Originally Posted by crosscountry55
It's not very often that you have a wall clock that does not display 1/10ths of a second but a box at the table that does. If this happens, it may be because the 1/10ths of a second function is not enabled on the box.
Moral of the story: Apply 2-4-1 before the game and "inspect and approve all equipment....". If you notice the clock is not displaying 1/10ths of a second as the pre-game clock is winding down, check with the timer to see if said function is disabled.
Had that occur on Wednesday. While watching the warmup period count down the final minute was in full seconds without a display of tenths. When I inquired about it, the coach let us know that he selected "yes" for the tenths in the program and even reset the box and did it again, but it still wouldn't show.
We told both coaches before the game about this and that any corrections would be made in full seconds, the period would end on the horn not zero on the clock, plus the .3 rule would not apply.
What happened? Shooting fouls occurred at the end of both the second and third periods with 0:00 on the clock, but no horn. The timer confirmed there were tenths left on the console in both cases, so we lined players up on the lane for the FTs. The times were 0.7 and 0.4 in the two cases.