As some of you might know, in addition to refereeing I also am a Boys JV/Assistant Varsity Coach (make all your a$$istant coach jokes here) and if I'm reading what MTD Sr. has written correctly I would have a huge problem with what he suggests. If I'm the coach who's player ends up getting penalized after the two referees "get together" after a blarge, which I'm assuming we are all considering two opposing preliminary signals (1 PC or TC and 1 Block), I'm going to be a bit peeved. Furthermore, if I'm coaching in a Varsity contest and this happens I'm telling my HC what the casebook play calls for and if the game officials decide to make up their own ruling, then we would be playing the remainder of the game under protest (our league rules allow for protests). I have a feeling that the protest hearing would not go well for the officials who decided to set aside a ruling, especially if they set it aside knowingly.
Just my $.02