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I had a grade school game tonight, it was a great game, very sportsmanlike coaches, players, fans, ect. But, i think i kicked a call, score was 58-8 (major blowout,we just wanted to get it over with, but the 2nd string deserved as much of a chance) I call a foul, handchecking, we are in double bonous. I report it, green 45, and the signal for handchecking, we have 2, so we went and shot, but, the opposing coach called a time-out after the ball was put into flight on the 2nd freethrow, I dunno what I was thinking, and am now kicking myself for it, but I granted him the time-out, then the other coach started bitc****, he wanted another free throw. I know I messed it up, but the ball was already in flight, I didn't give him the extra throw. Should I have used the alternate poss. arrow, would this fall under inadvertant whistles? Thanks
If you don't take opportunity as it comes, you are lost in the sauce! |
Technically, yes, it's an AP situation.
But if the team down by 50 is at the line, I'm giving him another FT when we come back. ![]()
"...as cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott "You should never be proud of doing the right thing." - Dean Smith |
Hey Doug, if a 50 point grade school blow-out game is
your idea of a good game, I would hate to work some of your sh!t games! ![]()
9-11-01 http://www.fallenheroesfund.org/fallenheroes/index.php http://www.carydufour.com/marinemoms...llowribbon.jpg |
no, the 2nd game was the very good game. the first on (blowout) was good also, other than that call, it was great, the teams were just having a lot of fun, so yes, i would call it a good game, even though one team was up by 50, but imho it was good. sports are supposed to be fun, this was, so yes it was a good game
If you don't take opportunity as it comes, you are lost in the sauce! |
I wanted to give the shooter another throw, but I didn't know what the ruling was. It was after the shot was realesed, so it had no impact on the play.
If you don't take opportunity as it comes, you are lost in the sauce! |
I must be missing something; I don't see what horrible thing you did.
The ball was in flight, so the TO didn't affect the shot. Don't give them another. It was an "advertant/inadvertant" whistle. So TO, then when time is in, go to the AP. If the shot had scored, I would have counted it, and then charged a TO. When a coach asks for a TO at an inappropriate moment, they are still charged for it when you recognize it (and whistle). The coach is more at fault than you. |
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If all officials would burn that into their memories, there would be fewer mistakes on calling timeouts when they weren't allowable. What I mean is this - don't just react to a coach's request by immediately blowing your whistle. When you hear (and/or see) a coach request a timeout, first think of the situation and whether or not he can legally have one before blowing your whistle. I know you have to do this is an incredibly short period of time to do it correctly, but getting in the habit of thinking first will eventually lead to it becoming instinctive. Please don't confuse my point with the situation where a coach requests a timeout during a time when he normally can have one, but he is out of them. That's not what I'm addressing.
Yom HaShoah |
Doug; Let me see if I have this right. Player released the ball for the second free throw attempt? Coach requested the time out while the ball was in flight? At that point you blew your whistle and granted him/her the timeout? What happened to the shot? Was the shot GOOD or did the player miss the free throw attempt?
First of all, there is NO possesion on the shot if the ball is in the air so TO shouldn't have been granted for either team. When you blew the whistle the ball became dead at that point. Here is what I would have done, If the shot was good I would have granted or asked the coach if he/she still wanted the TO. If the shot wasn't good, I would have told the coach that it was my fault and the TO shouldn't have been acknowledged. I would ask the coach if he/she wanted a TO after the shot was replayed (unless offense rebounded a missed shot). Lined the players back up and re-shot the free throw.
It's NOTHING until YOU call it!! |
See 5.8.3(E).
"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all." |
"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all." |
IF the shot was good, give it to the defense with the ability to run the end-line. In either case, grant the TO, and apologize to the other coach. |
I stand corrected on the whistle causing the ball to become dead. What I was trying to get at was that when the whistle blew, the players probably weren't going to continue any action. So if the ball missed (which it did)who would get the ball? Therefore, that is why I would have re-shot the free throw and not granted the TO at that time. It could have been treated more as a inevertent whistle.
Sorry for the confusion.
It's NOTHING until YOU call it!! |
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