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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 13, 2008, 09:28pm
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Originally Posted by JJ View Post
Here's another reason to stay in the outfield between innings. If the inning ends on a whacker at first and you head IN to talk to your partner, you're a much easier target for that irate coach AND everyone on his side of the field. If you stay in the outfield and that coach comes out to you, HE looks like an aggressor and it's much easier to deal with him.

And that one was always obvious to me...I had a partner a few weeks ago (I was PU, he was BU) come to me right after a banger at first to end the inning. I'm glad it was fall HS frosh ball and circumstances were pretty laid back, but that's definitely the time to always go out into right field.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 14, 2008, 01:09am
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Originally Posted by JJ View Post
Here's another reason to stay in the outfield between innings. If the inning ends on a whacker at first and you head IN to talk to your partner, you're a much easier target for that irate coach AND everyone on his side of the field. If you stay in the outfield and that coach comes out to you, HE looks like an aggressor and it's much easier to deal with him.

Not only that, but it just plain looks bad to come talk to the PU after a banger anywhere in the inning, not just the third out. I feel it gives everyone the impression that you weren't really sure of the call and are looking for confirmation from your partner.

As far as regular visits between innings, I only will come in a maximum of once, late in the game, and only then if I know my partner is open to the idea. With most umpires I never come in to talk, but I know which guys welcome the company and which don't (usually really close buddies only). But don't make a habit out of coming in. I can't stand it when a guy comes down almost every half inning.

When working 3 or 4 man, the field umpires often converse between innings, even in the majors. But you rarely, if ever, see them gabbing with the plate man. Like MC Hammer said, "It ain't proper."
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 14, 2008, 11:07am
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Originally Posted by aschramm View Post
Working with Fed, 2-man mechanics, as the BU, do you walk down to the plate between innings to converse with the PU, unless it was about a situation in a previous inning?

When I first started this spring, not knowing any better I'd just walk down the line between innings to chat with the PU, but was then told by our association president it doesn't look good, and I haven't since. And I don't really mind just waiting out in short right field for the next half-inning, but was just wondering what others do, and what their reason is.

I briefly looked through the umpires manual tonight, but couldn't find anything.
It all depends upon who my partner is.

Umpiring should be FUN at least it is for me.

Some frown on talking to players / coaches etc. but we have to be ourselves and I am not a robot at least I do not think I am.

I agree do not talk on an inning that ends on a controversial call or banger but other than that I see nothing wrong with it as long as the game is not being delayed etc. and as mentioned it all depends upon who my partner is.

If you are doing high calibur ball etc. for the most part no need to count warm-up pitches etc. These young men know what they are doing and no need for you to say "balls in" or "bring it down" etc that one one do in "kiddy ball" or "teenage ball"

This falls under the category "to each his own" Also, as with most things we do out there association protocol meaning if your association does not want you to chat then you do not chat. It's akin to the BU carrying an indicator on the bases. Some associations do not want the BU carrying an indicator so in those associations guess what If you are BU you do not carry an indicator.

Pete Booth
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 14, 2008, 11:51am
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"If you are doing high calibur ball etc. for the most part no need to count warm-up pitches etc. These young men know what they are doing and no need for you to say "balls in" or "bring it down" etc that one one do in "kiddy ball" or "teenage ball""
I find it strange how different things are in different parts of the USA.

In Oregon our training comes directly from umpires and umpire evaluators that work in the PAC-10.

In major college baseball (PAC-10/WCAC) plate umpires are required to "count warm-up pitches". When there are two pitches remaining we are trained to step to towards home plate, hold up two fingers and loudly announce "TWO MORE!"

To not do this during a Pac-10 or WCAC game will mean a major ding on your evaluation.

I just find mileage varying is a strange concept when dealing with umpire items such as this.

In closing:

When I umpire the plate I have a lot of stuff to do between innings and I certainly don't want (nor need) someone to come down and have a discussion with me. At my advanced years I need the time between innings to work on my focus and make sure the game is being managed correctly.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 14, 2008, 12:02pm
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In major college baseball (PAC-10/WCAC) plate umpires are required to "count warm-up pitches". When there are two pitches remaining we are trained to step to towards home plate, hold up two fingers and loudly announce "TWO MORE!"

The Eastern League umpires do that also.
Rich Ives
Different does not equate to wrong
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 14, 2008, 12:09pm
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Originally Posted by Rich Ives View Post
In major college baseball (PAC-10/WCAC) plate umpires are required to "count warm-up pitches". When there are two pitches remaining we are trained to step to towards home plate, hold up two fingers and loudly announce "TWO MORE!"

The Eastern League umpires do that also.
I do that too, tell the pitcher he has two more left. Can't really remember if I was taught that, or I just picked up on that from others. Thanks to all the feedback so far.

In a way to ask another question, What is the protocol for PU between innings. I've been told he should alternate sides of the field each half-inning, depending on who is batting and who is fielding, but I never remember which is which. I typically always stand on the first base side (I guess that makes me more accessible to that BU walking down to talk to me )
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 14, 2008, 12:24pm
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Originally Posted by aschramm View Post
In a way to ask another question, What is the protocol for PU between innings. I've been told he should alternate sides of the field each half-inning, depending on who is batting and who is fielding, but I never remember which is which. I typically always stand on the first base side (I guess that makes me more accessible to that BU walking down to talk to me )
Typically that's the rule...however if you just rung up a lefty and your rotation brings you down the 3B dugout, you may not want to cross face w/ the batter might be better to clear yourself behind him so if he's going to say anything to you, everybody in the stadium will see the hitter either coming toward you or if the hitter is simply being frustrated and wants to rip you a new one under his breath to won't accidentally hear what you don't want to hear. Switching sides is a good idea between 1/2 innings when there's nothing else to be preventative about. I'm sure other guys have good ideas too.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 14, 2008, 12:26pm
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you can tell the catcher too...esp if the starter is suiting up after being stranded on base or made the last out as a hitter...because typically the catcher will alert F6 and F2 that he's coming down...

or as the other poster said above...say it loud enough so they both (F1, F2) hear you.
It's like Deja Vu all over again
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 14, 2008, 04:00pm
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Originally Posted by Rich Ives View Post
In major college baseball (PAC-10/WCAC) plate umpires are required to "count warm-up pitches". When there are two pitches remaining we are trained to step to towards home plate, hold up two fingers and loudly announce "TWO MORE!"

The Eastern League umpires do that also.
The PCL guys will actually walk several steps into the infield to tell the pitcher, then go back to the line to tell the on-deck batter it's the last pitch.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 14, 2008, 04:12pm
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Originally Posted by aschramm View Post
What is the protocol for PU between innings. I've been told he should alternate sides of the field each half-inning, depending on who is batting and who is fielding, but I never remember which is which. )
I don't remember where I picked it up (probably here), but all other things being equal, I follow the last batter towards his dugout so that I'm nearer the emptier dugout when that team takes the field, on the theory that there will be fewer persons to start a discusssion. But I often end up on the third base side where I stash my water bottle. I do believe in alternating sides to avoid even an unconscious appearance of partiality.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 14, 2008, 04:13pm
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Originally Posted by aschramm View Post
What is the protocol for PU between innings. I've been told he should alternate sides of the field each half-inning, depending on who is batting and who is fielding, but I never remember which is which. I typically always stand on the first base side (I guess that makes me more accessible to that BU walking down to talk to me )
I go to the side that is taking the field. If they are lolly-gagging around, a word of encouragement will most times speed them up.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 14, 2008, 06:52pm
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Originally Posted by PeteBooth View Post
It all depends upon who my partner is.

If you are doing high calibur ball etc. for the most part no need to count warm-up pitches etc. These young men know what they are doing and no need for you to say "balls in" or "bring it down" etc that one one do in "kiddy ball" or "teenage ball"
If we're counting small college ball as high caliber, I have both played and umpired high caliber baseball. As a catcher, like I was through college, I wouldn't throw down until the umpire said so, especially when it's cool or cold. If the umpire isn't paying attention and I can get my pitcher two extra pitches, I'll take that advantage. On a hot day when arms are easily loose and more pitches means tiring a lot quicker, I'll probably call for two before the umpire said so. Yes, these young men do know what they are doing, and they will take advantage of someone who isn't paying attention.

During some recent inter-squad fall ball games, I was a little bit more lax because pitchers were jumping in and out every few innings to get work. During any spring or summer games I do my best to stay on top of warm up pitches.

Also, I don't like "balls in" or "bring it down", or anything like that. I just tell the catcher he has two more, then he tells whoever he wants whatever he wants, then we get going.

Last edited by briancurtin; Tue Oct 14, 2008 at 06:55pm.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 14, 2008, 07:13pm
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In the Big Ten, Horizon, and MidAmerica leagues we tell the catchers and pitchers in the first inning when there are "two more". In the second I tell them "throw the 5th one down". And yes, I count anyway to make sure and remind them if they abuse the number of warmups.

As for the PU between innings - I was taught at umpire school to stand on the side of the team coming off the field. That avoids that batter you just rang up on that borderline pitch running past you and making a comment he probably shouldn't. If he has to yell that comment because you're on the other side of the field, it's easier to deal with.

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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 14, 2008, 10:25pm
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When we had one guy in charge of evaluations, it was "follow the sticks", or stand on the side of the team who just finished batting. The guy that took his place is the opposite. Each had his reasons. Neither was convincing that it was the "right" way. Only that it was "his" way.

It's just as likely (probably more) you'll be confronted by an unhappy pitcher as an unhappy hitter. Stay away from guys who might be mad at you.

There are a couple of fields I work that are poorly laid out, with the 1st base line running out due south. On those fields, I usually stand on the 1st base line, because on the 3rd base line the sun gets in your eyes. Of course, most of the fans sit in the 1st base bleachers for the same reason, so if the players' wives/girlfriends are hot, I will stand on the 3rd base line in order to get a better view between innings. I've been dinged on evaluations a few times, but who cares when you get views like that! The games may have taken 1:47 instead of 1:45 because of it, but the sun always came up the next day.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 14, 2008, 10:34pm
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I was taught to stand on the foul line of the team that just finished batting, for reasons stated earlier. I didn't care who dared to confront me, they were on an extra short leash bothering me on my rest period. I didn't hear much grumbling on their way to their positions. My reputation for not taking a lot of crap had preceeded me quite well.

I too am of the school that says, "Two more" to the catcher. Some thought I meant two more then take it down. Those catchers didn't get to throw to 2nd base.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
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