Not so much the funniest, but the way he got ejected, and how it ended up. Wish I could say this was an original, but borrowed it from the legendary So Cal umpire Dave Davies, who lurks on here frequently, who posts on here occasionally.
Coach came out to argue a call at the plate. Standing about 15 feet up the first base line. Was being a jerk, but nothing over the line. The ones that know just when to pull it back a little.
He had been doing some chirping during the game, so this looked like it was going to be one of them accumulative ejections. It had reached the point, I was going to toss him, so I pulled this one out of the bag. And you got to understand, it was the "right" moment, with the "right" coach.....have to pick your spot...
I said...."Coach, we're done, if I turn around and your still here, YOUR done." I turn around and start walking toward the plate, which by coincidence (shocking) is toward his dugout.
He has to walk this way to get to his dugout.I take about 5 steps, turn around , and there he is walking right behind me.
I gave him the look,like "what are you still doing here"...and said "Coach, I told ya, your gone."
He looked at me, mouth wide open, started to say...."but I was going to my........" Paused for about a second, realized what happenned. Gave me kinda a mischevious, yet respectful grin. Priceless. We havnt had any problems since. One of the best coaches Ive encountered, in running his teams, and dealing with umpires. Something Ill never forget.