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Old Thu Jun 19, 2014, 01:19pm
sp279 sp279 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Lancaster County, Pa.
Posts: 21 Q1 then you are saying the ball MUST be in the catcher's glove? It doesn't matter if the ball is on its way or close? THAT is the main disagreement we have. Many here want us to make that "judgment call" that the catcher had a play on it and it is umpire discretion as to how close. Again, I cited MLB which DOES have that prerogative for U's. However I know several years ago there was a rulings change in this to deter home plate collisions (for HS).

So bottom line you're saying, being it a throw to home(not yet caught) and a bump by the runner it is NOT Interference; but a grounder to the 2ndB where she is hit by the runner IS Interference?

All good, thanks
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