Originally Posted by JJ
Here's another reason to stay in the outfield between innings. If the inning ends on a whacker at first and you head IN to talk to your partner, you're a much easier target for that irate coach AND everyone on his side of the field. If you stay in the outfield and that coach comes out to you, HE looks like an aggressor and it's much easier to deal with him.
Not only that, but it just plain looks bad to come talk to the PU after a banger anywhere in the inning, not just the third out. I feel it gives everyone the impression that you weren't really sure of the call and are looking for confirmation from your partner.
As far as regular visits between innings, I only will come in a maximum of once, late in the game, and only then if I know my partner is open to the idea. With most umpires I never come in to talk, but I know which guys welcome the company and which don't (usually really close buddies only). But don't make a habit out of coming in. I can't stand it when a guy comes down almost every half inning.
When working 3 or 4 man, the field umpires often converse between innings, even in the majors. But you rarely, if ever, see them gabbing with the plate man. Like MC Hammer said, "It ain't proper."