Thread: Lineup Cards
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Old Wed Aug 25, 2010, 10:20pm
KJUmp KJUmp is offline
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Originally Posted by blindofficial View Post
Doing my first varsity game behind the plate next week. My question is with regards tot he lineup card. What's the best way to keep that card in "order" (per say)? How do you make changes on it? How do you add a subsitution?

I know this sounds like a stupid question, but c'mon I've never been trained on this. I guess everything I else I do is perfect, so they just assumed I knew this!

Any tips/suggestions/advice on this will be appreciated!
It's not a stupid question at all.
JM gave you a great system...and that's the important thing. Having a system and using it for all your changes all the time. A close check at HP during ground rules is important, esp. if you have a coach who has bad hand writing or is just sloppy on details like subs and their #'s. Better to find it then rather than during the game we he goes to make a change.

To add a few things to JM's list:
1) After I've checked the home team's lineup, I hand it back to the coach for one last check. I do the same w/ the visitors.
2) Record your changes & conferences when they occur. Don't say to yourself, i'll mark it down between innings.
3) I'll always confirm a change w/ the coach by repeating it to him.
4) In addition to the HC's name on the card, somewhere on the top I'll write the team color and the dugout their in (1st or 3rd)....just helps me make sure I've got the proper lineup card in my hand when I'm making the change.
5) Always take your time with changes, it helps avoid mistakes. There's no rush, and you'll get quicker doing them the more time you do it....just stay with your system.
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