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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat Apr 23, 2016, 11:28pm
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I was working a high school aged spring tournament today and the teams were coached by dads. The tournament played halves instead of quarters, and about 5 minutes into the 2nd halve Coach A starts to show himself. His shooter goes up for a layup and misses it, and the coach starts yelling for a foul. The shooter then goes after the rebound and ends up wrapping his arm around a player for the other team that had rebounded the ball. Coach A starts yelling for a walk (the kid did, however it was because his player had his arm wrapped around the player and pulled him back). I report the foul and the coach is complaining that I missed the foul on the shooter then missed a walk. I tell him that the shot was clean and that his player ended up wrapping his arm into the player. He then tells me that I am wrong and that it is just a horrible call. I tell him that I have heard enough and to sit down. He then proceeds to tell me that I cannot make him sit down and that he is going to say what he wants to. It is at this point that I give him the first technical. He then goes and sits down as I am reporting the first technical, but then he stands back up and tells me that I am horrible. At this point I give him a second technical and eject him.

The assistant coach comes up to me after I report the second technical and ejection and proceeds to tell me that he will take over as acting coach. He then throws in that he is an official too and that I cannot tell the coach to sit down. He tells me that the coach is allowed to stand and I can only make him sit if I give him a technical. I proceed to tell him that I really do not care if he is an official or not, that I am the one officiating the game, and that I do not need his opinion. He then tells me that he was just wanting to help me out as I handled the situation wrong. I then tell him that I am not going to listen to him, and that he can join his head coach if he doesn't cut it out. He then walks away and goes back to his team.

So what are everyone's thoughts on this? Thanks.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 24, 2016, 12:08am
APG APG is offline
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Assuming your rule set is using the coaching box, the coach and assistant is right. Under NFHS rules, you have no authority to direct a coach to sit down unless he's been assessed a direct technical or indirect technical.
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Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 24, 2016, 02:32am
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Originally Posted by tankmjg24 View Post
I was working a high school aged spring tournament today and the teams were coached by dads. The tournament played halves instead of quarters, and about 5 minutes into the 2nd halve Coach A starts to show himself. His shooter goes up for a layup and misses it, and the coach starts yelling for a foul. The shooter then goes after the rebound and ends up wrapping his arm around a player for the other team that had rebounded the ball. Coach A starts yelling for a walk (the kid did, however it was because his player had his arm wrapped around the player and pulled him back). I report the foul and the coach is complaining that I missed the foul on the shooter then missed a walk. I tell him that the shot was clean and that his player ended up wrapping his arm into the player. He then tells me that I am wrong and that it is just a horrible call. I tell him that I have heard enough and to sit down. He then proceeds to tell me that I cannot make him sit down and that he is going to say what he wants to. It is at this point that I give him the first technical. He then goes and sits down as I am reporting the first technical, but then he stands back up and tells me that I am horrible. At this point I give him a second technical and eject him.

The assistant coach comes up to me after I report the second technical and ejection and proceeds to tell me that he will take over as acting coach. He then throws in that he is an official too and that I cannot tell the coach to sit down. He tells me that the coach is allowed to stand and I can only make him sit if I give him a technical. I proceed to tell him that I really do not care if he is an official or not, that I am the one officiating the game, and that I do not need his opinion. He then tells me that he was just wanting to help me out as I handled the situation wrong. I then tell him that I am not going to listen to him, and that he can join his head coach if he doesn't cut it out. He then walks away and goes back to his team.

So what are everyone's thoughts on this? Thanks.
I think you need to re-read your post and tell us what you think in reflection.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 24, 2016, 05:16am
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Even Then, There Are Still A Few Occasions When These Coaches Can Still Legally Stand

Things Officials Should Probably Not Be Saying In A Game

Calvin Coolidge once said, "The things I did not say never hurt me." Of course, he was not talking about basketball, but many officials would be smart to heed his sage advice as they communicate with coaches, and players.

Good communication skills are important tools to have on any official’s tool belt. Good communication with a partner, with a player, or with a coach, can go a long way to maintaining control of the game, having good game management, and having a smooth game. Sometimes this communication takes place in oral form, talking to players, or coaches, in some cases to explain a ruling, or in other cases to prevent a violation, or a foul. However, probably for reasons of tradition, there have been things that officials often, or sometimes, say during a game that do not have any basis in the rules, and should probably not be said in a game. This article will cover some of those “best left unsaid” statements.

"Sit down", is occasionally stated by an official to a coach who is acting in an unsporting way, but who has not yet been charged with a technical foul, is not rule based. Back in the “olden days” of the “seatbelt rule”, this was a common method of dealing with coaches who have gone, or who are about to go, “over the line”. Now, with the coaching box, officials can only tell coaches to sit down after they have been charged with a direct technical foul, or an indirect technical foul, and even then, there are still a few occasions when these coaches can still legally stand up.

Finally, a thought by Will Rogers, “Never miss a good chance to shut up.”
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 24, 2016, 09:50am
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Sounds to me like you were probably justified whacking the coach for his comments and behavior but you threw gas on the fire by telling him to sit down. As stated by others, there's no rules basis for that and it probably escalated the situation with the head coach.

Additionally, the assistant was correct and was likely really trying to help you...your response to him sounds a bit dickish as well. Not trying to be harsh, but in my opinion, I'd say you could have handled the entire scenario better and you would have come off a good bit more professional. This is a perfect example where specific rules knowledge could have helped you (assuming its NFHS rule set). If this coach were to complain to your assigner, he'd have a legitimate gripe.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 24, 2016, 10:49am
Dad Dad is offline
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I've never seen a reason to treat coaches like enemies. There's going to be calls they don't like and they will let you know about it. Maybe you're being melodramatic, but it sounds like the first coach already had a foot out the door when he started complaining. Given it took the coach so long to act out you may have missed the call.

Your attitude towards the AC was uncalled for, imo.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 24, 2016, 06:55pm
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Ugh. Don't be so dramatic. It was poorly handled but an embarrassment to our avocation? That seems a bit of a reach.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 24, 2016, 08:34pm
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Originally Posted by BlueDevilRef View Post
Ugh. Don't be so dramatic. It was poorly handled but an embarrassment to our avocation? That seems a bit of a reach.

No need to pile on, but you can't order a coach to sit. Much like you can't just order an unruly kid to leave the game to cool down.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Mon Apr 25, 2016, 11:58am
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Originally Posted by Bad Zebra View Post

Additionally, the assistant was correct and was likely really trying to help you...your response to him sounds a bit dickish as well.
You have got to be kidding. Asst coach, in the heat of the moment, telling the referee he handled it wrong was "really trying to help"? Hogwash. Among the *least* responsible things to ever come out of a coach's mouth during a game is "I'm a referee . . . ." While the Asst was right about the sit down comment, that doesn't mean he was really trying to help.

But to tankmjg24, take the advice to walk back through and figure out what you could have done differently. Think about more effective tools to end conversations without ratcheting up tension.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Mon Apr 25, 2016, 12:49pm
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The rules have plenty of ways you can deal with this coach instead of having to MSU.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Mon Apr 25, 2016, 03:11pm
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Originally Posted by AremRed View Post
The rules have plenty of ways you can deal with this coach instead of having to MSU.
Exactly. Whack him and then tell him to sit down.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Mon Apr 25, 2016, 03:43pm
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Originally Posted by so cal lurker View Post
You have got to be kidding. Asst coach, in the heat of the moment, telling the referee he handled it wrong was "really trying to help"? Hogwash. Among the *least* responsible things to ever come out of a coach's mouth during a game is "I'm a referee . . . ." While the Asst was right about the sit down comment, that doesn't mean he was really trying to help.

But to tankmjg24, take the advice to walk back through and figure out what you could have done differently. Think about more effective tools to end conversations without ratcheting up tension.
I've coached in youth leagues where I've also officiated, so this isn't really a far fetched scenario. I'm going to assume that he was being honest about actually being an official. Put yourself in the position of the're taking over for a coach that has gotten tossed partly because a newbie kicked a rule and turned a simple T into a train wreck...would you say anything? I think I would. Not to be a dick...the official obviously has a low threshold at this point...but to maybe try to gain a little credibility with the official. I don't think the assistant was being the end, he was correct.
Calling it both ways...since 1999
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Mon Apr 25, 2016, 04:18pm
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Originally Posted by Bad Zebra View Post
I've coached in youth leagues where I've also officiated, so this isn't really a far fetched scenario. I'm going to assume that he was being honest about actually being an official. Put yourself in the position of the're taking over for a coach that has gotten tossed partly because a newbie kicked a rule and turned a simple T into a train wreck...would you say anything? I think I would. Not to be a dick...the official obviously has a low threshold at this point...but to maybe try to gain a little credibility with the official. I don't think the assistant was being the end, he was correct.
OK, who on here takes it well when a coach says "I'm ref and . . ." ?!?! And take that coach more seriously after he says it?!?! Anyone? Anyone?

If you think, immediately after the head coach was tossed, the asst coach was trying to be helpful, I have some great ocean front property in North Dakota that I can give you a great deal on . . .

And I don't think our OP really "kicked a rule," so much as he was sloppy in how he talked to the coach. As I read the scenario, he was just trying to tell the coach the conversation was over, and did it poorly. The coach used it as an excuse to act like a toddler.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Mon Apr 25, 2016, 04:54pm
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Originally Posted by Rich View Post
Exactly. Whack him and then tell him to sit down.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 26, 2016, 01:27am
Dad Dad is offline
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Originally Posted by so cal lurker View Post
OK, who on here takes it well when a coach says "I'm ref and . . ." ?!?! And take that coach more seriously after he says it?!?! Anyone? Anyone?

If you think, immediately after the head coach was tossed, the asst coach was trying to be helpful, I have some great ocean front property in North Dakota that I can give you a great deal on . . .

And I don't think our OP really "kicked a rule," so much as he was sloppy in how he talked to the coach. As I read the scenario, he was just trying to tell the coach the conversation was over, and did it poorly. The coach used it as an excuse to act like a toddler.
Oh, I take it great. Rarely do I ever get a comment which gives my the green light to say whatever is on my mind.
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