Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Over the years (forty to be exact), there have been a few (very few, 0.000,000,000,001% of them maybe even less) Casebook (NFHS and NCAA Men's/Women's) and Approved Rulings (NCAA Men's/Women's) which I did not completely agree with BUT the 'blarge' Casebook (NFHS) and Approved Ruling (NCAA Men's) is absolutely and completely wrong. It canNOT ever be defended by rule. Either the defender has obtained (NFHS)/established (NCAA Men's/Women's and FIBA) a LGP or he has not.
Everybody knows how abominable I think AP is. BUT, how the NFHS and NCAA Men's handles a 'blarge' is infinitely more abominable. We, as officials, take ball watchers and officials who poach calls outside their PCAs to the woodshed, and yet you are taking me to the woodshed for pregaming a prevention to a bad situation. It should be noted that if I were evalutating officials a NFHA or NCAA Men's game in which a 'blarge" occurs and they handle it per the Casebook/Approved Ruling I would not downgrade them because they handled correctly by rule, but I would advise them on how to pregame 'barges' out of existence as well as to why ball watching and poaching calls out of one's PCA can create cluster **** like "blarges'.
'Blarges' happen because, 99.999,999,999,999% of the time, the second whistle is by an official who is not officiating his PCA and 99.999,999,999,999% of the time his call is not correct because he is officiating out of his PCA and he does not get a good look at the play.
Do you really think that just because you don't like or agree with a very plainly written
RULE, we should all forget about that
RULE and do what you think you should be done? Do you have any idea just how ridiculous that concept is?
Mark, I could give a damn less what
YOU disagree with. Your
OPINION is absolutely meaningless. And it's not only meaningless, it's absurd because it goes directly against plainly written rules. I saw several blarges last year in D1 games and I've already seen a couple of them this year in D1 games also. And between D1 big dawgs too. Yes,blarges shouldn't happen. But unfortunately they do happen sometimes. And they can happen to all of us too. And when they do, we have
RULES on how we're supposed to handle them. And if we don't handle them by those
RULES but make up our very own rules like you advocate, then we'll all be joining you doing girls eighth grade games in rural Ohio.
You stated above that a
RULE can't be defended by rule. Do you know how truly idiotic in nature that statement really is?