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Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 12:43pm
HokieUmp HokieUmp is offline
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Originally Posted by jwwashburn View Post
Never mind that he had no authority to do it.

So, what if the security guard refused? The security guard does not work for Bob Davidson. Is he going to eject him, also? If I was the guard, I would have laughed in his face.
And you'd likely get fired. Ballclubs, like any customer-driven business, don't like controversy (other than the 'staged' kind designed to get people's attention; this is not one of those).

So what if the security guard gets over there and the guy denies saying anything? What if the fans around him say they did not hear anything?
For the first question: then he's a rat, like any player or coach. For the second: not likely to happen, especially since we're now getting the details of what the fan said.

And we all knew which umpire it was before we saw the video.
Not so much, no. Some of us that umpire don't take the time to memorize the MLB umpire roster, and learn their habits. Nor, apparently, do all of us take the time to develop an axe to grind against specific MLB umpires.

I have seen Davidson scream profanities at players and coaches within earshot of the crowd. The levels that some umpires will go to back the actions of another umpire-no matter how absurd-are staggering.
I guess in this case, I'm backing the 'other umpire,' because I'm thinking, if these details are correct, this fan went beyond garden variety profanity. I know some feel that ANY profanity is A Bad Thing, and I respect that, even though I disagree. I feel there are shades of gray, if you will, but this fan crossed a line. So although I'm normally very happy to let those outside 'the fence' take care of that area, I don't really have a problem with Mr Davidson's actions.

I'm curious, though: you have your reasons/examples for thinking Bob Davidson's a joke, and your own that. But why, when I read your postings, do I get the feeling that you're giving WAY more respect to stadium security 'guards' than umpires? (Or, at least, the MLB guys you don't like?)

Real po-lice, I have no problem with. Stadium rental guys? Really? You think they're going to do their job? In general - and across all sports - those guys are the joke. Drunken idiot fans are left alone until they're so out of control, something has to be done. Why? Drunk fans buy $8 beers*, and lots of them.

*I don't drink that much, and don't feel like overpaying when I do, so I don't drink at a stadium. Substitute the actual ballpark price if I've underbid there.

Last edited by HokieUmp; Thu Sep 09, 2010 at 12:47pm.