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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 12:38pm
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Originally Posted by Mrumpiresir View Post
The umpire has total authority to manage the game. If the fan was causing a problem, then the Security folks should have handled it. Since they didn't, Davidson is totally within his right to have that fan removed.

Aren't we all getting a little tired of the jerks that learn the rules from idiots such as Tim McCarver, and think they can call balls and strikes from 200 ft away?

I do find that my tolerance for chirping decreases as the season nears the end and understand why Davidson would have this drunken, loud mouthed jerk ejected so that he could no longer interfere with the game.
I think we can all agree (perhaps some will not) that this was a special case that required special action, and that the slur went way beyond mere chirping. One shouldn't be reluctant to step in immediately in such a case, nor should he feel it is not within the scope of his duties to do so. I suppose there are umpires who lack the instincts and fortitude to step in, but most are instinctive and courageous.

Bob Davidson is now their example of how a slur is handled.

  #32 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 12:43pm
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Originally Posted by jwwashburn View Post
Since we know that Davidson is a buffoon, isn't it barely possible that the only way that this fan was "interfering with the game" was the fact that Davidson got tired of hearing him? Davidson does not get to decide who can say what in the stands. Crowd managment is not his job.

Why is it ok for him to yell whatever foul and vile language he wants to yell in the earshot of fans? I have no idea if this fan yelled anything or not. If he did yell a supposed slur toward the homosexulas, then the stadium people probably should have dealt with it. If they did not, it is none of Davidson's business.

A lot more people are offended by the language that Davidson an many fans use than would be offended by the use of this supposed slur(if it is the f word that ends in a t, homosexuals use it all the time) Woul Davidson boot a fan for yelling Jesus Christ or God-D***? no way, no how...that stuff does not personally bother him, obviously.

I have been close enough to hear his vulgararity laced tirades at least four times over the years-he is a joke of an umpire and a disgusting person. For him to eject a guy for yelling f****t is like Ted Kennedy telling a guy not to slap his girlfriend.
Is drinking involved in the writing of the words in your post? If not, then there's no excuse.

You go ahead and allow fans to yell slurs to players at your games, and the civilized umpire fraternity will not.

A lot of people cuss, and NEVER make a racial or personal slur of any kind, nor make blasphemous comments. Profanity and blasphemy and cruel bigotry are exclusive of each other. Perhaps Davidson is deep enough to discern the difference.

Try harder.

Last edited by Kevin Finnerty; Thu Sep 09, 2010 at 12:45pm.
  #33 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 12:43pm
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Originally Posted by jwwashburn View Post
Never mind that he had no authority to do it.

So, what if the security guard refused? The security guard does not work for Bob Davidson. Is he going to eject him, also? If I was the guard, I would have laughed in his face.
And you'd likely get fired. Ballclubs, like any customer-driven business, don't like controversy (other than the 'staged' kind designed to get people's attention; this is not one of those).

So what if the security guard gets over there and the guy denies saying anything? What if the fans around him say they did not hear anything?
For the first question: then he's a rat, like any player or coach. For the second: not likely to happen, especially since we're now getting the details of what the fan said.

And we all knew which umpire it was before we saw the video.
Not so much, no. Some of us that umpire don't take the time to memorize the MLB umpire roster, and learn their habits. Nor, apparently, do all of us take the time to develop an axe to grind against specific MLB umpires.

I have seen Davidson scream profanities at players and coaches within earshot of the crowd. The levels that some umpires will go to back the actions of another umpire-no matter how absurd-are staggering.
I guess in this case, I'm backing the 'other umpire,' because I'm thinking, if these details are correct, this fan went beyond garden variety profanity. I know some feel that ANY profanity is A Bad Thing, and I respect that, even though I disagree. I feel there are shades of gray, if you will, but this fan crossed a line. So although I'm normally very happy to let those outside 'the fence' take care of that area, I don't really have a problem with Mr Davidson's actions.

I'm curious, though: you have your reasons/examples for thinking Bob Davidson's a joke, and your own that. But why, when I read your postings, do I get the feeling that you're giving WAY more respect to stadium security 'guards' than umpires? (Or, at least, the MLB guys you don't like?)

Real po-lice, I have no problem with. Stadium rental guys? Really? You think they're going to do their job? In general - and across all sports - those guys are the joke. Drunken idiot fans are left alone until they're so out of control, something has to be done. Why? Drunk fans buy $8 beers*, and lots of them.

*I don't drink that much, and don't feel like overpaying when I do, so I don't drink at a stadium. Substitute the actual ballpark price if I've underbid there.

Last edited by HokieUmp; Thu Sep 09, 2010 at 12:47pm.
  #34 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 12:58pm
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Originally Posted by Kevin Finnerty View Post
Is drinking involved in the writing of the words in your post? If not, then there's no excuse.

You go ahead and allow fans to yell slurs to players at your games, and the civilized umpire fraternity will not.

A lot of people cuss, and NEVER make a racial or personal slur of any kind, nor make blasphemous comments. Profanity and blasphemy and cruel bigotry are exclusive of each other. Perhaps Davidson is deep enough to discern the difference.

Try harder.
Well, Kevin, we are not major league umpires. The highest level I ever worked was a few Minor League gamjes as a fill in many years ago. I worked some small college but the vast majority of what I have worked has been HS and below. The standards at a HS game are far different than at a major Lague game. First of all, I would hear someone being vulgar or profane and I would dump him.

Davidson wanted a show. If it was that important to dump this supposed roudy fan who supposedly was vulgar, then he could have handled it many ways...all of them except the one he used would not have drawn attention to himself. He wanted to draw attention to himself. Between innings instead of spreading his feathers like a peacock, he could have asked a cop in or by the dugout to dump the guy...he would not have had to point, even. This was all about Boorish Bob. He is a hack. I was actually with two umpire friends when we heard sbout this on the radio and we all knew it was this loser that had done it.

So, for those that back Davidosn on this-What should happen the next time ol' Bob lets loose on one of his vulgarity laced tirades?
  #35 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 12:59pm
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Originally Posted by HokieUmp View Post
Drunk fans buy $8 beers*, and lots of them.

*I don't drink that much, and don't feel like overpaying when I do, so I don't drink at a stadium. Substitute the actual ballpark price if I've underbid there.
I had 2 beers at Miller Park on Monday -- one right before first pitch and one in the middle of the 7th inning.

The first one was a "premium" large beer (Sam Adams Octoberfest in the TGI Friday's there) that was $8.25 and the second was a large MGD64 and that one was $7.75.

Your pricing was right on.

Mr. Washburn appears to have an axe to grind against most ML umpires, so I've just taken to ignoring him best I can.
  #36 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 01:03pm
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@ HokieUmp: I'm curious, though: you have your reasons/examples for thinking Bob Davidson's a joke, and your own that. But why, when I read your postings, do I get the feeling that you're giving WAY more respect to stadium security 'guards' than umpires? (Or, at least, the MLB guys you don't like?)

I have no idea what the fan said. It might have been what Davidson said it was and it might not. If it is what the report was, then I think the Secuirty/cops should have removed him. The security guards and police might have done a good/decent or terrible job. A lot of times they do an awful job. My point is that it is none of Davidson's business what a fan is saying-this was not a high School game. There people there whose job it is to take care of this.

What about a fight in the stands? I think they almost always kick those folks out, right? what if they did not eject someone? Should Bob order that person gone, also?
  #37 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 01:04pm
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Originally Posted by RichMSN View Post

Mr. Washburn appears to have an axe to grind against most ML umpires, so I've just taken to ignoring him best I can.
Ignoring me would be the only way you would have that ridiculous and inaccurate impression.
  #38 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 01:05pm
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Originally Posted by jwwashburn View Post
I have no idea what the fan said. It might have been what Davidson said it was and it might not.
Why not just come out and call him a liar and be done with it?
Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers
  #39 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 01:10pm
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If the guy said it, you would think someone else would have heard it other than the guy with a mouth so foul that George Carlin once told him to cool it.
  #40 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 01:53pm
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Originally Posted by jwwashburn View Post
So, you immediately side with Davidson-a guy who has been a buffoon for many years-over the Security Guards whose actual JOB it is to police the fans? They actually get paid to police the fans. They have training to police the fans.
If that were the case, Tom Gamboa would have never been attacked.

The drunk was all over Molina, Davidson used a little preventative action to correct the problem.
  #41 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 01:55pm
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Originally Posted by jwwashburn View Post
If the guy said it, you would think someone else would have heard it other than the guy with a mouth so foul that George Carlin once told him to cool it.
So you are saying he is a liar then?
Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers
  #42 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 02:03pm
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Originally Posted by Welpe View Post
So you are saying he is a liar then?
I said I have no idea what the guy said. How could I call Davidson a liar if I have no idea what the guy said?
  #43 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 02:44pm
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All I know is if someone calls me, a player or uses such terms and they are dumb enough to have me hear it. I am stopping the game and I am removing that person from the game. That does not mean I will be the one doing the actual removing, but I am getting GM to get rid of that person and let it be known what was said. This is not negotiable with anyone. That is what I am going to do.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
  #44 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 02:48pm
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
All I know is if someone calls me, a player or uses such terms and they are dumb enough to have me hear it. I am stopping the game and I am removing that person from the game. That does not mean I will be the one doing the actual removing, but I am getting GM to get rid of that person and let it be known what was said. This is not negotiable with anyone. That is what I am going to do.

Jrutledge, that is absolutely fine in a High School game-I have done the very same thing a few times over the years. I even dumped a PA announcer once.

What Davidson did was ludicrous...and he did it with the purpose of being noticed. Worried about Yadier Molina climbing into the stands? Give me a break.

Last edited by jwwashburn; Thu Sep 09, 2010 at 02:51pm.
  #45 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 02:57pm
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Originally Posted by jwwashburn View Post
Jrutledge, that is absolutely fine in a High School game-I have done the very same thing a few times over the years. I even dumped a PA announcer once.

What Davidson did was ludicrous...and he did it with the purpose of being noticed. Worried about Yadier Molina climbing into the stands? Give me a break.
Well I do not know what MLB procedures and I honestly do not care what they are. Just saying what I am going to do. Procedures from MLB might be different and might had a different way to handle these situations. And if you have never seen anyone go up to the the stands before, you must have missed the Artest incident in Detroit and a later incident in Chicago with another player. Players have and will go up into the stands and confront fans. I would rather do something immediately than have a riot on my hands later.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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