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  #76 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 18, 2009, 08:56pm
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Looks like that writer stuck it to that coach pretty good.
  #77 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 18, 2009, 10:11pm
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The best way to end this whole fiasco would be for the TM Coach, who played at Ohio State, to give a quote to the newspaper...

"We didn't lose the game because of the foul at the end of the game. We lost because of the following reasons: we fell behind at the beginning 22-8, we missed easy shots in the 4th quarter, we didn't make all of our free throws, etc. etc. etc. It was a great basketball game and I wish Centerville well."

End of story.

I have been on the floor with both of these team. They are both very good and for the most part, very well coached. I've worked with two of the officials and would gladly take the floor with them in any game in the future.

The camera angle I've seen sucks. I'd like to see a better angle. However, the officials on the floor saw what they saw. The lead had a good angle. He decided it was a foul. We do that every time we're on the floor...we judge contact to be a foul or to let it go. None of us can say for sure if it was a good or bad call. We have to trust the officials on the floor. I do and I respect their integrity. I can say with certainty, they do not care who wins the game.

Probably any official on this board would love to be on the floor in such a meaningful game. I also think that most of us on the board would not back down from making (or passing) on a play at the end of the game.

As someone said earlier, the OHSAA should pull the Dayton Daily News credentials for the rest of the tournament for publishing one of the officials names.
  #78 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 18, 2009, 11:03pm
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As for publishing the official's name, I can say that if I were the official, I wouldn't really care.

They get printed at the NCAA level if its D-3. Why not the FED level if its a championship game?

ESPECIALLY, if I knew I got it right.

Mine was almost printed last year over a baseball rules incident. The reporter used the word "controversy" but then correctly wrote what happened and what was enforced. Anyone who cared to open a rule book knew I was right. A bit different with a judgment call, but who cares?

If you want to remain unbiased, you have to let all this slide off your shoulders. Who cares what anyone thought? You saw what you saw, you called what you called. IMO, being upset if your name is printed would be the first step to becoming a soft official.

That being said, I passed on an 83 footer at the buzzer last night who might have gotten brushed on a run by, but I didn't lose any sleep over it...

Anyone hear back for our principal friend? As a future educator, that stuff makes me even more pissed...

Get a response from the princiPAL yet?
  #79 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 19, 2009, 12:27am
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Originally Posted by Forksref View Post
As a former principal, I must say that it is totally unprofessional and uncalled for to have a principal make a public comment about officiating.

He should stick to academics and teaching life lessons like to how to win and lose with dignity and class.

Also, do we still have "disconcerting the FT shooter" in the rules? Check out the guys on the right side of the FT lane.
I AM a campus administrator . . . and that princi(PAL) is certainly UNPRINCIPLED!!! I absolutely cannot stand when a high-profile community representative makes a complete A$$ of themselves for all the world to see. S.T.H.U. and start taking care of your school and your kids. This nonsense in no way demonstrates anything sporting or sportsmanlike. Sad, Sad, Sad.

Also, there were TWO players waving arms on the first attempt, and FOUR waving their arms on the second. I do believe that is disconcertion.

If you want to send an e-mail . . . here ya go . . . [email protected]

BTW, the foul call which can be more clearly seen in this video was the right call. Kudos to that official!! (Video is about 1/2-way down the page.)

OH, and that princi(PAL), as well as the (not so super)rintendent, CLEARLY have some leadership and accountability issues. Maybe on his way to that press conference, he might look in the mirror and see where it all starts and ends!!

Last edited by bigdogrunnin; Thu Mar 19, 2009 at 12:37am.
  #80 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 19, 2009, 01:08am
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Not only is the guy stupid, he's passive aggressive too.

Some of the traits of someone who's passive aggressive that fit this situation:

- Blaming others, unable to accept blame
- Complaining
- Making excuses (This sort of individual will usually not agree with the particular reason you provide for their mistake but will create their own reason. This is part of the control aspect of passive aggressiveness)
- Prideful
- Victim Mentality

“I think I would be happy if someone acknowledged that perhaps it was not the correct call to make and that they will, in fact, make sure that’s a part of the process that the officials go through. HUH? My understanding is the officials did huddle up with 6.6 seconds left in the game, and they did talk through that. They did say, ‘Hey, unless there’s a flagrant foul, we do not call a foul. This game goes to overtime.’

“I would like to think that officials do have that as part of their process and that they do, in fact, implement that when the time comes. I’m not sure why that didn’t happen. It was an official who told us that that’s the process they followed. And I’m not sure why they didn’t. I would like to see some acknowledgement that, ‘Yeah, that’s what should happen and that’s what we should have done. We made an error there. There was an error in judgement.’ Or something of that nature. Uhh, okay...whatever all of that meant.

“And then perhaps that that one official is actually dealt with. And by dealt with, obviously I’m not talking about firing the official or anything. But I’d like to think that when an employee of mine does something that I believe is against district protocol Even if he did kick the call, which is debatable since it was borderline at WORST, he still broke no protocol. This is a horrible argument, that I talk with him, document the conversation. You know, those kinds of things. I’d like to hear that.” I'm still not sure what he's talking about here. Did he want the U1 and R to reprimand the U2 on the court for making a call?
  #81 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 19, 2009, 10:31am
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Originally Posted by RichMSN View Post
Last season, my football crew worked a game that went overtime. On the visiting team's first play from scrimmage, the RB went around the left end who dragged down the defender. U didn't hesitate and threw a holding flag. TD called back, team didn't score, lost game. As the referee, I took 90% of the grief even though I didn't throw the flag.

They rated us a 1 (the lowest rating). They screamed at us as we left the field that you don't make that call in overtime.

They can rate us however they want. Sad thing is that other crews who couldn't hold our knickers (if you're British, that's funny) will be rated higher and actually think they're better officials than us -- mainly because they try to disappear when they hit the field and see how long they can go without making any calls anyone hates.

Far as I'm concerned, that call is MOST important in the key situation and to not call it there means you may as not call it anytime. If you're afraid of a little attention, maybe it's time to stop working the games.

Great job by the lead in the video. No brainer foul. To not call it would be a travesty. And cowardly, IMO (if a deliberate decision to pass on it).
I'm assuming play was run to that side?
  #82 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 19, 2009, 10:40am
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Originally Posted by daveg144 View Post
The best way to end this whole fiasco would be for the TM Coach, who played at Ohio State, to give a quote to the newspaper...

"We didn't lose the game because of the foul at the end of the game. We lost because of the following reasons: we fell behind at the beginning 22-8, we missed easy shots in the 4th quarter, we didn't make all of our free throws, etc. etc. etc. It was a great basketball game and I wish Centerville well."

End of story.

I have been on the floor with both of these team. They are both very good and for the most part, very well coached. I've worked with two of the officials and would gladly take the floor with them in any game in the future.

The camera angle I've seen sucks. I'd like to see a better angle. However, the officials on the floor saw what they saw. The lead had a good angle. He decided it was a foul. We do that every time we're on the floor...we judge contact to be a foul or to let it go. None of us can say for sure if it was a good or bad call. We have to trust the officials on the floor. I do and I respect their integrity. I can say with certainty, they do not care who wins the game.

Probably any official on this board would love to be on the floor in such a meaningful game. I also think that most of us on the board would not back down from making (or passing) on a play at the end of the game.

As someone said earlier, the OHSAA should pull the Dayton Daily News credentials for the rest of the tournament for publishing one of the officials names.
No need for a better camera angle, it was a foul and they saw it clearer than we did. Watch the replay, if you don't see the foul in slo-mo, along with the misdirection of a 10 footer..........
  #83 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 20, 2009, 07:20am
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So this is where the kids get it from, complain and you can get whatever you want!

They should suspend them from tournament play if they don't drop it now for next season. Who even thinks about haivng a protest rally?

A "protest rally" — scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in the high school gymnasium — was canceled. Instead, a news conference took place at 10:30 a.m. Representatives of the student body, who gathered about 500 student signatures on a petition to the OHSAA, spoke out.

"We have several students, parents, staff members and community members who believe the call at the end of the game was not the proper call," Principal Gerald Cox said, "and that it should not have been made given the particular circumstances — the end of the game; district final; score tied. They just felt that the foul was not blatant enough, flagrant enough
  #84 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 20, 2009, 08:04am
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Originally Posted by JugglingReferee View Post
Here's a link to the HS: High School

I also e-mailed the Principal.
Originally Posted by Ignats75 View Post
I would be interested in if you get a response from this community leader.
Reply received. He simply thanked me for the communication, and wished a blessing in my future endeavors.
Pope Francis
  #85 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 20, 2009, 09:19am
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The OHSAA needs to open up a can of whup *** on this school and put them in their place once and for all. This type of behavior should not be tolerated. God help the officials who work for that school in the future.
Be like a duck: cool and calm on the surface but paddling like the devil underneath....
  #86 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 20, 2009, 09:22am
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Originally Posted by JugglingReferee View Post
Reply received. He simply thanked me for the communication, and wished a blessing in my future endeavors.

Curious if he is realizing this is a lose-lose situation for himself or someone has told him to keep quiet

  #87 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 20, 2009, 01:01pm
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the Principle response from the Principal

Thank you for your communication. May God continue to bless you in all of your endeavors.

Gerald Cox, Principal
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  #88 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 20, 2009, 01:05pm
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Gotta love form letters; he must have talked to an attorney. Or, conversely, the OHSAA made him an offer he couldn't refuse.
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  #89 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 20, 2009, 01:09pm
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Originally Posted by OHBBREF View Post
May God continue to bless you in all of your endeavors.
Gerald Cox, Principal
Is this a public HS?
Yom HaShoah
  #90 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 20, 2009, 01:12pm
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Originally Posted by Mark Padgett View Post
Is this a public HS?
What difference does it make?
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