Originally posted by bob jenkins
Originally posted by BigUmp56
I'm sure a (serious) discussion of each of those is at least as interesting to some posters as any of the other "little league" questions that appear from time to time and that you so vigorously defend.
For example, I buy a new cup every now and again. If there's a better mousetrap (okay -- poor choice of words), I'd consider it when making my decision. It will affect my life more than a discussion of whether the hands are part of the bat, or exactly when the batter is out if he heads straight to the dugout after hitting a pop fly that's not caught.
Questions asked by a newer umpire on rules, mechanics, etc..., are not interesting, right?
If that's the case, maybe you should convince the heirarcy at Right Sports to re-name this forum to " The Official Forum for all discussions about officiating baseball that we the Big Dogs deem worthy." That would leave several members here to discuss a few rules changes each year and new equipment coming out. Other than that, what else would you have to discuss other than the telling of war stories.
I can assure you that that is not the intention of this forum. This forum is here for the sole purpose of generating additional revenues for the domain owners, by moving people to subscribe to the paid side of the Web Site. In order to accomplish that, they need to attract and welcome all comers to the board. Each new registration is a possible $50 subscription for the board's owners.
If you want to chase people away for not measuring up to some pre-determined qualification level, then you go right ahead and allow it. Eventually, this forum will suffer for it.
Regardless of what you thought about the abandonment ~vs~ desertion thread, it sparked some great dialog between some of the more prominent members of this board.
However, you are mistaken if you believe that umpires come here to read a discussion about what cup a new guy wears, or how big his vastis medialis are, and how his old cup rubbed them "raw."
What's next. New threads on bullet pencil prefferences, or stronger shoe laces?