I'm sorry if you took personnal offense to my comment. I would like to point out to you that I never said anything about a solo umpire not being a man. Please don't misrepresent my comments. I fully understand now that some of your associations may not have the man power to cover these games with all two man crews. I respect the fact that you need to work under the conditions agreed to by your association.
Just because I understand why you have to work games solo does not change the fact that I disagree with that policy. That's my perogative. Do you really feel that working games solo is a good thing? Accepted, maybe, but good? How do you expect your rookie umpires to learn the nuances of working the bases, if they're always behind the plate? Do you really think you're doing a service to the game by working solo?
What about working both ends of a run down? Balls out of play? Trouble catches deep in the outfield while trying to see the tag? Check swings? The list goes on, but I'm sure you get the point I'm making.
Again, my comment about pick up games was in response to WWTB claiming to have seen games where farm equipment needed to be moved to get onto the field. I still think that was his way of diverting the subject and throwing out a bunch of bull in a weak attempt to prove a point.
Please don't tell me my opinions belong on McGriffs just because they conflict with your own. I've said nothing rude or profane on the subject. My opinions are just as good as yours.
[Edited by BigUmp56 on Nov 19th, 2005 at 07:43 PM]