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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 10:32am
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What if the Security guard/Usher would have said to Bob: No. and walked away?

That would have been the most awesome scene ever...would he have dumped the security guard?

What if a cop refused to obey Blustering Bob? Have that cop arrested!

Bob is a cartoon.
  #17 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 10:47am
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Sometimes you have to do, what you have to do. At least Davidson has enough brass to take control of a situation. Something the stadium security didnt want to do.

Too bad about what the rules said or didn't say, he gets my vote for "Umpire of the week."There are way too many IDIOTS out there that think that just because they have first amendment rights, they can abuse anyone anytime and justify it with, "thats my constiutional right".

From a baseball fan who likes to sit and enjoy a game, I say,

  #18 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 10:57am
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So, you immediately side with Davidson-a guy who has been a buffoon for many years-over the Security Guards whose actual JOB it is to police the fans? They actually get paid to police the fans. They have training to police the fans. Bumbling Bob had no business, training or authority to stick his arrogant nose into the situation-if there even was a situation.

Could a Security Guard have overruled Jim Joyce on that play in the near perfect game? No, of course not.

When I heard "Umpire ejected a fan" I knew it was him before I saw the video. How many other folks here knew it was Davidson before we saw it for sure?
  #19 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 11:12am
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Originally Posted by GoodwillRef View Post
I live in WI and at Brewer games ushers don't to a very good job of policing drunk fans...they usually choose to ignore them.
The park is named after a brand of beer.
  #20 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 11:37am
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Originally Posted by rbmartin View Post
I'm sorry. I dont see anything here directing the umpire to police the language of the fans unless it is impeding the game in some manner. And please dont use the "(c) Each umpire has authority to rule on any point not specifically covered in these rules." argument. What's next , the umpire dictating the price the vendor asks for peanuts?
Unless the language is in some way making it impossible to play or officiate the game, let the police and stadium authorities excercise crowd control, Umpires take care of what happens on the field.
I'm with you. I say let it go and let the game's natural elements police it.

The offended player and his teammates each have several bats at their disposal, and uncommon physical attributes. Let them take to the stands and police the situation. Let the umpires tend to on-field matters.

Sounds absurd, doesn't it? Well, it is.

Originally Posted by jicecone View Post
Sometimes you have to do, what you have to do. At least Davidson has enough brass to take control of a situation. Something the stadium security didnt want to do.

Too bad about what the rules said or didn't say, he gets my vote for "Umpire of the week."There are way too many IDIOTS out there that think that just because they have first amendment rights, they can abuse anyone anytime and justify it with, "thats my constiutional right".

From a baseball fan who likes to sit and enjoy a game, I say,

There are seven words you can't say on television, and there are a few words you can't say at a ballgame and f@&&ot's one of them. If I were to hear a racial or ethnic or anti-Semitic or homophobic or similar slur from a spectator at any level, I would have them removed instantly, period. The game would not be respected if its participants weren't protected from that brand of inhumanity and I am there partly, if not chiefly to make sure that the game is respected. And it goes beyond the confines of respecting the mere rules. What makes the MLB setting any different?

I originally jumped to brand this latest act as another of Davidson's comic injections. I now view it as courageous and highly respectable. Yadier Molina is a good young man and a credit to the game. Davidson's policing of that outrageous incident involving him is commendable.

Nothing else occurred because of his actions. That's the point, here.

  #21 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 11:42am
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Originally Posted by jwwashburn View Post
So, you immediately side with Davidson-a guy who has been a buffoon for many years-over the Security Guards whose actual JOB it is to police the fans? They actually get paid to police the fans. They have training to police the fans. Bumbling Bob had no business, training or authority to stick his arrogant nose into the situation-if there even was a situation.

Could a Security Guard have overruled Jim Joyce on that play in the near perfect game? No, of course not.

When I heard "Umpire ejected a fan" I knew it was him before I saw the video. How many other folks here knew it was Davidson before we saw it for sure?
You must be kidding. Miller Park Security are paid to look the other way when stuff like this happens. During Cubs/Brewers series I wouldn't bring my daughter to the ballpark the fans are so vulgar, drunk, and obnoxious.

I'm another one on board with what Davidson did. If comments like that ever came out of bleachers at a game I was working, I would stop the game and have game management remove the clown. Why should paying stupid money for a ticket give anyone the right to shout out bigoted remarks in the earshot of anyone?
  #22 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 11:58am
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Originally Posted by Kevin Finnerty View Post
The park is named after a brand of beer.
Are you really that stupid...I like to enjoy the game without a drunk or drunks tossing 4 letter words around with my kids sitting there.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 12:01pm
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Originally Posted by RichMSN View Post
You must be kidding. Miller Park Security are paid to look the other way when stuff like this happens. During Cubs/Brewers series I wouldn't bring my daughter to the ballpark the fans are so vulgar, drunk, and obnoxious.

I'm another one on board with what Davidson did. If comments like that ever came out of bleachers at a game I was working, I would stop the game and have game management remove the clown. Why should paying stupid money for a ticket give anyone the right to shout out bigoted remarks in the earshot of anyone?
I don't know why they even pay to have ushers at Miller Park...I had an issue with a drunk a couple of months ago and we bypassed the usher and went right to the police. The police like tossing fans.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 12:03pm
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Never mind that he had no authority to do it.

So, what if the security guard refused? The security guard does not work for Bob Davidson. Is he going to eject him, also? If I was the guard, I would have laughed in his face.

So what if the security guard gets over there and the guy denies saying anything? What if the fans around him say they did not hear anything? Just how long away from his actual job should a Major League umpire take?

And we all knew which umpire it was before we saw the video.

I have seen Davidson scream profanities at players and coaches within earshot of the crowd. The levels that some umpires will go to back the actions of another umpire-no matter how absurd-are staggering.
  #25 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 12:06pm
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Originally Posted by GoodwillRef View Post
I don't know why they even pay to have ushers at Miller Park...I had an issue with a drunk a couple of months ago and we bypassed the usher and went right to the police. The police like tossing fans.
And it is THEIR job to do so...unlike Davidson.
  #26 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 12:13pm
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Originally Posted by jwwashburn View Post

So, what if the security guard refused?
The same thing most of us would do if this happened at XYZ High School or Podunk Ball Park for the local American Legion game. Refuse to continue the game until the unruly fan was gone.

Do you really think an usher is going to refuse that request from an MLB umpire and still have his job?

Several times in the past fans have been removed by umpires in MLB games, usually when the fans are trying to incite players as was the case here. It is done to keep control of the game.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 12:20pm
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Originally Posted by GoodwillRef View Post
Are you really that stupid...I like to enjoy the game without a drunk or drunks tossing 4 letter words around with my kids sitting there.
Wow, you can see I'm an aware, literate human being. Where do you get off? Your questioning my intelligence after missing my point almost completely shows a lack of intelligence on your part.

I don't condone drunken and profane fans and have historically taken action myself. The last time I had a beer at a ballgame was the 1985 NLCS. The last time I swore at a ballgame was never. And I don't stand for it in others.

If you were using an intelligent approach to reading and comprehending my comment, you would probably realize that I was pointing out that the Brewers' operation condones beer drinking and is reluctant to quell it and the resultant behavior.

Try a little harder, and keep your stupidity remarks confined to those who are stupid.
  #28 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 12:22pm
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Originally Posted by jwwashburn View Post
Never mind that he had no authority to do it.

So, what if the security guard refused? The security guard does not work for Bob Davidson. Is he going to eject him, also? If I was the guard, I would have laughed in his face.

So what if the security guard gets over there and the guy denies saying anything? What if the fans around him say they did not hear anything? Just how long away from his actual job should a Major League umpire take?

And we all knew which umpire it was before we saw the video.

I have seen Davidson scream profanities at players and coaches within earshot of the crowd. The levels that some umpires will go to back the actions of another umpire-no matter how absurd-are staggering.
The umpire has total authority to manage the game. If the fan was causing a problem, then the Security folks should have handled it. Since they didn't, Davidson is totally within his right to have that fan removed.

Aren't we all getting a little tired of the jerks that learn the rules from idiots such as Tim McCarver, and think they can call balls and strikes from 200 ft away?

I do find that my tolerance for chirping decreases as the season nears the end and understand why Davidson would have this drunken, loud mouthed jerk ejected so that he could no longer interfere with the game.

Last edited by Mrumpiresir; Thu Sep 09, 2010 at 12:24pm.
  #29 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 12:26pm
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Originally Posted by GoodwillRef View Post
I don't know why they even pay to have ushers at Miller Park...I had an issue with a drunk a couple of months ago and we bypassed the usher and went right to the police. The police like tossing fans.
Everything you write shows off your rather pedestrian intellect, yet you have the brass to imply that others are stupid.
  #30 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 12:33pm
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Since we know that Davidson is a buffoon, isn't it barely possible that the only way that this fan was "interfering with the game" was the fact that Davidson got tired of hearing him? Davidson does not get to decide who can say what in the stands. Crowd managment is not his job.

Why is it ok for him to yell whatever foul and vile language he wants to yell in the earshot of fans? I have no idea if this fan yelled anything or not. If he did yell a supposed slur toward the homosexulas, then the stadium people probably should have dealt with it. If they did not, it is none of Davidson's business.

A lot more people are offended by the language that Davidson an many fans use than would be offended by the use of this supposed slur(if it is the f word that ends in a t, homosexuals use it all the time) Woul Davidson boot a fan for yelling Jesus Christ or God-D***? no way, no how...that stuff does not personally bother him, obviously.

I have been close enough to hear his vulgararity laced tirades at least four times over the years-he is a joke of an umpire and a disgusting person. For him to eject a guy for yelling f****t is like Ted Kennedy telling a guy not to slap his girlfriend.
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