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  #151 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 21, 2009, 07:40am
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Originally Posted by bestviewofall View Post
I have been asked to work this tournament. I have accepted.

From what I have seen of the roster, I am excited to be invloved with this gathering. Just as excited as I am to be involved with every game I am allowed to work. But, this time is is with some of the biggest names in the sport.

I will answer all questions, to the best of my abilities
Okay... First question...

Why the angry face?

I haven't decided if I should call it from the dugout or the outfield. Apparently, both have really great views!

Screw green, it ain't easy being blue!

I won't be coming here that much anymore. I might check in now and again.
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  #152 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 21, 2009, 07:47am
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I was kind of wondering that too.. why the mad face?

This is paul from so cal right? Its only your second post so I havent been able to pin down exactly who you are lol.

Youre of course a stud of an umpire! If you are there, they no doubt will have a very good crew and it will be an awesome tourney.


Last edited by wadeintothem; Fri Aug 21, 2009 at 07:50am.
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  #153 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 21, 2009, 10:05am
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Originally Posted by NCASAUmp View Post
Okay... First question...

Why the angry face?
LOL. I have no idea. Must have been a misapplied click. I just saw that myself this morning.

Yes, this is Smokey.
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  #154 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 21, 2009, 10:35am
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Originally Posted by bestviewofall View Post
LOL. I have no idea. Must have been a misapplied click. I just saw that myself this morning.

Yes, this is Smokey.
And, he is the SE on my list of people that could put together such a roster. Smokey, can I assume WN and DC-N are also involved?
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  #155 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 21, 2009, 01:53pm
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Good to hear from you, Steve. Your assumption is correct.

Wade, I do not know if I know you or not but, thank you for the kind words, also. Probably just bad judgement on your part, though.

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  #156 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 21, 2009, 07:08pm
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Originally Posted by Dholloway1962 View Post
The statements about the "conditions and lack of facilities in OKC" is bogus. Plenty of big parks around the metro area to handle this. Boomer Softball complex is close to HOF to just name one. The costs of food, hotel, and entertainment in OKC are minimal.

I would suggest you get to OKC and spend some time there and form your own opinion. Don't take the "coaches and other umpires" word for it.

I have had the pleasure of calling on Field 1 at HOF Stadium on several occassions. There isn't anything like umpiring on that field. The hair on your neck stands up when you walk out there and you look around and think about the people who have played and umpired there before.

This, the 18 Gold, will probably be the only time most of those girls get the chance to play on that field.

Personally, I can't think of a better place, with that much history, to play the 18 Gold.

If they can't take the heat of Oklahoma in August, they don't need to be playing softball!
It is a cool field to umpire on but most of the players at 18G do not get to play on that field.

And Easton, Wilson and Combat (or whoever sponsors them this week) do not make the hair on anyones neck stand up.
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  #157 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 21, 2009, 07:15pm
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Originally Posted by topper View Post
How many on here would choose this tournament over "lesser" Gold National, or any ASA Nat for that matter?

More convenient travel options, better weather, better pay, and better ball certainly has it's advantages. Then again there is that honor thing.
I looks like there alot of very good umpires that have chosen this tournament...knowing this probably terminates any chance of working ASA Nat again. If past actions are any indication...they will effectively excommunicate them from championship play...another process that alienates good umpires from an affiliation.
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  #158 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 21, 2009, 07:17pm
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Originally Posted by luvthegame View Post
I looks like there alot of very good umpires that have chosen this tournament...knowing this probably terminates any chance of working ASA Nat again. If past actions are any indication...they will effectively excommunicate them from championship play...another process that alienates good umpires from an affiliation.
Oh that is horse hockey.

Just stick to mimicking Gary's talking points and dont do any independent thinking. Jeez.
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  #159 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 21, 2009, 07:19pm
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Originally Posted by bestviewofall View Post
I have been asked to work this tournament. I have accepted.

From what I have seen of the roster, I am excited to be invloved with this gathering. Just as excited as I am to be involved with every game I am allowed to work. But, this time is is with some of the biggest names in the sport.

I will answer all questions, to the best of my abilities

Welcome aboard Smokey.

Are they working 3 man?

What are they paying?

Will you be able to have fun with that crew??
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  #160 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 21, 2009, 07:40pm
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Originally Posted by wadeintothem View Post
Oh that is horse hockey.

Just stick to mimicking Gary's talking points and dont do any independent thinking. Jeez.
Witnessed over and over .....seen with my own eye's in emails from leadership to some of your UIC's concerning events in competion.

And that's not horse hockey!!

Ask some of your collegiate friends of the threats and pressures!!

I don't mean to be critical of you specifically ....but there is a real world outside our little bubble sometimes.
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  #161 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 21, 2009, 07:47pm
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Originally Posted by luvthegame View Post
Witnessed over and over .....seen with my own eye's in emails from leadership to some of your UIC's concerning events in competion.

And that's not horse hockey!!

Ask some of your collegiate friends of the threats and pressures!!

I don't mean to be critical of you specifically ....but there is a real world outside our little bubble sometimes.
Oh, youare so full of BS. I've sat in on national selections for 3 years in our area, never heard anything like that. National selections are a very localized thing. Your blanket invented statement is total bunk. Seen with your own eyes "in emails"

Thats idiotic and shows you were never there.
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  #162 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 21, 2009, 07:56pm
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And tell me this, why are you pretending to be anything but a troll? The last thing you've seen is umpiring issues or selections.
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  #163 (permalink)  
Old Sat Aug 22, 2009, 12:53am
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Originally Posted by luvthegame View Post
Welcome aboard Smokey.

Are they working 3 man?

What are they paying?

Will you be able to have fun with that crew??

Thanks for the accolades, but seeing how dangerous it is in here, I may crawl back into lurking mode. Before I do that here are a few answers and thoughts:

From what I understand:

Mon/Tue: Two person mechanics.
Wed-Fri: Three person mechanics
Sat (not sure whether it is all Sat or just the finals): Four person mechanics

I have been told that the tournament is paying $50 a game

Have fun with that crew???? It is very seldom that I am able to work with a group of umpires where I am truly the rookie. I cannot believe the names that I am told will be participating.

As far as the ASA discussion going on: I cannot believe that they would have any grievances against umpires that work this tournament or elsewhere. From what I can tell, all of these officials are ASA umpires, yet none of these would be working nationals. For various reasons. Many of them have been there and done that while some of us just aren’t qualified.

Myself, I am ASA registered, but not certified. So, I am ineligible. I would be sitting home that week dreaming of softball. Plus, having the tmnt here allows me the flexibility to be employee, umpire and Daddy all at the same time while stay home for once.

I am not certified simply because I choose to work Div I softball preseason tournaments rather than take a weekend off and attend the mandatory ASA mechanics clinic. I could easily not umpire one weekend in Feb or March and complete my ASA training, but I choose to enhance my family’s income instead. MY decision, not theirs. It is not their fault, it is I who chooses not to play by the rules. I do attend the ASA rules clinic every year and make sure that I am up to date with the current philosophies.

Am I naïve to believe that ASA does not care what umpires do outside of their tournaments? Being independant contractors, don't they understand that we might work for others. If they do complain about this (which I'm sure they wouldn't), do they complain about ASA umpires working in AFA, USSSA, High School, College? Or do none of those organizations pose a threat to their organization? Forgive me. I'm trying to figure out where the problem my lie (if there is one).

Maybe there is an issue that I am unaware of. But, if they have a problem (as I said, IF) it is a fight that would be creating, not us.

I cannot speak for any of the umpires on the list that will be working this championship other than myself. But, I do not have a grievance against ASA. This decision to work in HB is not a shun against ASA, but rather an opportunity to work some great softball with some great umpires while I stay at home. Any one of you who has met me, talked with me, drained a pitcher or two with me or even attended one of my camps (God help you) can attest to the fact that I praise ASA and their role in developing softball umpires. I will never speak bad about the way that ASA builds great umpires out of raw talent. They are and always will be the leader in primary umpire development.

I need to stop. My beer ran out.
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  #164 (permalink)  
Old Sat Aug 22, 2009, 01:18am
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Originally Posted by wadeintothem View Post
And tell me this, why are you pretending to be anything but a troll? The last thing you've seen is umpiring issues or selections.
Once again your claims are mouth insert foot!!

Wade, you can call someone any name you want, tell someone their observations are BS horse hockey...tell them what they have and haven't seen...whatever...your day dream will continue...

For your information...I have been a registered ASA umpire for 31 years...State UIC, State UIC/State Player Rep (Council Member), Asst. State UIC, District UIC etc. A Regional Player Rep (Council Member) a District JO Commissioner and so on....been to a few "rodeo's".

But one thing you are right on is...I have never "sat in" at your local selections as you have!! But have been a part of many many others.

And my point or intent is not to denegrate a particular affiliation...but simply to open the eyes of those who might exercise such blind devotion that they cant see the forest through the trees!!

You have blown your horn on a couple of different boards about your right to provoke thought by voicing your opinion...and yet you try to tell others "what to stick to"...

Your opinions and claims have changed and your own admission. Your "predictions" have been like weather reports!!

I have heard the saying "umpires see things through their eyes..players, coaches and fans see things through their hearts"....

And now I think sometimes the opposite can be true...umpires are seeing things through their hearts and the players, fans and coaches are seeing things through their eyes!!

In summary...YES....I am proud to support GH's talking points and I support the Premier Tournament as a good start to making things better across the board for Girls Fastpitch Softball!!

Last edited by luvthegame; Sat Aug 22, 2009 at 01:38am.
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  #165 (permalink)  
Old Sat Aug 22, 2009, 03:50am
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Well, I think you should blame yourself. You need to work on your presentation - you seem more like a 28 year old childlike blathering fool of a softball parent of a 10U player or a troll than anyone who knows what they are talking about... and this goes back to even your very first post - of which I've reviewed them all. Admittedly, you havent always been as trollish as you have been since you've become Gary's personal bantering harpie here (as if we cant read it there) - but you havent offered this forum a single piece of valuable information, interpretation, or insight for someone as supposedly experienced as you are.

There has not been a single post that would indicate you know anything at all about officiating. I never even thought you were an umpire. That is very strange. I thought you were a heybucket parent who found the forum just tosay stuff. At one point I thought you might be an 18G parent. Nothing about you indicated intelligence or knowledge of the game; let alone wisdom earned by being at "the rodeo".

You do make a damn fine parrot though.

Well, I'm sure I will know or know of personnally many of the umps working this tourney; we shall be able to immediately know first hand who has inserted their foot into their mouth as to your "excommunication" claims. The only time I've seen that is if you turn your back on the association when you are needed.. not if you arent needed and just go work somewhere. That has nothing to do with who you are working for, but your value to an association if you cant be counted on. I work NAFA and IFA - a recent inductee to our HOF has his ISC accomplishments listed. There are no issues.

And my wavering has nothing to do with whether or not I believe Gary is the messiah of 18G and should support his leading teams to some so cal showcase to battle for tshirts stored in his garage.

I waver on fence distance rules, whether or not college players should be allowed (most of his of his self serving selfish talking points did not sway me at all-so I lean towards leaving 18G a true 18G championship), and whether it should move around (I think no, but obviously, everyone hates playing there, so ASA needs to address it). i do not waver on the fact I think there should be a coaches committee and they need to be able to express legit grievances..

Not only that but I do think the east coast are going to be flooded with A LOT more 15y/o so cal teams playing up traveling to steal berths, who may just whup em, for 18G qualifiers if they allow this college player change.

And it seems OKC @ 9 days is way too long and 1 week at other tourneys may even be too long (some of us have lives).

Besides.. why should slow pitch guys get credit for a whole national when they work a few games on a weekend between beers...and I gotta work games all week to get the same credit...They should get like a 1/2 national for every tourney.

Last edited by wadeintothem; Sat Aug 22, 2009 at 04:34am.
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