Forum: Basketball
Mon Feb 07, 2011, 10:34pm
Replies: 15
Views: 2,018
Forum: Basketball
Fri Feb 04, 2011, 12:44pm
Replies: 15
Views: 2,018
Justacoach, many good shot-blockers wait a...
Justacoach, many good shot-blockers wait a split-second after the ball is released before they attempt their swat in order to avoid body contact and to ensure the shot has truly gone up. The shooter...
Forum: Basketball
Thu Feb 03, 2011, 08:30pm
Replies: 26
Views: 2,617
Forum: Basketball
Thu Feb 03, 2011, 08:22pm
Replies: 15
Views: 2,018
Ball hangs on rim
VB 3 whistle game after our GV game. Time permitting, I try to watch a quarter or two of the next game mainly to observe the crew. In the first qtr a layup is shot and hangs on the front of the rim...
Forum: Basketball
Thu Feb 03, 2011, 04:11pm
Replies: 29
Views: 3,047
Forum: Basketball
Thu Feb 03, 2011, 09:06am
Replies: 29
Views: 3,047
Update to OP: The offending coach/player may...
Update to OP: The offending coach/player may have his fine reduced to $100 by taking a sportsmanship "course" online. Interesting note is the rule is working. But while coaches/players are better...
Forum: Basketball
Wed Feb 02, 2011, 04:53pm
Replies: 16
Views: 2,447
Coach's "rights"
What are the coach's "rights" after he calls a time out, in regard to getting out on the court? VG three whistle game last night had the V coach call a 30 sec. TO and attempt to walk to near center...
Forum: Basketball
Tue Feb 01, 2011, 05:58pm
Replies: 29
Views: 3,047
HS Coaches/Players fined for ejection
A few years ago our state HS assn implemented a personal fine for ejection from a HS game. $300 for first offense, $500 for second, if there's a third offense...don't come back. As stated, its a...
Forum: Basketball
Sun Jan 30, 2011, 02:33pm
Replies: 4
Views: 1,376
Bama/LSU technical foul rescinded
I was at the Bama/LSU game last night when a personal foul was called on LSU for a hack on Bama's big man, JayMichael Green. Immediately the calling official also signaled a T on Green, which would...
Forum: Basketball
Sun Jan 30, 2011, 08:58am
Replies: 47
Views: 4,110
Forum: Basketball
Sun Jan 30, 2011, 08:55am
Replies: 40
Views: 4,265
Forum: Basketball
Sun Jan 30, 2011, 08:40am
Replies: 2
Views: 970
eye raked and hoodwinked
GV three whistle game. Very intense action when a frontcourt defender gets "eye raked" and goes to the floor. The contact was undetectable, though the reaction certainly was not, and no foul was...
Forum: Basketball
Wed Jan 26, 2011, 09:08am
Replies: 12
Views: 1,425
Forum: Basketball
Tue Jan 25, 2011, 10:32pm
Replies: 2
Views: 951
Forum: Basketball
Fri Jan 21, 2011, 04:22pm
Replies: 9
Views: 1,497
lost the shooter
BV (3-man) game with lots of fouls, lots of activity after whistles, lots of opportunity to lose concentration (which I did). The bonus sneaked up on us and we almost lost the shooter after the 7th...
Forum: Basketball
Fri Jan 21, 2011, 03:30pm
Replies: 20
Views: 2,514
I call in the southern US and during a middle...
I call in the southern US and during a middle school game the Home coach started yelling at "Tom," who never answered. During a break he asked why I wouldn't give him a "tom ayouuuut." Sheesh. I...
Forum: Basketball
Thu Jan 13, 2011, 09:49pm
Replies: 8
Views: 1,526
Opposing players stay backcourt
GV tonight. Team A has a hot-shot who has made everything she looked at for three quarters. For the fourth quarter, Team B puts a defender in her shorts full court and is shutting her down. You...
Forum: Basketball
Mon Jan 10, 2011, 11:09am
Replies: 18
Views: 2,609
clockgirl gets clocked
Boys Fr game with under a minute to play in a well-contested game. Team A bringing ball from bc to fc. A1 passes ball up sideline tableside toward A2 when B1 gets a fingertip on it just enough to...
Forum: Basketball
Sun Jan 09, 2011, 08:50am
Replies: 27
Views: 3,626
Forum: Basketball
Fri Jan 07, 2011, 10:34am
Replies: 30
Views: 3,453
flashing on the endline
Had a GV game last night where the visiting coach complained about a photographer using flash photography under his goal. He was stationed against the wall behind the visitor's basket. I couldn't...
Forum: Basketball
Fri Dec 31, 2010, 05:15pm
Replies: 17
Views: 2,359
Forum: Basketball
Wed Dec 29, 2010, 07:13pm
Replies: 3
Views: 1,056
10 sec count
If a dribbler bringing the ball up the floor is not considered to have frontcourt status until both feet and the ball are across the centerline, is it a violation if a) only one foot is in the...
Forum: Basketball
Tue Dec 28, 2010, 08:58pm
Replies: 13
Views: 1,448
In response to Question 2, and assuming HC of...
In response to Question 2, and assuming HC of Team A opts for the IW, Team A is getting out of the trap (thereby punishing Team B for good defense) at no cost to them. Who is to say HC didn't put...
Forum: Basketball
Tue Dec 28, 2010, 08:30pm
Replies: 6
Views: 1,217
Water cooler time out request
BV Christmas tournament game with two teams from outside our area. Not familiar with players or coaches of either team. I'm at Lead in frontcourt when A1 gets trapped by B2 and B3 in my primary. ...
Forum: Basketball
Mon Dec 27, 2010, 06:28pm
Replies: 48
Views: 5,016