Originally Posted by bobbybanaduck
CCA mechanics vary in this situation as they require the PU to make the interference call at 2B on R1 sliding in, which is flat out ridiculous, but it's how they do it.
The CCA mechanic DOES NOT "require" the plate umpire to make the interference call at second base! He assists with interference and calls it if the base ump didn't see it. Mostly, that is a late "stand up" in from of the fielder, or before this last season, if the runner slid beyond the bag and made contact.
FED mechanics have the plate ump take the second play in the infield at third base, as silly as that is. If I recall correctly, you just start trucking on up there, and try to position yourself in the cut out to make the call, which is also silly because if the throw is coming from first, you will be smack dab in the way!

I would probably just make the call standing on the third base line, as this would create a 90 degree angle from the throw. Next, I would slap the board of directors of my association silly for using FED mechanics.