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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 25, 2010, 09:26pm
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Smile Lineup Cards

Doing my first varsity game behind the plate next week. My question is with regards tot he lineup card. What's the best way to keep that card in "order" (per say)? How do you make changes on it? How do you add a subsitution?

I know this sounds like a stupid question, but c'mon I've never been trained on this. I guess everything I else I do is perfect, so they just assumed I knew this!

Any tips/suggestions/advice on this will be appreciated!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 25, 2010, 09:55pm
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I take the home team's lineup first.

I count the players, check for duplicate names & numbers, identify the pitcher, and whether there is a DH. I then verbally confim the pitcher and the DH (or lack thereof).

Then I do the same with the visitors.

Then I fold the lineups so that they will fit in my holder and have the starting lineup visible.

When I get a sub, I circle the starter's name that he's subbing for and write in his number along with a notation of when he entered on that line. If the starter returns,I "X" out the sub's number. If another sub is then made in that slot, I "X" out the starter's name and add the new sub's number to that line.

I keep a separate card for CRs. I just draw a little matrix for F1 & F2, for the HT & the VT on the back of an old busines card and tuck it into my holder before the game. I also make a space to track visits and write the head coaches' names at the top of their team's column.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 26, 2010, 10:29am
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Originally Posted by UmpJM (nee CoachJM) View Post
I keep a separate card for CRs. I just draw a little matrix for F1 & F2, for the HT & the VT on the back of an old busines card and tuck it into my holder before the game. I also make a space to track visits and write the head coaches' names at the top of their team's column.
I basically do JM's method, except this part. Instead of using a separate card, I write it in the margins or below the lineup (in the player slots for games with more than 9 players.

Originally Posted by KJUmp View Post
4) In addition to the HC's name on the card, somewhere on the top I'll write the team color and the dugout their in (1st or 3rd)....just helps me make sure I've got the proper lineup card in my hand when I'm making the change.
My lineup holder has sleeves on both sides, so I put the cards in the side that matches what dugout they're in -- 3rd base dugout gets left side of card; 1st base gets right side.

At work tonight, I'll scan a lineup card from one of my games this year.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 26, 2010, 12:45pm
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Many good suggestions; I will toss in one of my own. On subs and CR, I always note when this occurred as in T4 or B6 (top of the 4th or bottom of the 6th).
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 26, 2010, 07:24pm
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I also let my partner take care of the courtesy runners. It supposed to be a speed up rule, if everytime they come out to run for F1 or F2 I have to drag my notes out to document it then we have delayed the speed up rule.

First time the CR comes out, the BU quickly jots down the two numbers 12/4 White - 4 as the exchange is being made. From there on its just adding the other innings it happens. If the CR comes in the game he gets x out and becomes the PU responsibility.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 26, 2010, 07:52pm
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I use a blank spot on the back of the card to keep track of offensive and defensive trips. I use a "shorthand" version to note whether the trip is by the Home team or Visiting team, if it's Offensive or Defensive, what inning the trip occurred, and who was at bat when the trip happened. For example:

H D 5 #7 (Home Defensive 5th Inning with #7 at bat)

It's short and easy to keep track of how many trips have been used and when they were used. Occasionally a coach will ask, "Do I have any trips left?" and I can tell him in detail if he doesn't remember.
It also helps to note who is at bat so duplicate trips to the pitcher with the same batter don't occur (if that matters depending on the rules code).

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 26, 2010, 11:50pm
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Originally Posted by jicecone View Post
I also let my partner take care of the courtesy runners. It supposed to be a speed up rule, if everytime they come out to run for F1 or F2 I have to drag my notes out to document it then we have delayed the speed up rule.

First time the CR comes out, the BU quickly jots down the two numbers 12/4 White - 4 as the exchange is being made. From there on its just adding the other innings it happens. If the CR comes in the game he gets x out and becomes the PU responsibility.
Your plan works well until a coach attempts to use a CR as a player that's been in the game already, but hasn't been a CR. Your BU wouldn't have all the substitutions on his card, would he?

In my opinion, PU keeps track of ALL substitutions. You may be dragging your notes out everytime, but that's part of the game.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 25, 2010, 10:20pm
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Originally Posted by blindofficial View Post
Doing my first varsity game behind the plate next week. My question is with regards tot he lineup card. What's the best way to keep that card in "order" (per say)? How do you make changes on it? How do you add a subsitution?

I know this sounds like a stupid question, but c'mon I've never been trained on this. I guess everything I else I do is perfect, so they just assumed I knew this!

Any tips/suggestions/advice on this will be appreciated!
It's not a stupid question at all.
JM gave you a great system...and that's the important thing. Having a system and using it for all your changes all the time. A close check at HP during ground rules is important, esp. if you have a coach who has bad hand writing or is just sloppy on details like subs and their #'s. Better to find it then rather than during the game we he goes to make a change.

To add a few things to JM's list:
1) After I've checked the home team's lineup, I hand it back to the coach for one last check. I do the same w/ the visitors.
2) Record your changes & conferences when they occur. Don't say to yourself, i'll mark it down between innings.
3) I'll always confirm a change w/ the coach by repeating it to him.
4) In addition to the HC's name on the card, somewhere on the top I'll write the team color and the dugout their in (1st or 3rd)....just helps me make sure I've got the proper lineup card in my hand when I'm making the change.
5) Always take your time with changes, it helps avoid mistakes. There's no rush, and you'll get quicker doing them the more time you do it....just stay with your system.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 25, 2010, 11:19pm
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If starters have re-entry eligibility, this is what I do.

When starter is removed, I put a single line through his name and enter subs name.

When sub is removed, I put an "X" through his name. If starter re-enters, I circle his name. Now he has a line through it and circled. This tells me he is in the game.

If the starter is removed a second time, I put another line through his name, making an "X".

Any player with an "X" through his name is ineligible to re-enter.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 26, 2010, 07:57am
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The key on substitutions is, as stated prior.... do not rush!! They cannot resume play
without you.

If I am unfamiliar with a team, I will also ask the HC for his catcher's first name.

I can greet him by name as he comes out in either the top or bottom of the first.
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