Forum: Basketball
Thu Jan 18, 2001, 02:32pm
Replies: 18
Views: 5,574
If I remember right, a few years ago this sisue was addressed in one of the casebook plays. the ruling was that yelling (screaming) is not a normal defensive/or offensive technique when it obviously...
Forum: Basketball
Fri Dec 29, 2000, 04:51pm
Replies: 5
Views: 1,310
lets define airborne shooter. Isn't an airborn...
lets define airborne shooter. Isn't an airborn shooter a player who has RELEASED the ball and not yet returned to the floor? In this situation, if A was fouled prior to gaining control of the ball...
Forum: Basketball
Thu Dec 28, 2000, 02:29pm
Replies: 3
Views: 1,252
Situation: completed the 1st half, go to the...
Situation: completed the 1st half, go to the table, switch the arrow, check with books, they say all OK, go to dressing room. Back on floor 3 min before end of halftime. Buzzer sounds and they wave...
Forum: Basketball
Tue Dec 26, 2000, 04:31pm
Replies: 15
Views: 1,942
re confusion
Sorry, two different points, I agree with you in that 5 seconds should be 5 seconds, Micks point is that this ins't brain surgery, just a game! Not to imply that you should not be professional...
Forum: Basketball
Tue Dec 26, 2000, 02:31pm
Replies: 15
Views: 1,942
Time-Out or not
I agree (and disagree with Mick and Rut) The count is 5 seconds, not 8 not 10 etc. You are not doing either team a service by slowing the count. A couple of violations would have cured that quickly...
Forum: Basketball
Thu Dec 21, 2000, 05:47pm
Replies: 3
Views: 2,313
I currently am using Arbiter for my Varsity officials but I find it somewhat limitimg. It does not do travel using a "zone" concept and I think the yearly renewal fee is too high as they charge per...
Forum: Basketball
Wed Dec 13, 2000, 08:27pm
Replies: 17
Views: 2,561
Ron, I don't know af any ruling from WIAA about cheerleaders on the endline. somethimes thast is the best place for them depending on the gym. could by that SOWB has made that ruling in your...
Forum: Basketball
Fri Dec 01, 2000, 03:54pm
Replies: 4
Views: 1,467
Forum: Basketball
Fri Dec 01, 2000, 03:46pm
Replies: 11
Views: 1,720
Forum: Basketball
Wed Nov 29, 2000, 02:05am
Replies: 5
Views: 1,933
contact your State HS organization. They...
contact your State HS organization. They can or should be able to put you in contact with a BB organization in your area. I know that IAABO is acitve on the east coast and I feel that they...
Forum: Basketball
Wed Nov 29, 2000, 02:03am
Replies: 38
Views: 3,490
Forum: Basketball
Wed Nov 29, 2000, 01:58am
Replies: 31
Views: 3,959
Forum: Basketball
Wed Nov 29, 2000, 01:38am
Replies: 37
Views: 4,713
Forum: Basketball
Wed Nov 08, 2000, 02:34pm
Replies: 11
Views: 1,610
certain games
I guess that I don't understand the process in NYC.. How do you get games (both rec and HS) if you do not go through an assignor??
Forum: Basketball
Tue Nov 07, 2000, 03:30pm
Replies: 14
Views: 1,704
I agree that you have to choose the camp based on where you want to go.. If you want to move out of HS into the next level, you have to attend the camp that has the observers from that level. They...
Forum: Basketball
Tue Nov 07, 2000, 03:20pm
Replies: 11
Views: 1,610
select games
with 11 years experience you should grasp the opportunity to teach other officials, probably at the level you don't want to do anymore. Those lower levels pay game fees and deserve to have officials...
Forum: Basketball
Tue Nov 07, 2000, 03:15pm
Replies: 8
Views: 2,238
bag items
A good list but agree that the bathrobe can go. Shoes?
I carry two pair and change shoes, socks and t-shirt/shirt at half time. Also a plastic bag for shoes keeps the polish off everything.
Forum: Basketball
Fri Nov 03, 2000, 12:54pm
Replies: 23
Views: 3,390
Intentional/player control
An airborne shooter is considered to be in the act of shooting until the player returns to the floor. If they foul while in the status of an airborne shooter that would cause the ball to become dead...
Forum: Basketball
Thu Nov 02, 2000, 03:20pm
Replies: 9
Views: 2,135
Crabber.. Looks like this guy has created a real situation. I cannot believe he did not step down.. There are several issues, the least of which is his integrity.. Other issues that impact the...
Forum: Basketball
Thu Nov 02, 2000, 02:21pm
Replies: 16
Views: 3,151
Time Out
I agree with Rut.... If you don't give the 30 second signal, it obviously is a full!! Why complicate the job with more signals?
Forum: Basketball
Thu Nov 02, 2000, 02:18pm
Replies: 10
Views: 1,536
game schedule
In our area (Tacoma Wa) Girls and Boys all play on the same nights with Tue/Friday being the heaviest load. Some leagues will alternate by playing games on Wed Sat and Tue thu. Boys and Girls...
Forum: Basketball
Thu Nov 02, 2000, 01:57pm
Replies: 23
Views: 3,390
Player control
Asked our State clinician about this scenario.. He said that NF case book had this same play in the book 2-3-4 years ago and he remembered the ruling as 1. Count the basket 2. Administer the...
Forum: Basketball
Wed Nov 01, 2000, 04:45pm
Replies: 9
Views: 2,135
I currently am assigning and officiating. Have been assigning for 15 years and have seen and heard the pros and cons from both sides. I see no conflict as long as the assignments are subject to...
Forum: Basketball
Wed Nov 01, 2000, 04:01pm
Replies: 23
Views: 3,390
count the basket?
There is a couple of prior statements that are not kosher. A personal foul is NOT a common foul rather a common foul IS a personal foul. I have always been given the interpretation that you NEVER...
Forum: Basketball
Wed Nov 01, 2000, 03:53pm
Replies: 24
Views: 2,755
10 second
When does the 10 second count start during the in-bounds? When the ball is touched or in player possession. I think that I would use that same senario in the ball being batted into back court and...