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  #70 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 08, 2017, 03:22pm
bucky bucky is offline
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Originally Posted by Raymond View Post
Who called you a name?

Secondly, you gave directly contradictory advice,. First:. "I'll heavily suggest not officiating unless it is and will be your sole source of income."

Then later you gave a list of reasons why a newcomer can't make any money.

So which is it supposed be?

And again, who called you a name.

Justacoach did in post(I think) #56 (blockhead)

You might think it is contradictory but I do not. You continuously focus on quoting "..sole source of income." and leaving out "..making tons of money.."

I did not give a list of reasons why a newcomer can't make any money. I gave a list of items a newcomer would face to make very little money. I have indicated repeatedly that if one can make lots of money, and feel that money outweighs all of the negatives, then yes, go ahead and officiate. I personally do not feel that a newcomer can make enough money officiating basketball to outweigh the negatives. Others do. Simple as that. Done posting to you Raymond and this post.
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