I've read the exchanges between Carl Childress and WhatWuzThatBlue and the ones between BigUmp56 and WhatWuzThatBlue and can't figure out why this is going on. If you don't agree with what he is thinking don't change the topic. Be fair about it and admit that he answered those questions and made you look silly. BigUmp56 made a comment about rookie umpires and still insists that he is right even though many of us know it to be wrong. Our association doesn't dictate how many umpires it will provide, we supply what they'll pay for. It has nothing to do with being a man. You should be ashamed of yourself for even suggesting that to all of us that umpire. Those comments belong on McGriffs. I can't believe that you wrote those things.
"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake."