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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 19, 2014, 12:35pm
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Lancaster County, Pa.
Posts: 21
Obstruction/Interference- USSSA Fastpitch

This may have been covered. I should get on more often. Apologies if so.
Again, for my own peace of mind and once again written proof to show the arguing "group" I ask;

If the runner bumps into the fielder getting a grounder BEFORE the ball touches her glove (she's waiting on it) is that considered INTERFERENCE since she has NOT yet handled the ball? (The argument brought up to me was in MLB rules it can be in the umpires judgment on how close the ball is and how close the fielder is to getting the ball for an obstruction call). Then flip that same scenario. The other argument was it is INTERFERENCE on the fielder for getting in the runner's path (Which I object to). Essentially, the disagreement with our group is where the ball is. I was under the impression the fielder had to have the ball under the more recent USSSA rules before the call is made for interference.
The other argument was at home plate. Catcher waiting on a throw (already in flight) and is hit by a runner. Interference? What if at the same time that catcher is standing right in the middle of the base path blocking home while the ball is coming in. Which one takes precedence?

Where this especially becomes a major issue is when one umpire calls it one way and there is obvious disagreement in the way the other umpire would have called it and a coach asks for help. It can lead to breakdown in teamwork. If that happens once- that's too many.

You'all may cite examples and rule #'s. Thanks.
"Not asking for help doesn't mean your perfect-it means you quit trying to get better."
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 19, 2014, 12:51pm
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Originally Posted by sp279 View Post
If the runner bumps into the fielder getting a grounder BEFORE the ball touches her glove (she's waiting on it) is that considered INTERFERENCE since she has NOT yet handled the ball? (The argument brought up to me was in MLB rules it can be in the umpires judgment on how close the ball is and how close the fielder is to getting the ball for an obstruction call). Then flip that same scenario. The other argument was it is OBSTRUCTION on the fielder for getting in the runner's path (Which I object to). Essentially, the disagreement with our group is where the ball is. I was under the impression the fielder had to have the ball under the more recent USSSA rules before the call is made for interference.
If the fielder is the one who has the play and the runner's "bump" hinders or impedes that fielder's access to the ball, it is INT. Actual possession of the ball not needed if the runner hinders or impedes that fielder's access to the ball.

Fixed the red word in your question, but no it is not OBS if the fielder is the one who has the play.

We sometimes say "protected" in relation to the fielder who has the play as opposed to another fielder ITUJ having the play and the one "bumped" is just there.
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 19, 2014, 12:54pm
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Originally Posted by sp279 View Post
The other argument was at home plate. Catcher waiting on a throw (already in flight) and is hit by a runner. Interference? What if at the same time that catcher is standing right in the middle of the base path blocking home while the ball is coming in. Which one takes precedence?
This is on a thrown ball as opposed to batted ball in your Q1. If thrown ball, the fielder must have possession (not NCAA) or the fielder is OBSTRUCTING.

This need for possession might be the cause of confusion about a batted ball.
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 19, 2014, 01:19pm
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Lancaster County, Pa.
Posts: 21 Q1 then you are saying the ball MUST be in the catcher's glove? It doesn't matter if the ball is on its way or close? THAT is the main disagreement we have. Many here want us to make that "judgment call" that the catcher had a play on it and it is umpire discretion as to how close. Again, I cited MLB which DOES have that prerogative for U's. However I know several years ago there was a rulings change in this to deter home plate collisions (for HS).

So bottom line you're saying, being it a throw to home(not yet caught) and a bump by the runner it is NOT Interference; but a grounder to the 2ndB where she is hit by the runner IS Interference?

All good, thanks
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 19, 2014, 01:22pm
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The difference here is a batted ball and a thrown ball. There is a different rule regarding a batted ball as opposed to any other ball. On a batted ball, the fielder has the right to field the ball and the runner must avoid (the rule is more intricate than that, but this is the gist of the rule). On any other ball that is not already in the possession of the fielder, the runner has the right to his or her basepath and the fielder must avoid the runner. (NCAA excepted in one case).
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 19, 2014, 01:31pm
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The first thing you need to do is get your terminolgy correct.

INTERFERENCE is a violation by the offensive team (batter, runner, on deck batter, etc)

OBSTRUCTION is a violation by the defensive team (pitcher, first baseman, etc.)

USSSA rules treat OBSTRUCTION the same as ASA and HS, the fielder cannot hinder the runner if the fielder does not have possession of the ball.

If the catcher does not have the ball and bumps into a runner it is most likely OBSTRUCTION. It does not matter if a throw is on the way or not. The fielder either has the ball or she doesn't.

The definition of INTERFERENCE is a bit more broad. A fielder is protected if she is in the process of making a play. This includes an infielder waiting to field a ball that is hit toward her. If that fielder can potentially get the ball and make a play and is bumped by a runner, that is most likely INTERFERENCE.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 19, 2014, 02:55pm
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Originally Posted by sp279 View Post Q2 then you are saying the ball MUST be in the catcher's glove? It doesn't matter if the ball is on its way or close? THAT is the main disagreement we have. Many here want us to make that "judgment call" that the catcher had a play on it and it is umpire discretion as to how close. Again, I cited MLB which DOES have that prerogative for U's. However I know several years ago there was a rulings change in this to deter home plate collisions (for HS).

So bottom line you're saying, being it a throw to home(not yet caught) and a bump by the runner it is NOT Interference; but a grounder to the 2ndB where she is hit by the runner IS Interference?

All good, thanks
Ignore this, except NCAA
"Many here want us to make that "judgment call" that the catcher had a play on it and it is umpire discretion as to how close. ";

especially ignore MLB or any other "B"
"Again, I cited MLB which DOES have that prerogative for U's".

Andy clearly posted what I was trying to say in more organized form.
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 19, 2014, 03:01pm
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Lancaster County, Pa.
Posts: 21

Thank you Andy...that's pretty much essentially what Longhorn said. I get it.

Thank you Cecil for correcting the mistaken use of INTERFERENCE instead of OBSTRUCTION, subtly.

I am quite confident of my terminologies. I apologize for the grammatical error. I was not under the impression there were site umpires a well. My apologies; Does that count as an out or just a ball?
"Not asking for help doesn't mean your perfect-it means you quit trying to get better."
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