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Old Thu Dec 08, 2005, 03:02pm
EMD EMD is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 62
Situation: BU at C position during junior legion
Third base (Blue Team) coach was yelling to R2 "off" when the pitcher made to motion to go home, about the 3rd or 4th pitch the Red Team coach storm onto the field to talk to a partner (1st year and third game behind the plate) and states "He can not do that!" They looked confused so I walked into the conversation to help my partner and realized at was battle of wits and no one was winning. They looked at me and he repeated "He can’t do that!"

"Do what?", so he explains the he can not yell "BALK" well by this time the third base coach (Blue Team) was there who started to defend himself from what he thought would be an ejection. So I asked the Red Team coach who are talking about and what do think he is doing, and why can’t he do what every it is he doing and why do think you get to come onto our field and make statements. Well, by this time his manager (Red Team) comes running to get him off the field.

So I tell the manager and coach (Red Team), "He did nothing illegal and if he does I’ll eject him" Third base coach (Blue Team)looks wild eyed at me and before he said a word I asked "Did you do anything illegal?" He said no, then I tell then we have nothing to worry about, Red Team’s manager listened quietly then apologized for his coach and promised to keep him off the field.

Three pitched go by then Blue Team third base coach says OFF! to R2, then the Ted Team coach comes out on to the field and begins to complain, the Blue Team third base begins to explain he did nothing wrong as they both walked to me like two kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar. So I looked at the Red Team coach , and said "You are the one making the issue out nothing, let talk between innings and keep the game moving" He says "NO!" so the Red Teams’s manager tries to pull him off the field and I’m feeling kinda’ squirrelly at this point. I realized he is an idiot. So I said "Coach you need to……, " He cut me off an actually said "Are you putting ME in time out!"

Well, I’ve got an odd sense of humor and said "YES, if you leave time out your gone, not a word, nothing!" The look on his face was priceless!

The manger, third base and myself walk away laughing.
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