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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 08:56pm
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First game on the dish...ever

I have my first game on the dish tomorrow...ever. Only my fourth game. My first three games on the bases went well, all JV games that went the full 7, but didn't have anything out of the ordinary. Except for my second game where the visiting team stole on every pitch and never got caught. the "crowd" wasn't too happy with me by the end.

but anyway, can anyone give me any pointers for my first game out there on the dish. I'm just scared to death of having a bizzare situation that I have no idea what the ruling should be. the idea of calling balls and strikes doesn't scare me "too" much.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 09:19pm
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Joe -
Get command of the rulebook. Step behind the plate with confidence - despite your trepidation when you move from your feelings when you put on your gear to the so-different view you will see when you first stand behind the catcher. Let the game come to you. And realize every single poster on this board stood, once, where you will stand.
Call your game, and remember the rules you seem to know well as a base umpire are the same rules under which the game will progress when you are plate ump.
Above all tell NO ONE this is your first game as plate ump. Except your partner. And if he is not a veteran only tell HIM when the game is over!
Let us know how it went, our friend.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 09:24pm
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So much to say and so little time.

First and foremost you should be confident in your demeanor. If you appear insecure or unsure the games participants will most certainly pick up on it and try to eat you alive. Be short and to the point while holding the plate conference. There's no need to ramble on about unecessary items, so just cover the basics. Regardless of the experience level of your partner you need to take charge of the plate conference. You don't want to be cocky, but you don't want to be a puss either. If you handle yourself like you're in charge and you belong there then you'll get an instant measure of respect.

Remember, the flow of the game is yours to control. That means you need to be hustling on every play. The players see you hustling and they'll pretty much follow your lead. Don't do anything other than go immediately to the foul line on the half inning switch and start seeing to it they're getting out onto the field. It's then your job to count the warm up pitches and keep the game moving. Nothing looks worse than a PU who goes over to the fence on a half inning and starts shooting the breeze with a spectator.

You say you're confident in your ability to call balls and strikes. That's great. Just remember to slow down when your calling pitches. The biggest problems newer umpires have with calling a good zone is almost always related to their timing. Track the ball all the way to the mitt, see it hit the mitt, read the label on the mitt, then call it.

Communication is key in a two man system. This starts by holding a thorough pre game meeting with your partner. Make sure you go over all coverages and signals the two of you will be using. During the game you want to make eye contact with your partner as often as you can to be sure your both on the same page. In a two man you're the one who is in charge of initiating all situational signals such as first to third, IFF, timing plays, etc...

As you're new behind the dish I would say you shouldn't get overly concerned with calling every balk in the book. The obvious balks will call themselves. You really need to be focused on calling pitches. Calling balks the right way only comes with experience. Also don't get caught up worrying about all the third world BS we discuss here. 90% of what you'll be calling are going to be the big six. Ball/strike...fair/foul...out/safe.........

Good luck!

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 09:31pm
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Relax...Timing...Don't take too much crap!

Have fun....Learn.

Do better next time, no matter how well you do.

Did I mention relax?

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 09:32pm
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  • Slow down
  • Call strikes
  • Look like its game #1000 for you behind the plate
  • Slow down
  • Have fun
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 09:40pm
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I agree with the above posters, but understand that when it is over, we will be here to support you with any questions.

Slow down, be confident, have a great pre-game with your partner and remember, you have to do it the first time anyway, tomorrow is a great day. Oh, did I mention it is my 35th Birthday!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 11:37pm
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In addition to everything said above, LOOK the part. Shoes shined, pants pressed, etc. If you are comfortable and feel like you look good, your confidence will be much better.

Get out fom behind the plate when the ball is in play. SO many newer umpires camp out back there and miss coverages, calls, and it leads to laziness - and coaches notice. It also helps to show the players and coaches that you are hustling and giving it your best.

On passed balls with no one on, give the pitcher a new ball while the catcher retrieves it. Even better, have the on-deck batters for both teams get them. On foul balls down the line, tell the fielders to "Let it go!" and send someone from the closest dugout to get it. You will shave 10-15 minutes off your game over 7 innings and the faster pace keeps everyone in the game.

High school coaches want strikes to be called!!!! Don't have a postage stamp strike zone...give 'em 1 ball of the inside and 1 and a half to 2 balls off the outside and everyone will be happy.

Don't go out there with an ego. Be calm, cool and professional.

And most importantly, HAVE FUN!

Let us know how it goes.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 11:38pm
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How do you start out doing JV ball? No Little League, PONY, anything?

I can't do high school ball because I have day job, but is this normal? I mean, you start out with 16 year old kids throwing 85mph? I mean in most respects it's easier than little kids ball, but these games count for something.

It just seems odd.

Last edited by kylejt; Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 11:42pm.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 11:40pm
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Establish a rock solid stance behind the plate. Don't move a muscle until after the pitch has hit the catcher's mitt. Call any pitch that is close a strike.

Calling strikes makes the game go by easier. DO NOT SQUEEZE THE ZONE.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 11:46pm
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Originally Posted by kylejt
How do you start out doing JV ball? No Little League, PONY, anything?

I can't do high school ball because I have day job, but is this normal? I mean, you start out with 16 year old kids throwing 85mph? I mean in most respects it's easier than little kids ball, but these games count for something.

It just seems odd.
I've been playing baseball for as long as I can remember, but I've never done any umpiring at any level. The high school association here in New Hampshire has a 6 week clinic to get new umpires ready for the season. does everybody start out at lower levels then worked their way up to HS? has anyone started at HS?

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 11:48pm
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have confidence. when i worked my first plate game ever as a 14 year old calling the 10-11-12 league i was just barely out of, my dad told me to be confident in what i do. when i worked my first college game, my dad told me to be confident. put your best into it, have faith in yourself, and you will be just fine. if you miss a pitch, get the next one and move on. stand tall and keep your head up, dont let anything get to you.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 11:48pm
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Originally Posted by kylejt
How do you start out doing JV ball? No Little League, PONY, anything?

I can't do high school ball because I have day job, but is this normal? I mean, you start out with 16 year old kids throwing 85mph? I mean in most respects it's easier than little kids ball, but these games count for something.

It just seems odd.
I know, when I started we were given LL and PONY, then some JV mixed in. By the middle of my second year I started getting Varsity, but usually low-level Varsity. Not until my third year did I start getting the top-tier games.

Nowdays I think many areas are experiencing a shortage of umpires, so 1st year guys are working JV and Frosh ball.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 11:54pm
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Originally Posted by ToGreySt
does everybody start out at lower levels then worked their way up to HS? has anyone started at HS?

i started when i was 14. i would work out with the assignor of LL that if i played a morning game(s) i could work an afternoon game or double header for him. if i played in the afternoon, id umpire early games, and i tried to pick one up during the week as well. thats how i started, but im sure there are some that jumped in later on

when i started out and for the first bunch of years, i was just a kid out there wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, thats how we all did it. i dont know that really counts in my umpiring "resume" - thats just my first years
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Wed Apr 26, 2006, 12:10am
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Originally Posted by ToGreySt
I've been playing baseball for as long as I can remember, but I've never done any umpiring at any level. The high school association here in New Hampshire has a 6 week clinic to get new umpires ready for the season. does everybody start out at lower levels then worked their way up to HS? has anyone started at HS?

I worked my very first baseball game behind the plate in a varsity non-conference double header. I read two books from Carl Childress published by Referee Magazine. I read both books cover to cover in order to get a step up on my first game. Fortunately I did work a full season of football and basketball so I was prepared for the type of "people" issues that I was going to face on the baseball diamond.

In my state all you have to do is get a license by passing a test and passing a background check and receiving references from people associated with the IHSA (coaches, administrators and officials). If someone wants to hire to HS games it is up to the assignor. Of course you might not start out at the varsity level like I did, but you can still work games at the HS level in my area from the very beginning.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Wed Apr 26, 2006, 08:01am
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Originally Posted by PWL
Join a High School association. That's what I did. I actually worked a few varsity games my first year. Now, depending on what's available I work about half and half. JV/Varsity DH's mostly. I just don't get bent out of shape working a low level game like some people.
Me neither. The low-level stuff can be a nice break sometimes.
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