Mon Feb 12, 2007, 05:56pm
Get away from me, Steve.
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 15,788
Originally Posted by cmathews
maybe bring a fire suppresent because I have a can of gas and am about to apply it to the fire LOL.....
I personally would like to see the coaching box abolished...(ok here comes the gasoline)...I think they should be able to roam as they do in the college ranks...I personally don't care to look and make sure the coach is in their "cage"....I understand that some think it is a tool...I am of the mind, if they say something inappropriate, I don't care if they are in or out of their box, if it deserves a "T", they get it, regardless of where they are located. I also am of the mind, that if they are coaching, I don't really care where they are...yes I direct them back to the box, but it would be much easier to not have to worry about it.....
I enforce the coaching box because it's my job, but I agree. I'd be thrilled to give them the entire 28 feet from the baseline up.