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  #61 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 19, 2005, 08:59am
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1) I have the 2006 FED Rule Book and Case Book.

2) I have never worked, nor would I ever work, a one man game.

  #62 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 19, 2005, 09:26am
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What is my screen name or would you like me to make something up for you from now on?

Has reading always been a puzzle to you? I said that I would probably call it the way Carl suggested. How many baseball tests have you taken in your life. Even the most scrutinized have problems with the way questions are posed. Unless I am there and witness the play, I am not going to say that I would absolutely call it one way or the other. Obviously you feel that you can answer any question at any time. I've read some of your answers and use them as therapy when I'm sad.

Carl changed the discussion to suit his needs. I do not have a problem with 8.2.3, I have a problem enforcing a rule interp that only appeared in a newsletter a decade ago. I have not deviated from my conviction. Further I gave an example that allows the umpire to put the onus on the offensive coaches for controlling confusing situations. I also said when and where I would enforce the Verbal Obstruction penalty.

I answered Carl's points individually and did it in the same manner we witness time and again on this board. Someone will say that a caught flyball is always an out and then another will say, not if it is caught out of play; not if the batter stepped out of the box; not if the catcher obstructed the batter and not if the pitcher balked before delivering it in high school. There are very few absolutes in baseball and even fewer in umpiring.

You are just as guilty of this and I'm sorry if the flowery prose (try using an original line) confused you. I try to write as an adult and don't like to couch my feelings. I have rarely denied an opponent a verbal battle but this is silly. Carl asked for my answer and when it tripped him up he changed the questions. When I answered those and they didn't fit his formula, he abandoned the effort. TAC knew better than to jump in here, but you still don't know how deep the water is. At least TAC understands that my answers were correct or he would have quoted them and bashed away. Where are JJ, Sal, Bob Jenkins, HHH, Garth or Rich? Those baseball minds love a good discussion and know how to point out errors when they see them. I only see a pretender who likes to prove himself on the internet rather than someone who has been in the trenches proving himself where it counts. You don't know me well enough to use my old nom de net and you haven't proved your mettle here either.

I suggest a remedial reading program and then you should attend umpire school. Try one that understands that some games are umpired by one umpire out of necessity. I work with two partners for 90% of my season. Occassionally we have a fourth member of the crew and I may grab a two man game for a coach I really like. But, just sixty miles from the Golden Dome, single man games abound in the Third City. I wouldn't want to work those games, but I applaud those that do. Stop for a minute and think about all of the guys you offended by your comment. Rookies shouldn't work you always have a partner, rook? Maybe your assignor is telling you something.
  #63 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 19, 2005, 10:44am
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Originally posted by WhatWuzThatBlue

Where are JJ, Sal, Bob Jenkins, HHH, Garth or Rich? Those baseball minds love a good discussion and know how to point out errors when they see them. I only see a pretender who likes to prove himself on the internet rather than someone who has been in the trenches proving himself where it counts. You don't know me well enough to use my old nom de net and you haven't proved your mettle here either.
Garth is in Washington state where the head state FED clinican received an email from Hopkins last season specifically instructing that, with a runner on a base, if a fielder yells "back, back" and it impacts the play, obstruction shall be called per FED 2-22-1.

That's where Garth is.

He has stayed out of this mess not because he diagrees with Mr. Hopkins or the rule, but because he recognizes the futility in affecting the opinion of any of the parties involved.

Also, he's had an adverse reaction to some tetracycline for the past three days and one stomach ache is enough.
  #64 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 19, 2005, 11:00am
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Fair enough WWTB

1) Let's talk about your screen name and mine. You're the one who had come back to this board under a new assumed identity. I was the first one to figure out that it was the old WCB back under a new alias. This must have really bothered you that a low life like me, who by your account has limited reading skills, was able to ferret you out. I on the other hand, use one moniker on at least five umpiring boards. I'm not afraid of my convictions, and I have no need to hide behind multiple aliases. When I'm wrong, I have no problem with being corrected by someone with more knowledge than I have, as long as they do it in an informative polite manner. You my friend, are simply unable to help anyone out without insulting them with your underlying rude comments. The primary reasons I frequent these boards are to learn from others, and to enjoy a little camaradarie with other baseball officilials from around the country. You come here to lord your writing skills over anyone who has a view on a topic contrary to your own. You very seldom answer a question directly. You have a knack for skirting the heart of the question by trying to show everyone how smart you think you are. Let me give you one example of your condesending remarks. I made a post about the proper mechanic for the miss of homeplate. I kicked it badly, and I'm not afraid to admitt that I did. The first thing you said in your response to me was, "do you own a television?"
That comment was uncalled for. It would imply that I'm either too poor to afford a television, or that maybe my religous beliefs kept me from owning a television, or that I must be an ignorant hick who doesn't understand what a television is, or whatever. You could care less if I own a television, so why ask the question if it was not for the purpose of being a smart @$$?

2)I will stand by my comment about rookie umpires working solo. They shouldn't be on the diamond without an experienced partner to learn from. You should know why they need a partner if your the umpire you claim to be. They need to be trained by someone on the field. A few clinics on rules and field mechanics does not an umpire make. If they're out there alone, they're developing bad habits with no one to correct them, or help them handle sticky situations. If your association want's to throw them to the wolves, so be it. My association will not do it. If they can't come up with the $$$ for a two man, thay can get a "daddy" to work their J/V and Frosh games. If I offended anyone in making this statement I apologize. You may wan't to consider getting your association to have the jewels to put an end to this treatment, unless of course the schools are willing to pay enough, and you just don't want to split the money two ways.

  #65 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 19, 2005, 12:32pm
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One Man Games

To both Tims,

One-man games in large urban areas such as the one I live in are very commonplace. There are simply way too many games that need coverage to always provide two officials. While some leagues request only one umpire, many request two, but on occasion, we can only provide one. When I first began umpiring in 1986, about 90% of my first year games were solo jobs. My very first baseball (I had already worked basketball and softball) game was a LL Majors game that I worked alone.

Our association has a good training program, with classroom instruction and field clinics. However, when I started, it was already April, so I just jumped in after one meeting and started working. I convinced the assignor that I could handle it, and I did just fine.

Tee, what would you have done back in the days where the umpire wore a top hat and tails, and sat perched on a tall stool? One-man mechanics, buddy.

Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
  #66 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 19, 2005, 03:47pm
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. . . as stated above I have never, nor will I ever, work a one man game.

  #67 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 19, 2005, 06:06pm
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The other stuff is just blah, blah,'ll never get it. As Steve Martin said in Planes, Trains and Automobiles - "Here's a little suggestion, next time...have a point."


"1) Let's talk about your screen name and mine. You're the one who had come back to this board under a new assumed identity. I was the first one to figure out that it was the old WCB back under a new alias."

When you register to use this board, you have to choose a name. My old screen name was unavailable as it had been locked out. I had to choose another one in order to use this board. Have you ever been tested for Mensa? I believe you are showing a rare intelligence on this site.

Secondly, in my first few posts, I said that it was good to be back as I belong in the fray. The malicious contact and VO calls are ones I have debated on this board for a longer time than you have been around. Welcome to the party.

Lastly, don't pat yourself on the back. I pretty much gave it away with my writing style and direct approach to the issue. They are dead giveaways compared to your powerful command of our mother tongue. You'll recall that I even chastised Carl for taking so long to welcome me back. Celebrating the fact that you think you "outed" me is akin to buying that blow up doll you covet - hollow and I imagine, utterly unsatisfying. You'll probably disagree, but that is expected.
  #68 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 19, 2005, 06:06pm
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Re: and,

Originally posted by Tim C
. . . as stated above I have never, nor will I ever, work a one man game.

Tee, I recall that you've said you've worked 3000 plus games in your life. I work 125 games a year and my assignor fines and/or fires umpires who show up late or fail to show up for game. Yet, at least once a year, I end up working one game or part of a game by myself if for no other reason than my partner got stuck in traffic or was in an accident. I've had two games in the last three years where my partner got injured and I had to finish the game myself. So my question is: How have you been so lucky that for 3000 games you've never had a partner fail to show? Never show up late? Never get injured? That seems to be a remarkable run of good luck. This year I had a double header by myself when my partner failed to show. The assignor fired him, but I still got to work those games myself. Yuk, two plate games in 90 degree heat.
  #69 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 19, 2005, 06:13pm
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I can see it now, coaches that read that will start teaching their athletes to yell "Back" and then dive to the base. Unpires from norhern Indiana to southern California will award third base on a play that couldn't possibly witness.

The only saving grace is that some states are smart enough to use the clause on Page 1 of the rule book. Hopkins' alleged directive to that interpreter can be dismissed by any sensible association.

I'm now reminded why I despise umpiring High School baseball. The shallow minds that come up with these rules justify their very existence with gems like "tobacco like substance". Then even simpler minds enforce this for Big League Chew. The game deserves better than what that man has done. Thankfully, a few Baseball Committee members share my feelings and control associations.
  #70 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 19, 2005, 06:33pm
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We don't assign many solo games around here, but they happen more with the lower level. That is mostly rookie level baseball and the new guys get their share of bad things. It toughens them up and makes them better. When they do get to step up to better games, they are some of the best plate umpires we see. They know that they have to focus and then move. I worked a lot of solo games when I was coming up. It made me understand the game more and I didn't have to rely on someone else to learn ow to make a tough call.
"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake."
  #71 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 19, 2005, 06:40pm
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I've read the exchanges between Carl Childress and WhatWuzThatBlue and the ones between BigUmp56 and WhatWuzThatBlue and can't figure out why this is going on. If you don't agree with what he is thinking don't change the topic. Be fair about it and admit that he answered those questions and made you look silly. BigUmp56 made a comment about rookie umpires and still insists that he is right even though many of us know it to be wrong. Our association doesn't dictate how many umpires it will provide, we supply what they'll pay for. It has nothing to do with being a man. You should be ashamed of yourself for even suggesting that to all of us that umpire. Those comments belong on McGriffs. I can't believe that you wrote those things.
"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake."
  #72 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 19, 2005, 06:43pm
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"The other stuff is just blah, blah, blah...You'll never get it."

No, WWTB the other stuff you're reffering to is not just blah, blah, blah... It is a known fact that your arrogant condescending attitude is what got you banned the last time, and will eventually get you banned again. You define what an internet troll is. You wait to pounch on people with your negative rude comments, and then anxiously wait for them to reply so you can once again attempt to lord your superior self indulged intellect over them. You sit at a keyboard and fill yourself up with a sense of false bravado. You thrive on controversy, as if it was lifes blood to you.

Here are some thoughts on what an internet troll is. Lets just see how much of it applies to you.

An Internet "troll" is a person who delights in sowing discord on the Internet. He (and it is usually he) tries to start arguments and upset people.

Trolls see Internet communications services as convenient venues for their bizarre game. For some reason, they don't "get" that they are hurting real people. To them, other Internet users are not quite human but are a kind of digital abstraction. As a result, they feel no sorrow whatsoever for the pain they inflict. Indeed, the greater the suffering they cause, the greater their 'achievement' (as they see it). At the moment, the relative anonymity of the net allows trolls to flourish.

Trolls are utterly impervious to criticism (constructive or otherwise). You cannot negotiate with them; you cannot cause them to feel shame or compassion; you cannot reason with them. They cannot be made to feel remorse. For some reason, trolls do not feel they are bound by the rules of courtesy or social responsibility.

Is any of this hitting home yet? Lets talk about your need for affirmation.

Regular net users know how delightful it is when somebody responds to something they have written. It is a meeting of the minds, which is an intellectual thrill, but it is also an acknowledgement of one's value — and that can be a very satisfying emotional reward.

Trolls crave attention, and they care not whether it is positive or negative. They see the Internet as a mirror into which they can gaze in narcissistic rapture.

If you want a deeper analysis than that, perhaps a psychologist can shed some additional light on the matter.

There's no need for you to reply WWTB. I'm done with you for now. You should remember though that I've never insulted you personally like you've insulted me. You are one classless individual, and all troll to be sure.

  #73 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 19, 2005, 07:17pm
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I have worked over 3,700 games and have never started or ended a game working as a one man band.

If I arrived at my game and no 2nd umpire arrived I would follow the process of my association and call our assigner. I would inform him of the problem and ask how long it would be until a subs arrived. If there was no sub I would cancel the game.

If my partner was injured during the game I would ask if there was anyone present that could umpire the bases. If there was no one I would suspend the game at that point and let the league decide what to do.
  #74 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 19, 2005, 07:37pm
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I'm sorry if you took personnal offense to my comment. I would like to point out to you that I never said anything about a solo umpire not being a man. Please don't misrepresent my comments. I fully understand now that some of your associations may not have the man power to cover these games with all two man crews. I respect the fact that you need to work under the conditions agreed to by your association.

Just because I understand why you have to work games solo does not change the fact that I disagree with that policy. That's my perogative. Do you really feel that working games solo is a good thing? Accepted, maybe, but good? How do you expect your rookie umpires to learn the nuances of working the bases, if they're always behind the plate? Do you really think you're doing a service to the game by working solo?
What about working both ends of a run down? Balls out of play? Trouble catches deep in the outfield while trying to see the tag? Check swings? The list goes on, but I'm sure you get the point I'm making.

Again, my comment about pick up games was in response to WWTB claiming to have seen games where farm equipment needed to be moved to get onto the field. I still think that was his way of diverting the subject and throwing out a bunch of bull in a weak attempt to prove a point.

Please don't tell me my opinions belong on McGriffs just because they conflict with your own. I've said nothing rude or profane on the subject. My opinions are just as good as yours.


[Edited by BigUmp56 on Nov 19th, 2005 at 07:43 PM]
  #75 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 19, 2005, 07:47pm
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You know much about trolling yet very little about umpring. Most of the things you come up with are the result of search engine use. I base my opinions on twenty five years of calling the game at all but the highest level. I believe you mentioned that you just started umpiring High School baseball recently.

The reason I was banned was because I chose to cross a line. I purposely ignored a private directive from Brad and paid the penalty. You have been wrong about so many things it is laughable. I have conducted myself with integrity since my return. If you feel that my tone is condescending then you have an inferiority issue.

Instead of writing rebuttals so quickly, take the time to proof them. Then ask someone who actually understands the game to check your facts. Even others are noticing your hypocrisy and need for attention. I come here to debate, teach and learn. When you have a real question about the game, post it. Otherwise, you are looking like many of those McGriffs guys you claim aren't you.
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