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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 02, 2012, 10:57am
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Coach Gone Wild !

I've had my share of ejections for the usual vanilla reasons - cussing at me, accusing me of cheating, incessant chirping- but I've never had a softball coach go Earl Weaver on me, till Sunday at about 8.03 am.
ASA 14 U, first game of bracket play, I'm PU. R1 on 1B, 1 out. She steals and on her horrible slide ends up in the lap of F5, who applies a tag-that hits the runner in the head.
"Earl" comes barreling out of the dugout headed towards 2B informing everybody that the tag was Bull****. At about the third base line he starts yelling at the other teams player. My partner is moving in on him, and I'm talking the other teams managers and coaches off the ledge. I did and so I turn my attention to "Earl", and move smartly towards him. I get there and he repeats, loudly, the "BS" spiel.
I inform him he is ejected and needs to leave the field. He then moves towards me aggressively and partner does a good job of blocking. Now the manager wheels himself out and asks why I'm ejecting his coach? I try not to laugh and give him some of my reasons, and it seems to be over.
Two pitches later "Earl' is behind the backstop letting everyone know "I'm a a$$$$$$ and he's filing a report. He finally left when TD and UIC sold him on leave now or let the cops decide if he should leave.
It was classic and I have no meaningful prior history with this guy. I'm thinking really bad hangover.
"I'll take you home" says Geoff Tate
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 02, 2012, 11:07am
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Originally Posted by Chess Ref View Post
I've had my share of ejections for the usual vanilla reasons - cussing at me, accusing me of cheating, incessant chirping- but I've never had a softball coach go Earl Weaver on me, till Sunday at about 8.03 am.
ASA 14 U, first game of bracket play, I'm PU. R1 on 1B, 1 out. She steals and on her horrible slide ends up in the lap of F5, who applies a tag-that hits the runner in the head.
"Earl" comes barreling out of the dugout headed towards 2B informing everybody that the tag was Bull****. At about the third base line he starts yelling at the other teams player. My partner is moving in on him, and I'm talking the other teams managers and coaches off the ledge. I did and so I turn my attention to "Earl", and move smartly towards him. I get there and he repeats, loudly, the "BS" spiel.
I inform him he is ejected and needs to leave the field. He then moves towards me aggressively and partner does a good job of blocking. Now the manager wheels himself out and asks why I'm ejecting his coach? I try not to laugh and give him some of my reasons, and it seems to be over.
Two pitches later "Earl' is behind the backstop letting everyone know "I'm a a$$$$$$ and he's filing a report. He finally left when TD and UIC sold him on leave now or let the cops decide if he should leave.
It was classic and I have no meaningful prior history with this guy. I'm thinking really bad hangover.
Was the runner his daughter?
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 02, 2012, 11:23am
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Originally Posted by CecilOne View Post
Was the runner his daughter?
Probably a priest who needed a reason to make the 9:00 mass
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 02, 2012, 11:48am
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
Probably a priest who needed a reason to make the 9:00 mass
slander ?? If I can't, he can't.
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jul 03, 2012, 09:02am
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Wow, 8:03am. At least you got the insanity over and done with nice and early!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 04, 2012, 03:14pm
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Originally Posted by Chess Ref View Post
I've had my share of ejections for the usual vanilla reasons - cussing at me, accusing me of cheating, incessant chirping- but I've never had a softball coach go Earl Weaver on me, till Sunday at about 8.03 am.
ASA 14 U, first game of bracket play, I'm PU. R1 on 1B, 1 out. She steals and on her horrible slide ends up in the lap of F5, who applies a tag-that hits the runner in the head.
I'm still trying to figure out how, with her on 1st, she stole and then ended up in the lap of the third baseman. That must have been some REAL HORRIBLE slide. Or maybe that's why she got tagged in the head. "no, you dolt, you can't run directly to third. You must go to second first."
ASA, NCAA, PONY, USSSA Fastpitch, NYSSO Umpire

As umpires, we are expected to be perfect our first game and get better every time out thereafter.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 04, 2012, 09:26pm
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Originally Posted by LIUmp View Post
I'm still trying to figure out how, with her on 1st, she stole and then ended up in the lap of the third baseman. That must have been some REAL HORRIBLE slide. Or maybe that's why she got tagged in the head. "no, you dolt, you can't run directly to third. You must go to second first."
Really slow shortstop?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 04, 2012, 11:16pm
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And hopefully the Torny rules specified he was out for the next two games as well
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jul 08, 2012, 11:11am
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Posts: 58
Bulls**t the EN-VOUGE expression.

I had called a lookback rule in a 10U travel game (ASA) and the coach went ballistic on me. . .came running down the 3rd base line using the words BS about a dozen times. It was so obvious a call, my dead, blind dog could have made the call. Anyway, after letting him vent, he walks back to 3rd and I hear "I am going to call your assignor and tell him you have no damn clue. . .that was BS." To which I promptly warned him. . .he says "Great, I have somewhere else I have to be." Now, seeing it was a 90 degree plus day with high humidity and his bald head was beading with sweat, I didnt throw him out - your kids are suffering in this heat - well, so are you.


After the inning, the opposing bench coach pulled me aside and told me that he wasnt going to take that coaches BS anymore. I asked him what happend and the opposing coach said that as the BS-yelling coach walked back to third base, he told the opposing coach to "Sit his fat *** back on the f*&^ing bench" (I wish I would have heard that).

Anyway, I called my assignor 20 minutes after the game, but the coach already beat me to it. . .that coach conveniently left out the BULL**** statements, the real scenario of the play and his comments to the other coach.

Well, after the game was over, the coach at 1B at the time of the LBRule play pulled me over and told me "That was 100% the right call blue, we teach this day in and day out. . . " not that I needed it, but i was VINDICATED
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jul 08, 2012, 12:03pm
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Originally Posted by justcallmeblue View Post
Bulls**t the EN-VOUGE expression.

I had called a lookback rule in a 10U travel game (ASA) and the coach went ballistic on me. . .came running down the 3rd base line using the words BS about a dozen times. It was so obvious a call, my dead, blind dog could have made the call. Anyway, after letting him vent, he walks back to 3rd and I hear "I am going to call your assignor and tell him you have no damn clue. . .that was BS." To which I promptly warned him. . .he says "Great, I have somewhere else I have to be." Now, seeing it was a 90 degree plus day with high humidity and his bald head was beading with sweat, I didnt throw him out - your kids are suffering in this heat - well, so are you.


After the inning, the opposing bench coach pulled me aside and told me that he wasnt going to take that coaches BS anymore. I asked him what happend and the opposing coach said that as the BS-yelling coach walked back to third base, he told the opposing coach to "Sit his fat *** back on the f*&^ing bench" (I wish I would have heard that).

Anyway, I called my assignor 20 minutes after the game, but the coach already beat me to it. . .that coach conveniently left out the BULL**** statements, the real scenario of the play and his comments to the other coach.

Well, after the game was over, the coach at 1B at the time of the LBRule play pulled me over and told me "That was 100% the right call blue, we teach this day in and day out. . . " not that I needed it, but i was VINDICATED

Sorry, but I'm going to come down hard on you here...

I don't care how hot it was. You allowed him to get away with questioning your integrity, cursing (in a 10U game, mind you - what a great sportsmanlike example in front of 4th and 5th graders and yes I consider screaming the initials BS as crossing the line with this age group), threatening you (call your assignor!?!) and the opposing coach.....and you feel vindicated? You should have ejected him as soon as he ran at you screaming. ESPECIALLY if he wasn't the head coach. And ESPECIALLY when he cursed.

If the coach doesn't want to follow sportsmanship rules, someone has to enforce it and set a standard. On behalf of the other umpires who will have this guy after you, I'd like to thank you for creating a beast that we will now have to handle and for allowing this guy to think he can treat all umpires this way.

I have a pet peeve when someone says they won't toss a coach because it's hot. I hear it from guys in my association. Temperature should have nothing to do with how we officiate, and when someone needs to leave, then you tell them to do so. He ejected himself and you practically begged him to stay.

We don't make calls to feel vindicated. We make calls to uphold the rules. The argument had broken another rule. So you got one call right, but you blew another. Sorry bud, but that's how I see it.[/RANT]

We now return you to your regularly scheduled reading....
ASA, NCAA, PONY, USSSA Fastpitch, NYSSO Umpire

As umpires, we are expected to be perfect our first game and get better every time out thereafter.

Last edited by LIUmp; Sun Jul 08, 2012 at 12:18pm.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jul 08, 2012, 12:57pm
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"Sorry, but I'm going to come down hard on you here..."

You can come down on me. . .I am a big boy. Every umpire has a level of tolerance for (pardon the expression) BS. I have a trigger and it takes a little more than this for me to pull it. And I mean JUST A LITTLE!

"On behalf of the other umpires who will have this guy after you, I'd like to thank you for creating a beast that we will now have to handle and for allowing this guy to think he can treat all umpires this way."

So let me ask. . .What about the UMPIRES BEFORE ME, that have put ME into that situation in the 10 games prior to mine that this coach has had this season and the games he acted that way when he coached 8U (according to reports). You are pretty quick to make me the scape goat. You also seem to insinuate that he doesnt have a history and I created a mess, WELL HE DOES HAVE A HISTORY. . . I come to find out thru other coaches and umpires (who work for different assignors) that he has complained about numerous other officials calls that don't go his way and complaints have been lodged to the league by opposing coaches!! Noone has tossed him in the past

He was the Head Coach. . .was warned. . . and I live by a simple rule. . . .once I warn you, if you say anything that warrants an ejection, you'll get it. . . .Telling me he has somewhere else better to be isnt one of those comments. Now, if I personally heard the comment that he made to the other coach, he would have been ejected. But after the warning, he shut up, like I expected!

We don't make calls to feel vindicated.
I didnt make the call to be feel VINDICATED. The vindication comes when - I know it was right call, the right rule and after the game the assistant coach SEEKS me out to tell me I was right to warn the HC!

Last edited by justcallmeblue; Sun Jul 08, 2012 at 01:41pm.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jul 08, 2012, 03:36pm
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Originally Posted by justcallmeblue View Post
"Sorry, but I'm going to come down hard on you here..."

You can come down on me. . .I am a big boy. Every umpire has a level of tolerance for (pardon the expression) BS. I have a trigger and it takes a little more than this for me to pull it. And I mean JUST A LITTLE!

"On behalf of the other umpires who will have this guy after you, I'd like to thank you for creating a beast that we will now have to handle and for allowing this guy to think he can treat all umpires this way."

So let me ask. . .What about the UMPIRES BEFORE ME, that have put ME into that situation in the 10 games prior to mine that this coach has had this season and the games he acted that way when he coached 8U (according to reports). You are pretty quick to make me the scape goat. You also seem to insinuate that he doesnt have a history and I created a mess, WELL HE DOES HAVE A HISTORY. . . I come to find out thru other coaches and umpires (who work for different assignors) that he has complained about numerous other officials calls that don't go his way and complaints have been lodged to the league by opposing coaches!! Noone has tossed him in the past

He was the Head Coach. . .was warned. . . and I live by a simple rule. . . .once I warn you, if you say anything that warrants an ejection, you'll get it. . . .Telling me he has somewhere else better to be isnt one of those comments. Now, if I personally heard the comment that he made to the other coach, he would have been ejected. But after the warning, he shut up, like I expected!

We don't make calls to feel vindicated.
I didnt make the call to be feel VINDICATED. The vindication comes when - I know it was right call, the right rule and after the game the assistant coach SEEKS me out to tell me I was right to warn the HC!

how about:
rule 4, sec 7 C 3 (Base coaches may not use language that will reflect negatively upon players, umpires or spectators.
EFFECT: DQ or ejection from the game after a warning. Seems to me like you warned him, he's got a history, and you still allowed him to make a comment. Idle threats show the coach that he can get away with this behavior.

coach went ballistic on me. . .came running down the 3rd base line using the words BS about a dozen times.
Unacceptable. If you want to warn him, here's where you do it. "Coach, I'd be glad to explain what I saw. However, your language and tone needs to end. This is your only warning."

Anyway, after letting him vent, he walks back to 3rd and I hear "I am going to call your assignor and tell him you have no damn clue. . .that was BS." To which I promptly warned him.
He now has threatened you by saying he's going to call your assignor...AND he's questioned your integrity by saying that you have no damn clue - and he's cursed AGAIN. So you now warn him? Too late at this point...he should have been ejected here without question. But....

he says "Great, I have somewhere else I have to be." Now, seeing it was a 90 degree plus day with high humidity and his bald head was beading with sweat, I didnt throw him out - your kids are suffering in this heat - well, so are you.
So he continued on and practically begged you to leave, and you begged him to stay. To which I say thanks on behalf of everyone else who will have to deal with this in the future. The guy needs to be shown that this behavior is unacceptable. You dropped the ball here. Big time.

But then...

After the inning, the opposing bench coach pulled me aside and told me that he wasnt going to take that coaches BS anymore. I asked him what happend and the opposing coach said that as the BS-yelling coach walked back to third base, he told the opposing coach to "Sit his fat *** back on the f*&^ing bench" (I wish I would have heard that).
And you didn't hear this? Even IF you decided you wanted to spend the next little while with this did you not have your ears WELL-TUNED into what he would say following your warning?? Let's say I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on tossing this this point, you should be SO ENGAGED in every word that exits his mouth that I can't fathom how you didn't hear this. But I'll take your word that you didn't hear it. In that case, you need to pay more attention, specifically when you've warned someone that he says NOT ANOTHER word. PERIOD. Perhaps he didn't say it. But I would have addressed it and tried to find out if he really did say it. At least address it with my partner. (Speaking of, where the heck was he/she?????) But you didn't do that either, I gather.

I'm not insinuating anything...let alone that you created this mess of a coach. However, you've allowed a monster to continue to grow stronger by not doing anything to stop him from being belligerent. It shouldn't matter that he has a history. He could be the nicest guy in the world. That day, in that game, he lost it and he was not shown that his actions bring consequences. The umpires before you, if this guy acted in the same way, screwed up by not putting him in his place. But you should not have joined them. Instead, he continues and will continue to berate and abuse officials until someone does the right thing.

But after the warning, he shut up, like I expected!
Apparently he did not.

I know it was right call, the right rule and after the game the assistant coach SEEKS me out to tell me I was right to warn the HC!
No, you were wrong. You should have ejected him. That was right. And any other adult, seeing that behavior, who believes a warning was right, is adding to this already out of control problem.

Listen...I don't know you and hold no ill will toward what you did. You were there and I wasn't. I obviously disagree with how you handled it. I am just hoping you read my thoughts and take my beliefs into consideration for the future. So when this happens again (and it will, it does to all of us), next time you may remember this very thread and will be more likely to do what I believe is the right thing.

"Coach, you've been ejected from the game. You must leave the complex."


"Goodbye coach. You must leave now."

I'd love to know other's thoughts on this part of the thread. Maybe I'm being too harsh.
ASA, NCAA, PONY, USSSA Fastpitch, NYSSO Umpire

As umpires, we are expected to be perfect our first game and get better every time out thereafter.

Last edited by LIUmp; Sun Jul 08, 2012 at 03:42pm.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jul 08, 2012, 04:09pm
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Originally Posted by justcallmeblue View Post
Bulls**t the EN-VOUGE expression.

I had called a lookback rule in a 10U travel game (ASA) and the coach went ballistic on me. . .came running down the 3rd base line using the words BS about a dozen times. It was so obvious a call, my dead, blind dog could have made the call. Anyway, after letting him vent, he walks back to 3rd and I hear "I am going to call your assignor and tell him you have no damn clue. . .that was BS." To which I promptly warned him. . .he says "Great, I have somewhere else I have to be." Now, seeing it was a 90 degree plus day with high humidity and his bald head was beading with sweat, I didnt throw him out - your kids are suffering in this heat - well, so are you.


After the inning, the opposing bench coach pulled me aside and told me that he wasnt going to take that coaches BS anymore. I asked him what happend and the opposing coach said that as the BS-yelling coach walked back to third base, he told the opposing coach to "Sit his fat *** back on the f*&^ing bench" (I wish I would have heard that).

Anyway, I called my assignor 20 minutes after the game, but the coach already beat me to it. . .that coach conveniently left out the BULL**** statements, the real scenario of the play and his comments to the other coach.

Well, after the game was over, the coach at 1B at the time of the LBRule play pulled me over and told me "That was 100% the right call blue, we teach this day in and day out. . . " not that I needed it, but i was VINDICATED
Should have tossed him with the first BS, IMO. 10U game....not an adult game. Pretty black and white.

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jul 08, 2012, 05:15pm
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Originally Posted by justcallmeblue View Post
Bulls**t the EN-VOUGE expression.

I had called a lookback rule in a 10U travel game (ASA) and the coach went ballistic on me. . .came running down the 3rd base line using the words BS about a dozen times.
Couldn't care less what was coming out of his mouth as long as it wasn't a personal assault on anyone, umpire, player or another coach.

It was so obvious a call, my dead, blind dog could have made the call. Anyway, after letting him vent, he walks back to 3rd and I hear "I am going to call your assignor and tell him you have no damn clue. . .that was BS." To which I promptly warned him. . .
Well, IMO, that is where you may have made a mistake. You allowed him to say his peace, okay, that is where is should have ended. The comments on the way back to the box he isn't supposed to have left probably should have been the punch of his ticket home. "Warnings" have become perceived as an entitlement in the game of softball. Don't know how many times I've seen someone get dumped and the first thing out of their mouth is, "there was no warning" or something similar. If the coach did something you felt wrong enough to warn, you probably should have dumped him then and there.

he says "Great, I have somewhere else I have to be." Now, seeing it was a 90 degree plus day with high humidity and his bald head was beading with sweat, I didnt throw him out - your kids are suffering in this heat - well, so are you.


After the inning, the opposing bench coach pulled me aside and told me that he wasnt going to take that coaches BS anymore. I asked him what happend and the opposing coach said that as the BS-yelling coach walked back to third base, he told the opposing coach to "Sit his fat *** back on the f*&^ing bench" (I wish I would have heard that).
See previous paragraph

Anyway, I called my assignor 20 minutes after the game, but the coach already beat me to it. . .that coach conveniently left out the BULL**** statements, the real scenario of the play and his comments to the other coach.
Who cares? If you assigner did anything more than listening and hanging up when the coach was done, he isn't worth working for.

Well, after the game was over, the coach at 1B at the time of the LBRule play pulled me over and told me "That was 100% the right call blue, we teach this day in and day out. . . " not that I needed it, but i was VINDICATED
Maybe he should have told that to his coach, not you.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jul 08, 2012, 05:49pm
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totally agree w/ LIump - you blew this one. after the first B*LLSH*T the coach should have been gone, no questions.
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