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  #91 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 10, 2010, 07:07pm
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Originally Posted by Mrumpiresir View Post
You're on.
Just so I am not misunderstood, I am not basing my prediction of Davidson's future on tis event, but rather the demonstrated "old man" gait he has developed (as evidenced in the discussed video), his complaints of pain and comments from some MLB umpires that he may be one of an anticpated three to four retirees.

Last edited by MrUmpire; Fri Sep 10, 2010 at 07:10pm.
  #92 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 10, 2010, 07:34pm
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Originally Posted by Tim C View Post
UTT be a little careful . . . here in Portland last summer we had one of our better college umpires work more than 25 games in the PCL . . . and that's AAA level baseball.

I also know of a few guys that post here that are in towns with AA teams and they have also been asked to fill in.

I filled in in the California Long A in the '80s and did 25 games.

ALTHOUGH Washburn shows his true colors and admits to scabbing games in his latest post.

And he might get another chance in 2012. Better keep his gear warm.

Rather than figure out how to get on the "fill in list" (by being an exceptional local amateur umpire) to work games when umpires are sick or injured in the leagues in their area, many choose to take advantage of a situation that should be taken care of by the umpires and their employer without interference. They can use players and coaches and managers to work the games while the umpires and management negotiate a settlement that is fair to both sides or just wait for a settlement period.

The poor MiLB guys make (per their website) $85-$110 per game in AAA, 75-85 in AA, and 65-75 in A ball and 60-65 in short A.
The major D1 Conferences pay $350 for a Conference game, a car for the CC, plus free room and 50 per diem for meals and free airfare if you live over the driving mileage limit.

Since JWW is the greatest thing since sliced bread and everyone else is terrible, I have trouble wondering why he has any trouble getting the absolute highest level of amateur baseball, with a schedule of the top amateur games all over this country where he can continually showcase all his knowledge and expertise as an amateur umpire. With the greatest amateur schedule with the highest level of amateur ball around, I just don't understand how he has time to fit in any other games whatsoever, no matter the level involved.

Last edited by tballump; Fri Sep 10, 2010 at 07:44pm.
  #93 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 10, 2010, 09:04pm
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Originally Posted by MrUmpire View Post
Just so I am not misunderstood, I am not basing my prediction of Davidson's future on tis event, but rather the demonstrated "old man" gait he has developed (as evidenced in the discussed video), his complaints of pain and comments from some MLB umpires that he may be one of an anticpated three to four retirees.
OK fair enough. But it would be good to get together and have a beer anyway.
  #94 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 10, 2010, 09:25pm
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Originally Posted by tballump View Post
Since JWW is the greatest thing since sliced bread and everyone else is terrible, I have trouble wondering why he has any trouble getting the absolute highest level of amateur baseball, with a schedule of the top amateur games all over this country where he can continually showcase all his knowledge and expertise as an amateur umpire. With the greatest amateur schedule with the highest level of amateur ball around, I just don't understand how he has time to fit in any other games whatsoever, no matter the level involved.
You are basing your opinion of me on....well, not on anything I have said or implied. If you think I have a too high opition of myself as an umpire, you have just made that up. I have not once said or implied anything like that. I am an above average High School umpire who has tries to dress and act professionally and have a good knowledge of the rules. I have worked with lots of guys a lot better than me and I have always tried to learn from them.

My point about guys like Davidson is that he embarrasses all of us with his antics. It is the knuckleheaded umpires like him who get all of the attention. I have no respect for guys like him, always looking for ways to get attention-good grief, buy a Mach 5 and shave, Bob!

As for serving as a fill-in umpire in the MiLB in way. My job and my lower back would make that impossible.

Unions think they should get to make the rules and we should all just obey their sets of standards without question. If the MiLB umpires vow to do no other work for any other employer during their strike, I could see honoring their strike. If they, however, work any job anywhere then, the games are fair game. If an MiLB guy gets a job at a gas station, then someone cannot...but, then he wants to demand that no one go work the baseball games that he refused to work? Union members live in a dreamland.

Last edited by jwwashburn; Fri Sep 10, 2010 at 09:33pm.
  #95 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 10, 2010, 11:17pm
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Originally Posted by UmpTTS43 View Post
I understand what you are saying and know that there are fill ins. However, they are not low level college and HS umpires.
You're right about the fill-ins. I think it is safe to say that many of the higher levels umpires more than likely refused to cross the picket line when asked. Therefore, they were forced to make do with the few low rent scumbags they could scrounge up.

Hell, they probably hired them over the phone.
I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?
  #96 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 10, 2010, 11:28pm
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Originally Posted by Steven Tyler View Post
You're right about the fill-ins. I think it is safe to say that many of the higher levels umpires more than likely refused to cross the picket line when asked. Therefore, they were forced to make do with the few low rent scumbags they could scrounge up.

Hell, they probably hired them over the phone.
Being called that by you is like manna from heaven. You have made my day, Mr. Tyler...Ice cream with the kids and another insult by you...I know I am living right. You are like Ted Kennedy or the Teacher's Union...If I am on the other side, I could not possibly be wrong.
  #97 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 10, 2010, 11:55pm
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Is this all?

Ok, if this is what the guy said...I take back everything I said about Davidson-because i was WAY too light on him.

Fan Ejected By Umpire Vows To Fight Citation | Today's TMJ4 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Weather, Sports, WTMJ | Local News

This ranks as obnoxious but, good way was Molina going to climb into the stands over this.

Davidson says 10 times worse than this ordering breakfast.
  #98 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 11, 2010, 06:19am
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Originally Posted by jwwashburn View Post

This ranks as obnoxious but, good way was Molina going to climb into the stands over this.
And you know
  #99 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 11, 2010, 06:42am
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
Question: If Davidson acted beyond his authority, wouldn't MLB discipline him somehow? If they don't discipline him, wouldn't that mean it is within his authority?
Yes, MLB will discipline him if the supervisor judges his way of handling it to be way off.

Whatever measures MLB takes are almost certain NOT to be made public, however, so it won't settle any questions here.
  #100 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 11, 2010, 07:47am
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Originally Posted by jwwashburn View Post
Ok, if this is what the guy said...I take back everything I said about Davidson-because i was WAY too light on him.

Fan Ejected By Umpire Vows To Fight Citation | Today's TMJ4 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Weather, Sports, WTMJ | Local News

This ranks as obnoxious but, good way was Molina going to climb into the stands over this.

Davidson says 10 times worse than this ordering breakfast.
Somehow you missed this little blurb at the end of the story...

"Major League Baseball reviewed what happened and determined the umpire followed the proper protocol by first alerting a stadium usher. A spokesperson said it is “not unprecedented” for an umpire to order a fan ejection.".

Last edited by asdf; Sat Sep 11, 2010 at 07:49am.
  #101 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 11, 2010, 09:26am
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Originally Posted by jwwashburn View Post
My point about guys like Davidson is that he embarrasses all of us with his antics. It is the knuckleheaded umpires like him who get all of the attention. I have no respect for guys like him, always looking for ways to get attention-good grief, buy a Mach 5 and shave, Bob!
Your point has been well established: You are BIASED against Bob Davidson, and no matter what he does, even if it's right, you will rip him. That's what biased people like you do. That's okay, because bias, prejudice, bigotry--whatever narrow-minded practice you choose--are allowed in a free society. Expressing views that result from such bias is also allowed on many fronts, including this one.

However, on most issues, when biased people like you encounter unbiased, objective, mature, fair-minded people, there are going to be obvious problems. Being a biased person, you should have plenty of experience with that. I'm surprised that you are reacting so harshly.

[For the record, I'm usually one of old Bob's critics, but this time, he stepped up and showed what any courageous, conscious umpire should do when a slur is hurled and no policeman or security person does anything about it: you order the incompetent policeman to do what he's supposed to do. I've supervised incompetent police in everyday life on a few occasions, and I certainly will in such an instance in a baseball setting.]

Last edited by Kevin Finnerty; Sat Sep 11, 2010 at 09:35am.
  #102 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 11, 2010, 09:27am
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Originally Posted by asdf View Post
Somehow you missed this little blurb at the end of the story...

"Major League Baseball reviewed what happened and determined the umpire followed the proper protocol by first alerting a stadium usher. A spokesperson said it is “not unprecedented” for an umpire to order a fan ejection.".
Actually, you are correct...I was readin it on my phone and I did miss the bottom part. If this is not unprecedented, then I would like to know what the precedent(s) is(are). I have never seen or heard of anything like this in a Major League game-ever.

None of us know what was said. The drunken jerk fan says he said that obnoxious but rather mild comment. What if he yelled: Molina, I think you are effeminate? Should that garner the heave ho by an umpire? Molina, I think there are others who appear to be a tad more masculine that you. What if he wouldhave made a similar silly/obnoxious remark implying that Molina has sex with tons of women, instead of men?

It is completely not believable that Molina was going to try to find a way into the crowd...and that he could have actually gotten into the crowd(this was not aq left fielder in Fenway or Chavez Ravine) without being stopped over this. If he did, then he would be ejected and THAT would be Davidson's job.
  #103 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 11, 2010, 10:16am
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Originally Posted by asdf View Post
Somehow you missed this little blurb at the end of the story...

"Major League Baseball reviewed what happened and determined the umpire followed the proper protocol by first alerting a stadium usher. A spokesperson said it is “not unprecedented” for an umpire to order a fan ejection.".
1. Bold part is most important.
2. Talk about being "damned with faint praise."
3. Precedent only means it has happened before, not that it was correct.
3. Davidson has already been "talked to."
4. He won't do it again.

Last edited by MrUmpire; Sat Sep 11, 2010 at 10:26am.
  #104 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 11, 2010, 10:19am
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Originally Posted by Kevin Finnerty View Post
Your point has been well established: You are BIASED against Bob Davidson, and no matter what he does, even if it's right, you will rip him. That's what biased people like you do. That's okay, because bias, prejudice, bigotry--whatever narrow-minded practice you choose--are allowed in a free society. Expressing views that result from such bias is also allowed on many fronts, including this one.

However, on most issues, when biased people like you encounter unbiased, objective, mature, fair-minded people, there are going to be obvious problems. Being a biased person, you should have plenty of experience with that. I'm surprised that you are reacting so harshly.

[For the record, I'm usually one of old Bob's critics, but this time, he stepped up and showed what any courageous, conscious umpire should do when a slur is hurled and no policeman or security person does anything about it: you order the incompetent policeman to do what he's supposed to do. I've supervised incompetent police in everyday life on a few occasions, and I certainly will in such an instance in a baseball setting.]
The arrogance here is astonishing.

Of COURSE I am biased! So are you, so is everyone else.

You are just too full of yourself to realize.
  #105 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 11, 2010, 11:08am
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No, I am not, nor is everyone biased.

Part of your being biased and narrow-minded is you have developed an inability to discern fair-mindedness in others.
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