Obstruction/Interference- USSSA Fastpitch
This may have been covered. I should get on more often. Apologies if so.
Again, for my own peace of mind and once again written proof to show the arguing "group" I ask;
If the runner bumps into the fielder getting a grounder BEFORE the ball touches her glove (she's waiting on it) is that considered INTERFERENCE since she has NOT yet handled the ball? (The argument brought up to me was in MLB rules it can be in the umpires judgment on how close the ball is and how close the fielder is to getting the ball for an obstruction call). Then flip that same scenario. The other argument was it is INTERFERENCE on the fielder for getting in the runner's path (Which I object to). Essentially, the disagreement with our group is where the ball is. I was under the impression the fielder had to have the ball under the more recent USSSA rules before the call is made for interference.
The other argument was at home plate. Catcher waiting on a throw (already in flight) and is hit by a runner. Interference? What if at the same time that catcher is standing right in the middle of the base path blocking home while the ball is coming in. Which one takes precedence?
Where this especially becomes a major issue is when one umpire calls it one way and there is obvious disagreement in the way the other umpire would have called it and a coach asks for help. It can lead to breakdown in teamwork. If that happens once- that's too many.
You'all may cite examples and rule #'s. Thanks.
"Not asking for help doesn't mean your perfect-it means you quit trying to get better."