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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 11, 2005, 10:22pm
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by bob jenkins
Originally posted by BigUmp56

Sure there was a message in those post's, Garth. They were to make a statement about how ridiculous the questions were that were presented to this board. Don't you think questions about what type of cup others use, or what type of vehicle someone drives to their games, or what color shirt they wear is a little childish?

I'm sure a (serious) discussion of each of those is at least as interesting to some posters as any of the other "little league" questions that appear from time to time and that you so vigorously defend.

You're missing the point big time, Timmie.

You don't get to decide what's ridiculous or not. The people that own this site and their moderators get to do that. The last time I looked the only persons here that you get to tell what to do are yourself and StevieSuperman.

Iow, quit trying to damnwell tell people here what to post or not post. Whointhehell do you think you are anyway? God?

You obviously have a reading comprehension problem. I've never, I repeat, never told anyone what to post or what not to post on this board. I did suggest to Thomas that his copying of other peoples post's and re-posting them had the appearance of a scorned child making a post, but I certainly didn't tell him what to do.

Just because I posted a picture to mock the absurdity of Thomas's post's, does not mean I'm telling him or anyone else what to do. I let the mockery of his post speak for itself.

I never asked any of the moderators to censor anything posted by Thomas. I think the moderators of this board do fine job of policing objectionable post's. The comments I made to Bob were as one poster to another. They had nothing to do with Bob being a moderator. You're reading more into it than what was there.

You're wrong there, JR. I most certainly can decide what I feel is ridiculous, and comment on it if I feel the need to.
By the same token, I can also decide what information I feel is of value and extract whatever I want to from it.

Iow, quit trying to damnwell tell people here what to post or not post.

This comment wreaks of irony, JR. You're telling me what to do, as you're telling me I don't have the same right you do what you're now doing. That's priceless hypocrisy!

This is especially specious as I've never told anyone here what to do.

I apologize for not figuring you out sooner, JR. When you made the post mocking Steve for leaving the board, you let your slip show. I now know the reason you're so upset with me. It's because the forum you liked to frequent as Curious, Watch Out, and what other alias you felt inclined to post under, has been purged.

Let it go, man. Let it go.....


[Edited by BigUmp56 on Dec 12th, 2005 at 06:42 AM]
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 12, 2005, 05:22am
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Originally posted by BigUmp56
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by bob jenkins
Originally posted by BigUmp56

Sure there was a message in those post's, Garth. They were to make a statement about how ridiculous the questions were that were presented to this board. Don't you think questions about what type of cup others use, or what type of vehicle someone drives to their games, or what color shirt they wear is a little childish?

I'm sure a (serious) discussion of each of those is at least as interesting to some posters as any of the other "little league" questions that appear from time to time and that you so vigorously defend.

You're missing the point big time, Timmie.

You don't get to decide what's ridiculous or not. The people that own this site and their moderators get to do that. The last time I looked the only persons here that you get to tell what to do are yourself and StevieSuperman.

Iow, quit trying to damnwell tell people here what to post or not post. Whointhehell do you think you are anyway? God?

I've never, I repeat, never told anyone what to post or what not to post on this board. I did suggest to Thomas that his copying of other peoples post's and re-posting them had the appearance of a scorned child making a post, but I certainly didn't tell him what to do.

I'll stick with my evaluation of you. This forum has now become McGriffs Redux.

Edited to add: I just finished reading all the posts made after your response at 10:32pm last night. I changed my mind. You and Steve aren't the only problems on this forum now. Unbelievable. You're only part of the problem. And I shouldn't be adding to the problem. Or be a part of the problem Adios. Back to the basketball forum with me.

[Edited by Jurassic Referee on Dec 12th, 2005 at 06:20 AM]
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 12, 2005, 08:51am
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Originally posted by BigUmp56


Questions asked by a newer umpire on rules, mechanics, etc..., are not interesting, right?
Not interesting to whom? No, they aren't interesting to me. They are (presumably) of interest to others. I have not deleted or closed any such thread that stayed (reasonably) on topic and remained free from the whining, snoping and trolling that has become all too frequent.

I can assure you that that is not the intention of this forum.
Tim, you've been here for only a couple of months. I don't think you can "assure" me of anything regarding the intention of this forum. To be clear, you might be right about the intent of this forum -- but you could be a little less antagonistic or condescending.

If you want to chase people away for not measuring up to some pre-determined qualification level, then you go right ahead and allow it. Eventually, this forum will suffer for it.
I don't think I've chased anyone away, and the number of posters I have requested Brad to remove can be counted on one hand.

Regardless of what you thought about the abandonment ~vs~ desertion thread, it sparked some great dialog between some of the more prominent members of this board.
Agreed. And, while I don't recall the current status of the thread, it remained open (and may still be open) for quite a while, while the discussion was taking place

However, you are mistaken if you believe that umpires come here to read a discussion about what cup a new guy wears, or how big his vastis medialis are, and how his old cup rubbed them "raw."
Reference, please. How are you omniscient about what all umpires come here to read?

What's next. New threads on bullet pencil prefferences, or stronger shoe laces?
If that's what gets posted and discussed, then, sure. Why not?

Tim, when someone posted a complaint about one of your early threads, you responded with something along the lines of "it's related to umpiring, I can discuss it." Yet now, there are posts that you find uninteresting and you (apparently) feel the need to whine about it. Don't you find that a little ironic?

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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 12, 2005, 10:30am
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The solution, if there is a problem with this forum, is for those that find the sniping, whining, name calling and nonsense offensive, don't contribute to it by posting the same.

If you find a thread not interesting or relevant to you, then simply ignore it. Don't presume to know what others would want or need to read.

Its like a little kid having a tantrum. What do they really want? Attention. I suggest we stop giving it to them.

Bob P.

We are stewards of baseball. Our customers aren't schools or coaches or conferences. Our customer is the game itself.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 12, 2005, 05:45pm
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Well said, Bob - or rather, well written.

As umpires, we should be used to some sniping, name calling and tickery to make us look inept. One of the first things that veterans impart on rookies is how to handle an irrational coach. Your response often dictates the level of meltdown.

What we've witnessed is not complete, but it looks like it soon will be.
"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers.
You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions.
~Naguib Mahfouz
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  #51 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 27, 2006, 10:26pm
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I'm not trying to be critical here, but why do you feel the need to post something 6 months old, and then to tell him to "let it go?" It seems as though you are the one having trouble letting go.

Tim's beef here was with a total psycho who was causing trouble in real life for him, and he had every right to step on that cockroach.

We come on this board to have fun, share, and learn from each other. We really were just bustin' your chops back when you thought we were picking on you. We truly were trying to help you in areas which you were admittedly a bit weak.

I am probably guilty of going a bit over the top in my criticism. I was trying to illustrate that repeatedly warning coaches is not correct. No doubt, I took it too far. For this, I apologize for offending you to the point you felt you had to lash out at me. Please accept my apology as an olive branch of peace in the brotherhood of umpiring.

Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old Sun May 28, 2006, 07:19pm
big big is offline
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Thumbs up Getting back to the topic...

Sorry about bringing this back to the original post.


Was working a LL game a couple of years ago. I was BU & was in C. Hit to shallow center. R1 on 3 breaks for home. F2 about 4 feet right & slightly back of HP. R1 crosses HP & then flattens F2. Partner dumps R1 then all hell breaks loose between coaches on both sides. I should add here that my partner and I are both bouncers for concerts and such. We get between the coaches and start breaking things up. When all said and done between us we had dumped 5 coaches and the kid that sarted it all.

When it was time to play ball again I said to the pitcher "You Ready?" Pitcher kid who had been playing catch the whole time simply said "Yea Blue, we were just waiting for you to get everyone out of the way." I about fell over!

Classic case of get the coaches out of the way so the kids can play & have fun!

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  #53 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 30, 2006, 11:47am
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Originally Posted by big
Sorry about bringing this back to the original post.


Was working a LL game a couple of years ago. I was BU & was in C. Hit to shallow center. R1 on 3 breaks for home. F2 about 4 feet right & slightly back of HP. R1 crosses HP & then flattens F2. Partner dumps R1 then all hell breaks loose between coaches on both sides. I should add here that my partner and I are both bouncers for concerts and such. We get between the coaches and start breaking things up. When all said and done between us we had dumped 5 coaches and the kid that sarted it all.

When it was time to play ball again I said to the pitcher "You Ready?" Pitcher kid who had been playing catch the whole time simply said "Yea Blue, we were just waiting for you to get everyone out of the way." I about fell over!

Classic case of get the coaches out of the way so the kids can play & have fun!
After ejecting 5 coaches, how'd you continue a legal game? You had to eject 3 coaches from one team, leaving none.
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 30, 2006, 01:21pm
big big is offline
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Originally Posted by LilLeaguer
After ejecting 5 coaches, how'd you continue a legal game? You had to eject 3 coaches from one team, leaving none.
The LL I was working used to allow 4 coaches in the dugout as long as one of the coaches was the scorekeeper. They have since changed that which means one less coach to mess it up for the kids!

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