of hours, I can make that without much effort officiating. That is worth it to me for extra money as opposed to the alternative for most. Money is worth it when it is your time. You cannot speak for what others might value and that is my only point in this discussion. All the other stuff is not my concern.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 09, 2017, 07:27am
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It's all relative to where you're located as well. If you live in a bigger metro area, you can find basketball games every night, no matter what your level of experience. I know there are people in my area who work every night and it is their main source of income. In other areas I have lived, you couldn't do that because the area is too small to support that much basketball. People who make declarations thinking everything is the same everywhere just shouldn't make those declarations without a caveat because they don't know what things are like everywhere. Bucky seems like a bit of a troll just looking for trouble until someone calls him out on it - then he gets all pouty and runs away.
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