Originally Posted by lawump
I believe it has relevance here...The post was started about two blown calls in a professional baseball game. This article is about another (potentially) blown call in a professional baseball game.
I think if the topic of this thread is blown calls in a pro baseball game than this article has plenty of relevance.
Unless, of course, you don't think "pro" games umpired by amateurs are actually "pro" games, at least not as some have come to know and love pro baseball. So in hindsight maybe that article should not have been posted here.
Actually, the purpose of this thread was to point out that even so-called "professional" umpires can blow easy calls. I was not looking for examples of so-called "amateur" umpires blowing calls.
Where did you get the idea that this thread was for anything but MLB blown calls, when the name of the thread is 'Another kicked call by MLB Umpire'?
If you get paid to umpire baseball games, I believe you have lost your amateur standing, so to speak. You are by the very definition of the word, a "professional." Just because you umpire amateur teams, doesn't make you an amateur. Just like sitting in a garage all day doesn't make you a car.
So, unless these minor league games are being umpired by Little League District volunteer umpires (who are the only true "amateur" umpires), they are being umpired by "professionals," albeit not AMLU members, or even necessarily pro school trained.