Thread: Lineup Cards
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Old Wed Aug 25, 2010, 09:55pm
UmpJM UmpJM is offline
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I take the home team's lineup first.

I count the players, check for duplicate names & numbers, identify the pitcher, and whether there is a DH. I then verbally confim the pitcher and the DH (or lack thereof).

Then I do the same with the visitors.

Then I fold the lineups so that they will fit in my holder and have the starting lineup visible.

When I get a sub, I circle the starter's name that he's subbing for and write in his number along with a notation of when he entered on that line. If the starter returns,I "X" out the sub's number. If another sub is then made in that slot, I "X" out the starter's name and add the new sub's number to that line.

I keep a separate card for CRs. I just draw a little matrix for F1 & F2, for the HT & the VT on the back of an old busines card and tuck it into my holder before the game. I also make a space to track visits and write the head coaches' names at the top of their team's column.

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