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If you're out there that long you should start with a waterproof hat. I know that they might not look that good but who cares on a day like that. Head or neck warmer to keep the water from running down your neck. Then have something waterproof on your upper body. A good, still original color striped coat or some waterproof jacket under your long sleeve striped shirt. Then have some kind of warming undergarment on your legs. Waterproof or not just something to keep some heat in your legs so that you don't pull a hamstring. Extra socks. One old guy around here even puts plastic bags between layers of socks to keep his feet dry. Waterproof gloves. Mine look like they are made from the same material a wet suit might be made from.
Better yet, have someone claim they saw lightning in the area and call the games until a better day. ![]() |
Good ideas. Building a domed stadium might be the best idea. Our town is only 50K but we have a dome. I came out of a college game Saturday and it was a minor blizzard outside. Gotta love domes.
Domes rule !! I loved working play-off games in CNY when
they were in the Carrier Dome. Nothing beats working in short sleeves and regular gear and not even getting your shoes dirty !! BUT I have worked in some of the most horrible conditions. Games where there were more people on the field than in the seats !! Rule #1 then is--- keep warm !!! Thermal underwear, good warm gloves, earflap hat or other ear covering. Turtleneck sweaters----- hell------- just about everything you can find !! Funny item about working down here-- I thought for sure that all games we'd wear shorts. NOT ! SW FL wears shorts for sub-varsity; but the excuse for not wearing them in varsity contests is that it does not "look professional" ??!! So sub-varsity doesn't deserve "professional" looking officials ??? Lame excuse guys !!! We wore shorts back in CNY when we could- which was maybe once or twice a season !! Heck-- we were lucky to be able to wear short sleeve shirts about the same ! End of rant.
Keep everything in front of you and have fun out there !! |
You can use a Balaclava-- keeps your ears, neck, and head warm and does not look bad--
The poly pro works great under--- Gortex has socks at 40 something a pair (they are expensive but they keep feet dry---) you'd have to wear a light pair under them and your striped ones over the top but your feet would not get wet and would stay warmer I normally wear the windproof jacket (pullover baseball type jacket) under my shirt if needed--- |
Man, that's a lot of socks. Your shoes might be two sizes bigger by the end of the game.
I tend to be warm all the time, so I don't load up on under garments. I do wear two underarmour shirts along with another cotton long sleeve mock turtleneck if it's really cold. Long underwear pants if its super cold (below 30 with wind and precipitation). Wore plastic bags in the shoes once - my feet ended up just as soaked from the sweat. I dread heat. I'm dying when its 80. I never wear an undershirt - just a mesh short sleeve - and I'm still roasting. I can't imagine working a game in The Swamp with 110 on the field and 100% humidity. Yikes. |
As a player and now a ref I always hated wearing anything on my hands as a receiver. Gloves just drive me crazy, I have a thing for being able to get the feel of the ball. This year I went out and bought a hand warmer that wraps around the waist. I wear it so the pouch is in the back and also has a compartment for those little hand warmers. This would be similar to what QBs and Wrs wear.
I have seen Mike Carey the NFL white hat wear this as well. As a WH myself I like so when I give signals people can see both my hands and fingers clearly. We start playoffs tonight and kickoff temp is going to be high 20's. So we will get a real true test tonight. Also the insulated or thermal striped shirts that many of the officials uniform companies carry are a good investment. |
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