Originally posted by GarthB
Seriously, Tim: On this site you've posted a photo of a male crotch and bare butt, another of one of the Village People posing in an open shirt, and the URL to a cartoon of a limp-wristed character. At another site you posted a photo of a drag queen party.
Is there something you're trying to say?
Sure there was a message in those post's, Garth. They were to make a statement about how ridiculous the questions were that were presented to this board. Don't you think questions about what type of cup others use, or what type of vehicle someone drives to their games, or what color shirt they wear is a little childish?
If you want to know how I found those pictures, I'll tell you. It's not that hard to figure out. On the stupid supporter picture, I simply entered "protective equipment" into a Google images search. For the shirt photo, I entered "white shirt" into the same images search engine. I found the cartoon charicature this morning by entering "jerk."
Now, the horse you tied your saddle to is copying post's from some of the boards members and re-posting them here.
What do you suppose that's all about? He's acting like a child. This time I'm absolutely in agreement with Windy and others. This "man" claims to have 40 years experience and does not know the difference between interference and obstruction. If he is an umpire, he's a rookie at best. I envision him sitting at his computer looking exactly like the cartoon charicature I posted a link to as he makes his post's. Right now, he's reading this and laughing at both of us, Garth.
I'm surprised you don't see the humor in the picture of the umpire dressed in female madrigal attire at this time of year. I thought it was funny as hell.