Thread: Lineup Cards
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Old Thu Aug 26, 2010, 07:52pm
JJ JJ is offline
Veteran College Umpire
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: IN
Posts: 1,122
I use a blank spot on the back of the card to keep track of offensive and defensive trips. I use a "shorthand" version to note whether the trip is by the Home team or Visiting team, if it's Offensive or Defensive, what inning the trip occurred, and who was at bat when the trip happened. For example:

H D 5 #7 (Home Defensive 5th Inning with #7 at bat)

It's short and easy to keep track of how many trips have been used and when they were used. Occasionally a coach will ask, "Do I have any trips left?" and I can tell him in detail if he doesn't remember.
It also helps to note who is at bat so duplicate trips to the pitcher with the same batter don't occur (if that matters depending on the rules code).

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