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  #91 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 21, 2008, 04:32pm
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After all, the point of rules like assisting and passing other runners is to prevent any extra advantage in advancing to other bases. If the base is already awarded, especially with a dead ball, what sense does it make to have a rule about advantage?
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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  #92 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 21, 2008, 08:07pm
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Originally Posted by Dakota
Joking about such things is common among just about any umpire group at any tournament. I never even considered any of it to be serious talk, just good natured ribbing of the poor slob who had the 4 tie-breaker 20 minute innings in a 10U game!

Unless, of course, you're talking about time-shaving in Seattle!
Exactly, I'll be the first umpire to give another umpire crap for "letting a game" go to tie breaker (or anything delaying).

It doesnt mean i would ever make a call to prevent a game from going to tie breaker.

Of course, if I was in seattle, I wouldnt mind shaving off a few minutes to prevent it.. since its so common the coaches expect it and dont even ask about time .
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  #93 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jul 22, 2008, 01:05am
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Originally Posted by snorman75
I go into that game with a HUGE strike zone. Wont change it, but will start huge. To qualify that, I have always have had a tight up, down and out zone. So my huge zone is others just a little bigger then normal.
Why do you feel a need to be such a big part of the game? The strike zone is the strike zone in a 10U game and in a NCAA game. It doesn't change or move just because of the talent level. Just like most of us don't make calls based on a game situation, but rather on what actually occurred.

I have noticed that you still haven't answered SRW who asked you the question that I believe we are all wondering; just why do you umpire anyway?!

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.
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  #94 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 23, 2008, 09:08am
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Originally Posted by Skahtboi
Why do you feel a need to be such a big part of the game? The strike zone is the strike zone in a 10U game and in a NCAA game. It doesn't change or move just because of the talent level. Just like most of us don't make calls based on a game situation, but rather on what actually occurred.

I have noticed that you still haven't answered SRW who asked you the question that I believe we are all wondering; just why do you umpire anyway?!

Strike zone does not change. I have never known any umpire that follows that.

As for the question well maybe I missed it, but I thought SRW was being more rhetorical. You are just being more confrontational. Which is interesting in its own light. No need to ask again, you see know I still did not answer the question. Maybe if you tell me I will tell you. But it is a good question, you can tell my mind is chewing on it. (and as you can see below I guess I did answer)

I mean is it for the enjoyment, yes. The Kids, for sure. The rules, well none of us would be here if we did not like to order of the rules. The power of doing it, do not lie to yourself there is power. The social good, doing it for the community, a job few others will or can do.

My order would have to be Kids, enjoyment, rules, social good(community), and then the ugly truth in the corner power.

Now I have been open with you, what is your order? I would guess rules will be above mine, hence our differences. I see you are a NCAA ump (Skahtboi), to be one I would think rules would need to be 1 or 2.

You know we all learn the first day officiating your ONLY friend at the game is your partner. We have a lot of people reading but few stepping out and posting.

Last edited by snorman75; Wed Jul 23, 2008 at 09:10am.
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  #95 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 23, 2008, 09:22am
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Originally Posted by snorman75
You know we all learn the first day officiating your ONLY friend at the game is your partner. We have a lot of people reading but few stepping out and posting.
I stopped posting after I saw the correct answer posted. After that, there was no debate for me.

I haven't decided if I should call it from the dugout or the outfield. Apparently, both have really great views!

Screw green, it ain't easy being blue!

I won't be coming here that much anymore. I might check in now and again.
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  #96 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 23, 2008, 11:11am
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Originally Posted by snorman75
Strike zone does not change. I have never known any umpire that follows that.

As for the question well maybe I missed it, but I thought SRW was being more rhetorical. You are just being more confrontational. Which is interesting in its own light. No need to ask again, you see know I still did not answer the question. Maybe if you tell me I will tell you. But it is a good question, you can tell my mind is chewing on it. (and as you can see below I guess I did answer)

I mean is it for the enjoyment, yes. The Kids, for sure. The rules, well none of us would be here if we did not like to order of the rules. The power of doing it, do not lie to yourself there is power. The social good, doing it for the community, a job few others will or can do.

My order would have to be Kids, enjoyment, rules, social good(community), and then the ugly truth in the corner power.

Now I have been open with you, what is your order? I would guess rules will be above mine, hence our differences. I see you are a NCAA ump (Skahtboi), to be one I would think rules would need to be 1 or 2.

You know we all learn the first day officiating your ONLY friend at the game is your partner. We have a lot of people reading but few stepping out and posting.
My post may have been a little confrontational. This would be because I feel integrity is a very key trait of an umpire. Not just as far as having respect for the game is concerned, but as far as the entire profession of umpiring is concerned. I am aware, that when I am out there, I am being entrusted with a responsibility to try and get each and every call right. I am looked at by the participants as the one guy who should know the rules, and have the veracity to be fair in all applications of the rules and in the dispensing of my duties on the field. My actions reflect upon all umpires. If I begin to make out calls when a player is clearly safe, as you stated that you do, then I have impunged the profession. (Something I would never conciously dream of doing.) This is what I took exception to in your comments, the fact that you do not fulfill your responsibility correctly.

As to my motivation for umpiring, because I enjoy it, plain and simple. I like the symmetry of the game and the mechanics we use. I like getting out and running around after a tough week of work, and getting some fresh air in my lungs and feeling the sun on my skin. I like the camraderie with fellow umpires. I like the challenge of making the calls and applying the rules. I enjoy the game and its participants (by and large). I just really have fun umpiring.

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.
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  #97 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 23, 2008, 11:55am
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Posts: 131
Originally Posted by Skahtboi
As to my motivation for umpiring, because I enjoy it, plain and simple. I like the symmetry of the game and the mechanics we use. I like getting out and running around after a tough week of work, and getting some fresh air in my lungs and feeling the sun on my skin. I like the camraderie with fellow umpires. I like the challenge of making the calls and applying the rules. I enjoy the game and its participants (by and large). I just really have fun umpiring.
Well put my boy.
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  #98 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 23, 2008, 12:06pm
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Originally Posted by snorman75
...My order would have to be Kids, enjoyment, rules, social good(community), and then the ugly truth in the corner power...
My disagreement with you is not so much order, but definition. Apparently, you believe you are doing the kids a favor when you make incorrect calls to spare their self-esteem (or something). I strongly disagree from two points of view.

1) These kids are playing a competitive sport. It is insulting to the players and a disservice to the game to take upon yourself the role of final arbiter of protecting the player's self-esteem (caused by such things as being badly outscored or having an inadequate pitcher).

2) That is not your job as the umpire, and you do a disservice to all umpires when you make such intentionally wrong calls.

Doing our best to correctly apply the rules to the game being played by the players (as they are playing it) is our job. It is not our job to make our own unilateral adjustments to the rules out of some misguided attempt to protect the players feelings. That doesn't mean we are authoritarian ogres. But we are as impartial and as correct as we know how to be in applying the rules to the game.
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  #99 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 23, 2008, 01:28pm
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Originally Posted by snorman75
Well put my boy.
Motion seconded and carried.

I haven't decided if I should call it from the dugout or the outfield. Apparently, both have really great views!

Screw green, it ain't easy being blue!

I won't be coming here that much anymore. I might check in now and again.
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