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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 20, 2006, 04:00pm
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I believe it has relevance here...The post was started about two blown calls in a professional baseball game. This article is about another (potentially) blown call in a professional baseball game.

I think if the topic of this thread is blown calls in a pro baseball game than this article has plenty of relevance.

Unless, of course, you don't think "pro" games umpired by amateurs are actually "pro" games, at least not as some have come to know and love pro baseball. So in hindsight maybe that article should not have been posted here.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 20, 2006, 04:22pm
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Originally Posted by 3appleshigh
You actually need to have a clue who is talking and what they look like before commenting on how Slenderly challenged people feel. I'm 6'3" 301lbs. So if you think I'm skinny, I love you. I'm Chubby myself, and have no issue either way. But thanks for your imput.

The dude is Chubby, and I don't know his name, so he is "Chubby", ( in fact refering to him a chubby, might insult the chubby people the dude's rotund), I would expect no less from someone refering to me. Being PC sucks Crap. I will not become so to please you, or the other "retard's" on this forum. Thanks for the revealling story of how a word disrupts your day. Take a lesson from the Fags of the world, take ownership of the word, and you take away it's power. See Ya

Yours Truly

Chubby, Tubby, Fat a$$ ... 3appleshigh

6'3" and 301 sounds like sturdy, not fat.

How did you not know his name, since I named him several times in the opening post of the thread? You know damn well who Bruce Froemming is, so that "I didn't know his name" crap doesn't cut it.

It is usually skinny guys with no clue of the difficulty big folks have in losing weight that poke fun at them. You are apparently an exception to the rule. It seems that politically correct (which I hate too) covers every other person in the world except for the fat ones. You cannot get away with racist comments or name-callings which were once commonplace. If you make fun of gays, you are labeled a homophobe. And, if you say that a rule is "retarded," certain people on this forum get up in arms over it. Fat people are the last frontier. Always open season on ol' Tubby over there. They are the only people that it is still fashionable to make fun of. I just think that huge folks should be given the same courtesy as Blacks, Jews, Gays, and any other group which is protected by the PC crowd.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25

Last edited by SanDiegoSteve; Thu Apr 20, 2006 at 04:37pm.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 20, 2006, 04:36pm
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Originally Posted by lawump
I believe it has relevance here...The post was started about two blown calls in a professional baseball game. This article is about another (potentially) blown call in a professional baseball game.

I think if the topic of this thread is blown calls in a pro baseball game than this article has plenty of relevance.

Unless, of course, you don't think "pro" games umpired by amateurs are actually "pro" games, at least not as some have come to know and love pro baseball. So in hindsight maybe that article should not have been posted here.
Actually, the purpose of this thread was to point out that even so-called "professional" umpires can blow easy calls. I was not looking for examples of so-called "amateur" umpires blowing calls.

Where did you get the idea that this thread was for anything but MLB blown calls, when the name of the thread is 'Another kicked call by MLB Umpire'?

If you get paid to umpire baseball games, I believe you have lost your amateur standing, so to speak. You are by the very definition of the word, a "professional." Just because you umpire amateur teams, doesn't make you an amateur. Just like sitting in a garage all day doesn't make you a car.

So, unless these minor league games are being umpired by Little League District volunteer umpires (who are the only true "amateur" umpires), they are being umpired by "professionals," albeit not AMLU members, or even necessarily pro school trained.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 20, 2006, 04:44pm
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Thumbs down

Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
Actually, the purpose of this thread was to point out that even so-called "professional" umpires can blow easy calls. I was not looking for examples of so-called "amateur" umpires blowing calls.

Where did you get the idea that this thread was for anything but MLB blown calls, when the name of the thread is 'Another kicked call by MLB Umpire'?

If you get paid to umpire baseball games, I believe you have lost your amateur standing, so to speak. You are by the very definition of the word, a "professional." Just because you umpire amateur teams, doesn't make you an amateur. Just like sitting in a garage all day doesn't make you a car.

So, unless these minor league games are being umpired by Little League District volunteer umpires (who are the only true "amateur" umpires), they are being umpired by "professionals," albeit not AMLU members, or even necessarily pro school trained.
WOW SDS - That is a horrible description of what a professional umpire is. You have now sunk into the clueless class of Rutledge and WWTB (the two clowns from the Chicago area) - Actually, you were there before, but you just confirmed what I had already known.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 20, 2006, 05:19pm
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Hey Jocko, I'll be sure to let you know when I start caring about your opinion of me. You sure have an inflated one of yourself.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 20, 2006, 06:13pm
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I guess what I should say is I don't know how to spell his name, and really having only read it twice, know it starts with an F but then it goes away. I refered to him as chubby at the game with my buddy, so I kept the moniker here.

I also support your position on us "Fatty Fatty two by four's" being one of the last group's where attacks are allowed. With White people and MEN we're the last group's of "FREE SHOT OVER HERE". But I kind of like being a member of all three societies. And I'm not sure I want it changed to where we can't speak about anything. We're already seen what "Everyone is equal" has done to the schools. But that's another story.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 21, 2006, 08:00am
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Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
If you get paid to umpire baseball games, I believe you have lost your amateur standing, so to speak. You are by the very definition of the word, a "professional." Just because you umpire amateur teams, doesn't make you an amateur. Just like sitting in a garage all day doesn't make you a car.

So, unless these minor league games are being umpired by Little League District volunteer umpires (who are the only true "amateur" umpires), they are being umpired by "professionals," albeit not AMLU members, or even necessarily pro school trained.
Exactly the response I expected from you...based on your numerous posts in the past few weeks/months.

As an aside, there are mulitple definitions of "professional". A quick search of an on-line dictionary revealled that one of the definitions does state, as you implied, that one is a professional simply by being paid for services rendered.

The definition that I believe 99% of all umpires I know use however, defines "professional" as, "(e)ngaging in a given activity as a source of livelihood or as a career: a professional writer."

And since I don't know a single amateur umpire who umpires as a career or make their livelihood from umpiring (and since 99% of umpires I know use this definition) I'll reiterate my point: minor league games umpired by amateurs are not "professional" games.

I allow for the possibility that there may be someone out there who makes a career umpiring amateur games...if so they in some sense may be a "professional" under the definition I have put forth as being the one primarily used. If such a person exists, they are the exception rather than the rule.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 21, 2006, 01:44pm
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Originally Posted by lawump
Exactly the response I expected from you...based on your numerous posts in the past few weeks/months.

As an aside, there are mulitple definitions of "professional". A quick search of an on-line dictionary revealled that one of the definitions does state, as you implied, that one is a professional simply by being paid for services rendered.

The definition that I believe 99% of all umpires I know use however, defines "professional" as, "(e)ngaging in a given activity as a source of livelihood or as a career: a professional writer."

And since I don't know a single amateur umpire who umpires as a career or make their livelihood from umpiring (and since 99% of umpires I know use this definition) I'll reiterate my point: minor league games umpired by amateurs are not "professional" games.

I allow for the possibility that there may be someone out there who makes a career umpiring amateur games...if so they in some sense may be a "professional" under the definition I have put forth as being the one primarily used. If such a person exists, they are the exception rather than the rule.
Okay, maybe we aren't actually, technically, professionals. However, I do dress professionally. Sharp uniform, two pressed ball bags, brilliantly shined shoes, neat appearance, etc. I also conduct myself professionally. Don't you? Do you say, "I am going to conduct myself amateurishly" when describing the perfomance of your duties? My mechanics I use are quite polished and look very "professional." My timing is impeccable, and rivals that of "professionals."

I just feel that the term "amateur" suggests sloppiness and lack of quality, such as you could find on the Ted Mack Amateur Hour in those early days of television. I would prefer a different term, such as "non pro-ball umpire" perhaps, or "local official." I am not comfortable with "amateur" because the words "smitty" and "charlie" are usually not far behind.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Mon Apr 24, 2006, 06:46am
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Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
My timing is impeccable, and rivals that of "professionals."
Since (I am assuming from your screen name) you are on the left coast, far, far away from my location...I'll have to take your word on it.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Mon Apr 24, 2006, 01:37pm
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Well, if you noticed, I did start this thread by ragging on Froemming's horrible timing. If I couldn't do it better, I would not criticize.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Mon Apr 24, 2006, 02:57pm
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Originally Posted by Rich Fronheiser
Do you really think Major League umpires employ makeup calls? Hell, 99.9% of amateur umpires are above that kind of dishonesty, why would anyone accuse a MLU of something like that?
I agree, Rich.

These umpires are hyper-aware that their calls are being highly scrutinized. They know it is going to be shown on slow motion instant replay and probably appear on ESPN's "Baseball Tonight" segment.

If they know they've blown one call, they certainly are not too interested in blowing another one. They're not stupid enough to think that anyone will view the second miss as "fair."

David Emerling
Memphis, TN
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 02:19pm
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Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
To us slender-challenged people, calling us names based on our weight is the equivalent to calling black people the "N" word. It isn't very nice, and it hurts people's feelings.
If it hurts your feelings, lose weight. I know it's easier said than done, but I know it's doable because I lost over 50lbs myself in 2003. If you want to be taken seriously as an official, you have to look the part. Unfortunately, that means being in shape and being clean shaven (I know that's a whole other thread), but it's true.

Sure, you can call LL ball as a fatty and nobody's going to care, but if you seriously want to advance, you're going to have to lose the weight. Even the MLB officials that are overweight are critiqued more harshly by the players and coaches.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 02:35pm
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Originally Posted by BamaBlue
If it hurts your feelings, lose weight. I know it's easier said than done, but I know it's doable because I lost over 50lbs myself in 2003. If you want to be taken seriously as an official, you have to look the part. Unfortunately, that means being in shape and being clean shaven (I know that's a whole other thread), but it's true.

Sure, you can call LL ball as a fatty and nobody's going to care, but if you seriously want to advance, you're going to have to lose the weight. Even the MLB officials that are overweight are critiqued more harshly by the players and coaches.
Why should anyone have to conform to someone elses standards on their physique or face ridicule? The bottom line should be their ability to officiate the game, not their physical stature. I also take offense to your LL comment. I work with some of the most dedicated and professional umpires in our area in LL. Fact is, most of them outshine the members of the HS association I belong to. Some of us work both HS and LL, while others who are just as capable choose not to work HS for personal reasons.

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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 03:08pm
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Originally Posted by BigUmp56
Why should anyone have to conform to someone elses standards on their physique or face ridicule? The bottom line should be their ability to officiate the game, not their physical stature. I also take offense to your LL comment. I work with some of the most dedicated and professional umpires in our area in LL. Fact is, most of them outshine the members of the HS association I belong to. Some of us work both HS and LL, while others who are just as capable choose not to work HS for personal reasons.

We can argue right or wrong all day, that's not my point. Is it right that people are judged on their appearance? No. Does it happen? Yes. Is it easier to change your fitness level then it is to change the pre-conceptions of millions of people? Yes.

On the LL comment, my point is that appearance is not a factor in selecting umpires to work that level (neither is it a factor in HS), but at levels that you actually have to be selected to work (college ball, etc), appearance is a factor.

Again, I'm not saying it's right, just that it is.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 03:20pm
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Originally Posted by BigUmp56
Why should anyone have to conform to someone elses standards on their physique or face ridicule?
They shouldn't have to conform and they shouldn't face ridicule, it's not fair but it's a fact of life that it happens. When some people see a 'large' umpire they can't help but notice the condition of the players and compare. Perception goes a long way.

Originally Posted by BigUmp56
The bottom line should be their ability to officiate the game, not their physical stature.

Originally Posted by BigUmp56
I also take offense to your LL comment. I work with some of the most dedicated and professional umpires in our area in LL. Fact is, most of them outshine the members of the HS association I belong to. Some of us work both HS and LL, while others who are just as capable choose not to work HS for personal reasons.
We do not have LL around here but many of our BR/Pony umpires are varsity HS umpires and above. We also have some fine umpires who choose only to work BR/Pony, some have been umpires for 20+ years.
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