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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 17, 2008, 12:16pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: California
Posts: 28
Illegal Player - NSA Fastpitch Rules (related to other illegal player post)

Sorry to be a pain, but our team plays USSSA and NSA.

Suppose this same thing happened at an NSA tournament?

12U girls fastpitch, Illegal Player: E8 was replaced while on offense and when team took the field defensively the original player took the field. PU was not notified of the change. First pitch was delivered making E8 an illegal player. Defensive Coach caught the error and illegal player was replaced immediately.

RE: Illegal Player, the rulebook says (Rule 4 Sec. 5 a.) “Failure to notify the Umpire of a substitution would create an illegal Substitution” The book notes that “Re-Entry is considered a substitution, and if an illegal entry occurs, the penalty is the immediate ejection of the illegal player.”

RE: Protests, the rulebook says (Rule 11 Sec. 4) “The notification of intent to protest must be made immediately before the first pitch, EXCEPTION: player eligibility” and (Rule 11 Sec. 5 c.) “In tournament play, protest concerning player eligibility must be filed before the end of the game being protested.” Finally (Rule 11 Sec. 7 c.) “When protest for eligibility is allowed, the team shall forfeit the game played to the offended team.”

If the offended coach waited until after the PU called the end of the game (even by 1 second), the protest would make no difference in the outcome of the game, correct?

I don’t know how you guys keep up with all of the rule differences!!!!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 17, 2008, 12:54pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Twin Cities MN
Posts: 8,154
There are two main rules philosophies regarding unreported substitutes: the first treats it like a minor offense the first time (assuming it was an eligible sub that merely entered unreported). Rules that do this are NFHS (high school) and USSSA; the second treats it as a major offense with more severe consequences. ASA is in this category, and apparently, so is NSA (I don't know NSA rules - just going by what you posted). In this case, the offending player is disqualified (ASA) and apparently ejected (NSA), and there can be other penalties, such as an out, depending on the exact situation.

Also, these are 3 different things:
1) Unreported substitute
2) Illegal player, and
3) Ineligible player

Umpires generally do NOT rule on player eligibility. This concerns such things as age, etc. Umpires do rule on unreported or illegal players.
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