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Old Sat Oct 07, 2017, 01:47pm
bucky bucky is offline
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Originally Posted by Raymond View Post
You understand exactly what I wrote, extra word or not. Your first response in this thread was for one to only get into officiating if it will be one's primary source of income. Then you turn around and give a litany of reasons why money can't be made in this vocation.

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You people bashing me are not reading/undertanding. Additionally, I qualified my initial responses more than enough to make name-calling unnecessary.

Indeed, I indicated primary source of income but in the same post I also indicated "tons of money". You failed to read or include that in your assessment. You also suggest I am contradicting myself because you are focused on veterans and the money they could make. my focus was on first-time officials. Jrut indicated working every day if desired in his area. I would believe that for a veteran official but not a first timer. My entire focus has been on someone officiating for the first time, not all of the well-connected refs who are automatically qualified to work at any level and thus be offered games daily. I can't speak for Jrut and his area, but in my area, there are not games every day offered to first-time officials for $50/game year round. If that is the case, then yea, go ref and make tons of money.

Not sure why some of you have turned the topic on me. Stay focused and provide the OP your opinions.
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