Thread: Between Innings
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Old Tue Oct 14, 2008, 10:25pm
Publius Publius is offline
Is this a legal title?
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 360
When we had one guy in charge of evaluations, it was "follow the sticks", or stand on the side of the team who just finished batting. The guy that took his place is the opposite. Each had his reasons. Neither was convincing that it was the "right" way. Only that it was "his" way.

It's just as likely (probably more) you'll be confronted by an unhappy pitcher as an unhappy hitter. Stay away from guys who might be mad at you.

There are a couple of fields I work that are poorly laid out, with the 1st base line running out due south. On those fields, I usually stand on the 1st base line, because on the 3rd base line the sun gets in your eyes. Of course, most of the fans sit in the 1st base bleachers for the same reason, so if the players' wives/girlfriends are hot, I will stand on the 3rd base line in order to get a better view between innings. I've been dinged on evaluations a few times, but who cares when you get views like that! The games may have taken 1:47 instead of 1:45 because of it, but the sun always came up the next day.
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