What is my screen name or would you like me to make something up for you from now on?
Has reading always been a puzzle to you? I said that I would probably call it the way Carl suggested. How many baseball tests have you taken in your life. Even the most scrutinized have problems with the way questions are posed. Unless I am there and witness the play, I am not going to say that I would absolutely call it one way or the other. Obviously you feel that you can answer any question at any time. I've read some of your answers and use them as therapy when I'm sad.
Carl changed the discussion to suit his needs. I do not have a problem with 8.2.3, I have a problem enforcing a rule interp that only appeared in a newsletter a decade ago. I have not deviated from my conviction. Further I gave an example that allows the umpire to put the onus on the offensive coaches for controlling confusing situations. I also said when and where I would enforce the Verbal Obstruction penalty.
I answered Carl's points individually and did it in the same manner we witness time and again on this board. Someone will say that a caught flyball is always an out and then another will say, not if it is caught out of play; not if the batter stepped out of the box; not if the catcher obstructed the batter and not if the pitcher balked before delivering it in high school. There are very few absolutes in baseball and even fewer in umpiring.
You are just as guilty of this and I'm sorry if the flowery prose (try using an original line) confused you. I try to write as an adult and don't like to couch my feelings. I have rarely denied an opponent a verbal battle but this is silly. Carl asked for my answer and when it tripped him up he changed the questions. When I answered those and they didn't fit his formula, he abandoned the effort. TAC knew better than to jump in here, but you still don't know how deep the water is. At least TAC understands that my answers were correct or he would have quoted them and bashed away. Where are JJ, Sal, Bob Jenkins, HHH, Garth or Rich? Those baseball minds love a good discussion and know how to point out errors when they see them. I only see a pretender who likes to prove himself on the internet rather than someone who has been in the trenches proving himself where it counts. You don't know me well enough to use my old nom de net and you haven't proved your mettle here either.
I suggest a remedial reading program and then you should attend umpire school. Try one that understands that some games are umpired by one umpire out of necessity. I work with two partners for 90% of my season. Occassionally we have a fourth member of the crew and I may grab a two man game for a coach I really like. But, just sixty miles from the Golden Dome, single man games abound in the Third City. I wouldn't want to work those games, but I applaud those that do. Stop for a minute and think about all of the guys you offended by your comment. Rookies shouldn't work alone...do you always have a partner, rook? Maybe your assignor is telling you something.