You know much about trolling yet very little about umpring. Most of the things you come up with are the result of search engine use. I base my opinions on twenty five years of calling the game at all but the highest level. I believe you mentioned that you just started umpiring High School baseball recently.
The reason I was banned was because I chose to cross a line. I purposely ignored a private directive from Brad and paid the penalty. You have been wrong about so many things it is laughable. I have conducted myself with integrity since my return. If you feel that my tone is condescending then you have an inferiority issue.
Instead of writing rebuttals so quickly, take the time to proof them. Then ask someone who actually understands the game to check your facts. Even others are noticing your hypocrisy and need for attention. I come here to debate, teach and learn. When you have a real question about the game, post it. Otherwise, you are looking like many of those McGriffs guys you claim aren't you.