I was wondering, as a new official, what to do when coaches/players/fans really go over the edge. I call it beyond ejection. What i am referring to is a coach/player/fan striking, kicking, spitting, or just plain going after an official. I heard of a coach in my state that just started to punch an official. My question is, what to do in this situation? Are the police called? As a official, i would fight back, because i wont allow myself to get pummeled, but what "should" an official do.
Thanks guys |
Removing yourself from that situation would be the thing you need to try to do. In an assult situation I would say that self-defense is allowed. But in an assult situation I would hope that other officials and more cool-headed coaches would come to you assistance. Some states have new laws just for these kind of situations. These laws increase the penalty on the assultor when an official in youth sports is assulted. If you would have called the police had the same thing happened to you at the mall then call them. These days there are many camcorders at every game. These people are witnesses and a copy of their tape can be used as evidence. If you don't think it was severe enough for the police but you still didn't like it you can report it to the league authorities. Let them deal with the coach.
As an official I have wondered about that on occasion. There has been a game on occasion where one team is playing so horribly that I turn into the guy they look to for what they deem "justice." I have no idea what is taught in my local baseball and football associations, but in hockey we are taught that as refs we have the authority to eject ANYBODY from an ice rink we desire. We also have the authority to suspend the game until police arrive to remove the person. We are also taught to keep our distance from coaches and players in tense situations.
From information that I've learned, a league (or state athletic association) won't take legal action against anybody for these kinds of actions. Players may get booted from the league/kicked off of the team permanently, but that's the only change in their life. Because of this you'll find the occasional news story if you read Canadian news about hockey officials or player pressing criminal and civil charges against players or coaches for their malicious actions. It's not so common in the U.S., but it will become normal if players and fans continue to get dumber as time goes on. As for what's acceptable touching of an official during a game: I only allow a simple tap on the shoulder to get my attention, and even then I look at the player/coach like they're asking for trouble. If any player were to grab my arm in an effort to make me listen, there'd be no listening on my part but a lot of flag throwing. If I were to be physically assaulted on the field, there would be criminal charges pressed (although I'd probably do it after the game). People are there to enjoy a game, not get so wrapped up in a call that they have to punish another. |
In my 34 seasons of officiating HS football I have seen
only a handful of lunatic coaches who lose control during a game. I'm hoping that few is the "norm" ! Most coaches at the varisty level are cool, calm, knowledgeable people; many are teachers in their schools. This helps big time as they are always under the mircoscope of their school administrators and school boards. This is one reason why I never worked any local youth leagues like Pop Warner or any "adult" leagues like flag-football or semi-pro ball. I feel more comfortable with the "hammer" of the organized high school systems. I've never seen a Varisty coach ejected in any game I worked; but have heard of a few. Do some coaches get upset over some situations ? Sure they do- they are humans too ! As long as they do not get "personal" or use the "magic word" I'd let them have their say-- being a good listener goes a long way to being a good official. Read the NF magazine for this past fall. It had a couple of excellant articles on these kinds of topics !! Hope your games are all fun !! |
On Sept 26, here in Utah, we had a varsity official assaulted after a game. After the game, 4 of the officials immediately left the field. When they got to the school doors, they realized one was still on the field talking with a coach. So 3 went inside while one waited at the door for the foolish 5th official on the field. While standing there holding the door, that official was assaulted from behind by a man on crutches. He was actually hit with one of the crutches and either knocked out or knocked silly because he had to be helped into the locker room. Yes, the assailant was arrested. We talked about this in our Monday meeting the following week, but it should go out everywhere. After the game, immediately leave the field no matter what.
The last post has opened up an important point; the protection of officials after the game. At most schools, officials leve the field
unescorted and must pass through crowds of fans to return to the facility where they change. I am always on the alert for an irate parent or fan who might want to accost the officials. I agree that all officials should leave together. No one should ever stay out and "discuss" calls or whatever with a coach or spectator. The "good" schools have an Athletic Director or other adult authority escort officals. I beleive this should be the rule ! |
It goes to show that the only friends you have on the field are your fellow zebras. I don't care if you have family there. The officials should stick together. Under no circumstances should any official be seperated from the group. Come together.....leave together.
Our association has made it a standard practice and mandate that the officials shall enter and exit the field as a team because, after all, we are the third team on the field. That applies all levels.
God is the only One Who always gets the right call |
I know with soccer that upon an assult happening, you may fight back, and press charges against the person(s). The association most every soccer official deals with is USSF or United States Soccer Federation, and they have insurance included for each of their registed officials. It portects you, your car, and your life(if it gets that extreme). But with a society changing the way it is today I am not surprised that some associations offer insurace for their officials.
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