Thread: Between Innings
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Old Tue Oct 14, 2008, 12:24pm
johnnyg08 johnnyg08 is offline
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Originally Posted by aschramm View Post
In a way to ask another question, What is the protocol for PU between innings. I've been told he should alternate sides of the field each half-inning, depending on who is batting and who is fielding, but I never remember which is which. I typically always stand on the first base side (I guess that makes me more accessible to that BU walking down to talk to me )
Typically that's the rule...however if you just rung up a lefty and your rotation brings you down the 3B dugout, you may not want to cross face w/ the batter might be better to clear yourself behind him so if he's going to say anything to you, everybody in the stadium will see the hitter either coming toward you or if the hitter is simply being frustrated and wants to rip you a new one under his breath to won't accidentally hear what you don't want to hear. Switching sides is a good idea between 1/2 innings when there's nothing else to be preventative about. I'm sure other guys have good ideas too.
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