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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 15, 2007, 02:33pm
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The ejection for 'non-Barney language' between members of the same team just slays me. That's one of the funniest things I've ever read.

If that's just trolling, it's high-quality material, very entertaining.

I love you, you love me......
  #32 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 15, 2007, 05:33pm
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Originally Posted by BigGuy
If that means my standards are higher, I'm happy to oblige.
From what I have read, your standards are not "higher." They are different, to be sure, but they are not "higher."

Your over-officiousness is at peak levels, though.
  #33 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 16, 2007, 10:22am
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Originally Posted by LMan
I think a 'no statement' on profanity at the plate meeting would be much more fair and true to the intent of the rules..
I'm glad to see that you think about the rules and their intent.
This forum is a great place to share opinions on the game and it's rules.

Originally Posted by LMan
Personally I think your league dropped the ball on this one.
Actually I don't have a league and have never posted anything referring to my non existent league. Usually sarcasm, like comedy needs some thread of truth to be effective. (Just a hint for future attempts to slam me)
But if it makes you happy I'm sure some league some where at some time has dropped the ball, like maybe the one you work for.
  #34 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 16, 2007, 10:53am
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Hey, at least you recognized it. Wouldn't believe how many on this forum wouldn't have a clue what I said

But then again, you are the one who says Evans and JR are lost at sea (its common for one or the other to be disregarded.. but both is a rare bird)..perhaps the Don Mueller Umpiring Academy is a crying need waiting to be met?
  #35 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 16, 2007, 11:57am
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Originally Posted by LMan
Hey, at least you recognized it. Wouldn't believe how many on this forum wouldn't have a clue what I said

But then again, you are the one who says Evans and JR are lost at sea (its common for one or the other to be disregarded.. but both is a rare bird)..perhaps the Don Mueller Umpiring Academy is a crying need waiting to be met?
When Evans and J/R are sitting at the right hand I'll consider not questioning them. In the meantime I think it's healthy to revisit rules and mechanics occasionally and even debate their merits. In fact if that didn't take place we'd still be operating under rules and mechanics from the 1800s.
Don't you agree?
  #36 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 16, 2007, 12:18pm
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Originally Posted by PFISTO
Man how things have changed. Last year was my 1st year as a carded Baseball umpire. I have been involved in baseball my whole life I'm 50 now. Last year I did every level 6 year olds to 18 year olds. This year I have only been doing H/S games up until last night. I did a 13&14 year old game and hated every minute of it. First of all the attitude of most of the players and one of the coaches was disgusting. Kids with hats turned around, sloppy dress, ear rings all of which was addressed and fixed. Then in the 3rd inning one of the kids who was the biggeset kid there (man he was bigger than me) got picked off 1st as he was fooling around and got caught. Well he went nuts cursing throwing his helmet SEEYA he's gone. His manager did nothing I mean nothing. I was very disappointed with the whole situation. I know all kids at this age are not like this but it really makes me rethink as to what type of games I will be doing in the future. There I feel better now.
Hopefully you are part of an umpire association. if you are, tell the assignor what happened.

The assignor will make a mental note and whenever these teams play again the assignor will send in the 'A" team meaning 2 old Smitty's who couldn't give a rat's you know what about the game. Just show me the money.

These "Smitty's" would start ejecting right away and go home early. After these teams keep shelling out top dollar for 1 to 2 inning games, maybe they will get the hint.

Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth
  #37 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 16, 2007, 01:28pm
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
That is why I wouldn't toss him. Had the comment been directed at an opponent, official, or other adult not affiliated with his team, I might have a different opinion, depending on exactly what was said. Maybe the catcher and he have that kind of relationship, and talk that way with each other all the time.

You are obviously unwilling to enforce a zero-tolerance policy. I didn't make the policy - but I am being paid for enforcing it. I never said I like it.

Please don't tell me you never used "hell" and "damn" when you were a teenager. I will get that BS meter back out of the closet.

To be honest, I didn't start using any profanity until I went to college. The times that I did before then were very few and very far between.

One of the worst analogies I've ever seen. Highly illogical. Are these players 3 and 4 year olds? No, they are 13 and 14 year olds, and are much more likely to watch South Park, The Simpsons, and other more mature fare, than they are to watch a baby show such as Barney.
You may think it's a bad analogy. My point was this. At baseball games, if you allow some of these words to be spoken, there may be 3 or 4 year old kids present who can hear what is being said, despite some parents' best ability to not let their kids hear it. They don't have to worry about words like that on Barney, etc. When given a choice parents will have their 3-4 year old children watch programming that has NO profanity. Believe it or not there are still people who object to hearing any profanities.

The league sets their own standards of conduct. I happen to also be on the league's board of directors and a coach at the 15-17 level.
  #38 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 16, 2007, 01:46pm
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Originally Posted by BigGuy
You may think it's a bad analogy. My point was this. At baseball games, if you allow some of these words to be spoken, there may be 3 or 4 year old kids present who can hear what is being said, despite some parents' best ability to not let their kids hear it. They don't have to worry about words like that on Barney, etc. When given a choice parents will have their 3-4 year old children watch programming that has NO profanity. Believe it or not there are still people who object to hearing any profanities.
Have you been to a major league game? You should hear what is said there, both on and off the field. There is more swearing going on there than any amateur game. I see babies, toddlers, grade school kids, and teenagers at these games. They are exposed to much worse than a "damn" or "hell."

I'm not condoning profanity. I personally don't care to hear it, especially if they slide God or Jesus into the mix, or scream nasty obscenities. I shut that stuff down immediately. My ears aren't garbage cans. But if you are afraid of what 3-4 year old children are picking up at the ballyard, don't bring them along. It isn't a church social, it's a baseball game, complete with players and coaches who spit, scratch, chew, and cuss, as has been the tradition since Alexander first laid out the ballfield.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
  #39 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 16, 2007, 02:16pm
In Time Out
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Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
Have you been to a major league game? You should hear what is said there, both on and off the field. There is more swearing going on there than any amateur game. I see babies, toddlers, grade school kids, and teenagers at these games. They are exposed to much worse than a "damn" or "hell."

I'm not condoning profanity. I personally don't care to hear it, especially if they slide God or Jesus into the mix, or scream nasty obscenities. I shut that stuff down immediately. My ears aren't garbage cans. But if you are afraid of what 3-4 year old children are picking up at the ballyard, don't bring them along. It isn't a church social, it's a baseball game, complete with players and coaches who spit, scratch, chew, and cuss, as has been the tradition since Alexander first laid out the ballfield.
Why does the words God or Jesus make it different? Plenty of people feel as that God is just a grownups imaginary friend. Are you going to force your religious views on all participants? Then you say it isn't a church social where spitting, scratching, chewing and cussing in the standard operating procedure. You have your standards? Yeah, double standards.
I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?
  #40 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 16, 2007, 02:22pm
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Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
It isn't a church social, it's a baseball game, complete with players and coaches who spit, scratch, chew, and cuss...
You apparently haven't been to some of the churches around here!
"When I umpire I may not always be right, but I am always final!"
  #41 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 16, 2007, 02:27pm
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Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
Have you been to a major league game? You should hear what is said there, both on and off the field. There is more swearing going on there than any amateur game.
A typical "plate conference" (I hope I have the right term ) on "getaway day" on the pro level often goes like this:

Manager: "Let's get this **** over with we got a bus to catch."
Other manager: "Where the **** are you guys going to next?"
Manager: "****in' Lowell."
Other manager: "****, that's a long ****ing bus ride."
Me: "Dick, 25 DHing in the five hole?"
Manager: "Yup. Where the **** are you guys going?"
Other manager: "Back home."
Manager: "That's good."
Other manager: "No, our GM is a ****in' dumb *** and has us playing at 12 tomorrow...on a ****in Monday."
Me: "John, 4 DHing in the seven hole?"
Other manager: "Yup."
Manager: "No ****, John"
Other manager: "Who the **** schedules a business man's special on a ****ing Monday after a ****ing road trip?"
Manager: "No ****, huh."
Me: "Any questions on the ground rules?"
Manager: "No"
Other manager: "No. Same **** as the previous ****in' games, right."
Me: "Yup."
Manager: "Good ****in' luck, John."
Other manager: "Same to you Dick. Have a safe ****in' trip to Lowell. Maybe we'll meet up at the end of the ****in' season."
Me: "Good luck, gentlemen."
[[coaches leave]]

Me (to partner): "Where the **** do we go tomorrow?"
Partner: "****in' Watertown."
Me: "No ****?"
  #42 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 16, 2007, 02:49pm
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
Have you been to a major league game? You should hear what is said there, both on and off the field. There is more swearing going on there than any amateur game. I see babies, toddlers, grade school kids, and teenagers at these games. They are exposed to much worse than a "damn" or "hell."

I'm not condoning profanity. I personally don't care to hear it, especially if they slide God or Jesus into the mix, or scream nasty obscenities. I shut that stuff down immediately. My ears aren't garbage cans. But if you are afraid of what 3-4 year old children are picking up at the ballyard, don't bring them along. It isn't a church social, it's a baseball game, complete with players and coaches who spit, scratch, chew, and cuss, as has been the tradition since Alexander first laid out the ballfield.
Let me try this analogy - if you were at a jr high school, and some kid was giving a campaign speech for student government president and added a "hell" or a "damn" in the speech - how long to you think it would take before the kid had his butt hauled down to Mr. Principal's office for a long lecture and possible suspension, because he violated the school policy against profanity. And you know what - most parents would come to their child's defense, and the schools would cite it's tolerance policy. Is it dumb, certainly, beyond all description of common sense. Is it going to change, probably not. Is there anything you can do about it, probably not as well.

I umpire games for a league that has one of those beyond all description of common sense rules about profanity. But it's no different than the jr high - if it isn't tolerated there, why should it be tolerated at a baseball game involving players at the same age level?

BTW, I've been to many MLB games.
  #43 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 16, 2007, 03:03pm
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Originally Posted by BigGuy
You may think it's a bad analogy. My point was this. At baseball games, if you allow some of these words to be spoken, there may be 3 or 4 year old kids present who can hear what is being said, despite some parents' best ability to not let their kids hear it. They don't have to worry about words like that on Barney, etc. When given a choice parents will have their 3-4 year old children watch programming that has NO profanity. Believe it or not there are still people who object to hearing any profanities.

The league sets their own standards of conduct. I happen to also be on the league's board of directors and a coach at the 15-17 level.
There are 3 and 4 year olds present at MLB games too. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me. And being on the BoD, you are partly responsible.
"Many baseball fans look upon an umpire as a sort of necessary evil to the luxury of baseball, like the odor that follows an automobile." - Hall of Fame Pitcher Christy Mathewson
  #44 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 16, 2007, 03:06pm
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Originally Posted by BigGuy
Let me try this analogy - if you were at a jr high school, and some kid was giving a campaign speech for student government president and added a "hell" or a "damn" in the speech - how long to you think it would take before the kid had his butt hauled down to Mr. Principal's office for a long lecture and possible suspension, because he violated the school policy against profanity. And you know what - most parents would come to their child's defense, and the schools would cite it's tolerance policy. Is it dumb, certainly, beyond all description of common sense. Is it going to change, probably not. Is there anything you can do about it, probably not as well.

I umpire games for a league that has one of those beyond all description of common sense rules about profanity. But it's no different than the jr high - if it isn't tolerated there, why should it be tolerated at a baseball game involving players at the same age level?

BTW, I've been to many MLB games.
Tolerance/punishment for this sort of language from his parent? Fine. But from me? No @%^ing way. Not my place to parent these kids. It's my place to officiate the game.
"Many baseball fans look upon an umpire as a sort of necessary evil to the luxury of baseball, like the odor that follows an automobile." - Hall of Fame Pitcher Christy Mathewson
  #45 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 16, 2007, 03:51pm
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Most objectionable

I was at a MLB game last night. A's vs. KC. 12,000 in attendance. There was a guy sitting a few rows over yelling his head off. He had comments about the umpires, hitting suggestions for the batters, and comments about how the players could be better fielders. A real know it all with a booming voice. He also yelled some profanities when the A's got caught up in their 3rd DP. By far, the most objectionable thing he proclaimed was when the 1st baseman bumped into the A's runner as he rounded 1st on a single. He started yelling “That’s Interference, That's Interference.You gotta give him 2nd on that blue"
"That's all I have to say about that."
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