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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 12, 2007, 12:25pm
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Originally Posted by Turk182
Ok, maybe the official was trying not to give the coach a "T". Maybe it's the way the coach told the official " you can't make me sit down". "Ok coach, that's enough, you need to sit down" (this should be a warning to the coach), coach: With his chest stuck out, and pointing his finger at the official, and screaming at the top of his lungs..." You can't make me sit down". I think that warrants a "T" and if he doesn't sit then, I give him another and wave good bye.
why does that warrant the T -- the coach was baited -- you asked him to do something you have no right to and when he didnt comply you gave him a T because, once again, you asked him to do something out of your juridiction.

if you need a coach to relax say something like

"Coach shut the @#$@#$ up" or "Coach I cannot have you act like that after a call you disagree with, however I will address any of your questions should you ask them in a respectful manner."

there you gave your warning and you even offered a solution. Much better than "Coach Sit down." unless he's hairy, runs on all fours and has a tail -- that will only lead to more problems.
in OS I trust
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 12, 2007, 12:27pm
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Ok, maybe the official was trying not to give the coach a "T". Maybe it's the way the coach told the official " you can't make me sit down". "Ok coach, that's enough, you need to sit down" (this should be a warning to the coach), coach: With his chest stuck out, and pointing his finger at the official, and screaming at the top of his lungs..." You can't make me sit down". I think that warrants a "T" and if he doesn't sit then, I give him another and wave good bye.Turk182
I see no problem with your example, although if he hasn't been issue a T before that incident, why is he asking the coach to sit down. yes tell him "coach enough", "Coach you've said more than I want to hear", " Coach you are treading thin waters" many different coments. even the famous "hand". I just wouldn't have told him to sit down, we all know once a Bench T has been issue, you loose the coaching previlages of standing, if no prior T was issue I would not tell a coach to sit down.. IMO
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 12, 2007, 12:29pm
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DEECEE, you took the words right out of my mouth. as you can see you described it much better than I have.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 12, 2007, 01:05pm
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Originally Posted by deecee
julie why is is silly for the coach to argue like that and not silly for the official to make such a request. This thread actually touches me in places Michael Jackson would love to have explored 20 years ago but I received a T for the exact same reason. I think sometimes we get on coaches here just because we are supposed to but the answer to the question that was posed is that from what information we are given the T was not warranted.
I'm just saying that from the coach's point of view, pragmatically, it seems wise to me to just skip this battle. With a ref that's on the verge, why put him over the edge?
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 12, 2007, 01:24pm
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Originally Posted by Rich Fronheiser
Nonsense. A coach has every right to stand in a coaching box.

With that quote in mind, here is a situation that happened to my wife two weeks ago. (varsity girls coach - single A school in Va.) This is her side of the story.

After a called foul, she beckons one of her players over to the bench to talk to her. While she is talking she hears the calling official say "Coach, Coach" and thinking she is out of her box, does a little backward jump, realizes she is indeed already in her box, and goes on talking with her player. Again she hears "Coach, Coach", looks at the official and he is waving her back because she is in his line of site with the table while he is trying to report the foul. She says to him "Aren't you supposed to come out to the middle of the floor to do that?"

Tweet! Technical Foul on red coach. - She sits down.

Even though Her team won the game she is not a happy camper when she gets home and starts asking me what she can do about it. I've been in this situation before and know I have to be careful to stay on solid ground. After all she is my wife and controls a lot of things that happen and don't happen around the homefront. I told her there was not much she could do about it as the ref probably thought she was showing him up.

My next question was "have you got that on tape?" Two days later I am watching the tape and starting to believe she was telling the gospel truth. The only thing I can't get from the tape is the tone she used to communicate her question.

Took her three days to get over it.

BRAGGING HERE: She finished up undefeated in her district and gets an automatic bid to regionals with a team that didn't win a single game last year before she took them over.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 12, 2007, 01:25pm
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response to rain --

in theory yes, and that would be the nice, easy thing for the coach to do. But the official is way out of line IMO.

My T I received in this instance

about 4 minutes in the second quarter -- I ask the ref "What was different about the contact on that side of the floor than what just happend here?" (it was the same block/charge that both went against my team.) I asked the question calmly and respectfully. His response "coach I have heard enough and you better sit down for the rest of the half."

I responded with "I just asked you a question and you cannot force me to sit down." WHACK -- I just sat down as there was not point. Communication works 2 ways.

I get annoyed when I see officials order and boss coaches around outside of their scope of responsibility. WE are there to make sure the game is played fair and on even grounds.
in OS I trust

Last edited by deecee; Mon Feb 12, 2007 at 01:27pm.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 12, 2007, 01:42pm
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Originally Posted by deecee
response to rain --

in theory yes, and that would be the nice, easy thing for the coach to do. But the official is way out of line IMO.
Juulie didn't disagree with this. The ref was out of line, in all likelihood. The coach had the right to stand. But, it's never going to do any good to argue. In your situation, I'd have sat down. Then, as soon as play started, I would have stood and coached my team; not saying a word to the refs. If he Ts me up for coaching in the coaching box, then I've got a better argument for the governing authorities.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 12, 2007, 01:50pm
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Originally Posted by ranjo
...The only thing I can't get from the tape is the tone she used to communicate her question...
Randy, what tone does she usually use when she's not happy with you?
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 12, 2007, 03:32pm
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Originally Posted by deecee
My T I received in this instance

about 4 minutes in the second quarter -- I ask the ref "What was different about the contact on that side of the floor than what just happend here?" (it was the same block/charge that both went against my team.) I asked the question calmly and respectfully. His response "coach I have heard enough and you better sit down for the rest of the half."
Well, considering that you questioned the official's judgment and integrity by intimating that he was favoring the other team, I'd say that some kind of warning was in order. Unfortunately, he gave you the wrong kind of warning, but you should have known anyway that any response that you made at this point to a pissed-off ref was gonna get you whacked.

It's fine to ask what your defender did wrong to get called for blocking. Instead, you just basically used the old "call it both ways" instead. Some officials, and that includes me and the one in your game, don't take too kindly to that one.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 12, 2007, 05:23pm
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JR -- I didnt use the old "call it both ways" -- it was the same exact play, in the same location of the court with the same sevrity of contact. I think thats a fair question. If event A leads to penalty B that is fine but when it leads to penalty C or D I would like a clarification and I would hope if I was officiating and a coach asked me the same question I would respond with WHY the calls were different. He doesnt have to agree but its a fair question and its legit dialogue between coach and official IMO.
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 12, 2007, 05:39pm
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I wouldn't mind a the question as posed by deecee. It's far better than crying, "call it both ways." It actually assumes there's a difference and wants to know what the difference was.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 12, 2007, 05:56pm
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Originally Posted by cmathews
maybe bring a fire suppresent because I have a can of gas and am about to apply it to the fire LOL.....

I personally would like to see the coaching box abolished...(ok here comes the gasoline)...I think they should be able to roam as they do in the college ranks...I personally don't care to look and make sure the coach is in their "cage"....I understand that some think it is a tool...I am of the mind, if they say something inappropriate, I don't care if they are in or out of their box, if it deserves a "T", they get it, regardless of where they are located. I also am of the mind, that if they are coaching, I don't really care where they are...yes I direct them back to the box, but it would be much easier to not have to worry about it.....
I enforce the coaching box because it's my job, but I agree. I'd be thrilled to give them the entire 28 feet from the baseline up.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 12, 2007, 08:20pm
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Down To Endline Coaching Box

CMatthews: I almost agree with you. I wouldn't mind if the NFHS extended the box all the way down to the endline, after all, a lot of coaching can be done from there, the coach can coach his or her defense in the first half and his or her offense in the second half. I just don't want coaches standing in front of or near the scorer's table. It would be distracting to both the scorekeepers and the officials.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 13, 2007, 07:21am
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Originally Posted by BadNewsRef
Randy, what tone does she usually use when she's not happy with you?
That why I prefaced the post with "This is her side of the story".
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