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Search: Posts Made By: JEL
Forum: Softball Sun May 27, 2012, 07:14am
Replies: 4
Views: 1,089
Posted By JEL
We use 7 runs per inning. After 7, change sides....

We use 7 runs per inning. After 7, change sides. In last inning of the game, (6 innings 10U, 7 innings 12U and up) there is no limit.

A 7 inning game is rare, and a treat! We usually get 3 innings...
Forum: Softball Sun May 20, 2012, 07:53pm
Replies: 21
Views: 4,283
Posted By JEL
Would that be something akin to "common...

Would that be something akin to "common senSe???"
Forum: Softball Tue May 15, 2012, 08:01am
Replies: 10
Views: 1,585
Posted By JEL
By definition a bunt is: A pitched ball that is...

By definition a bunt is: A pitched ball that is intentionally tapped with the bat, slowly, within the infield.

Slap is not defined by rule.
Forum: Softball Sat May 12, 2012, 02:25pm
Replies: 32
Views: 4,885
Posted By JEL
I understand perfectly as I said four posts...

I understand perfectly as I said four posts above!

I also understand there can be no tie called. Why look for tie's? Why worry about them?

By rule "It is the defense's responsibility to put...
Forum: Softball Sat May 12, 2012, 09:08am
Replies: 32
Views: 4,885
Posted By JEL
Understood (and agree) but my point is if there...

Understood (and agree) but my point is if there were "ties" would would then be forced to also have "do-overs!"

And you are being underpaid at that rate!:)
Forum: Softball Fri May 11, 2012, 10:51pm
Replies: 32
Views: 4,885
Posted By JEL
So what is the call when they do call a tie? ...

So what is the call when they do call a tie?

The runner will either be safe or out, so there is no tie.
Forum: Softball Wed May 09, 2012, 09:24pm
Replies: 21
Views: 2,721
Posted By JEL
I still have a working Honig's 45C indicator with...

I still have a working Honig's 45C indicator with the timer/clock thing in it.

Don't know why those are not available any more, but I see them on E-Bay once in a while.
Forum: Softball Wed May 09, 2012, 03:58pm
Replies: 20
Views: 2,725
Posted By JEL
Probably about as many who believe a batted ball...

Probably about as many who believe a batted ball off home plate is foul!

Ran into another one last night!
Forum: Softball Wed May 09, 2012, 03:47pm
Replies: 11
Views: 1,537
Posted By JEL
My friend you are making a mistake by saying...

My friend you are making a mistake by saying that!

Not only was Mike helpful in his first response, there was no "sarcasm" or ridicule at all. Had you followed his advice, you would have wound up...
Forum: Softball Wed May 09, 2012, 03:36pm
Replies: 21
Views: 4,283
Posted By JEL
Most time limits are "finish the inning" meaning...

Most time limits are "finish the inning" meaning when the clock hits zero, you finish that inning. Note also that an inning starts as soon as the last out of the previous inning is made.

Forum: Softball Thu May 03, 2012, 08:29am
Replies: 40
Views: 4,656
Posted By JEL
:D Rules are for clones. :D

:D Rules are for clones. :D
Forum: Softball Thu May 03, 2012, 07:52am
Replies: 40
Views: 4,656
Posted By JEL
Then you aren't very bright are you?

Then you aren't very bright are you?
Forum: Softball Wed Apr 25, 2012, 05:40pm
Replies: 14
Views: 2,332
Posted By JEL
A few years ago I worked a P&R 10U State Playoff....

A few years ago I worked a P&R 10U State Playoff. Bottom of third, D coach comes and asks "will you just look at 2B and tell my player it is OK?"

She had been telling him all game that 2B wasn't...
Forum: Softball Wed Apr 25, 2012, 04:00pm
Replies: 14
Views: 2,332
Posted By JEL
I was gonna take a tape measure to tonights games!

I was gonna take a tape measure to tonights games!
Forum: Softball Tue Apr 24, 2012, 08:37am
Replies: 24
Views: 2,716
Posted By JEL
>>" The runner must go back to second to tag up...

>>" The runner must go back to second to tag up before she can advance."<<

Think about that a bit. Suppose she left early on any other fly ball out, rounded third and scored BUT WAS NEVER APPEALED...
Forum: Softball Sun Apr 01, 2012, 12:29pm
Replies: 51
Views: 9,994
Posted By JEL
:rolleyes: Imported dirt?

:rolleyes: Imported dirt?
Forum: Softball Sat Mar 31, 2012, 03:38pm
Replies: 6
Views: 1,552
Posted By JEL
Umpire Mask Buying Guide for Baseball/Softball...

Umpire Mask Buying Guide for Baseball/Softball (
Forum: Softball Thu Mar 29, 2012, 11:32am
Replies: 51
Views: 9,994
Posted By JEL
So a "dirty ball" is not defaced?

So a "dirty ball" is not defaced?
Forum: Softball Thu Mar 29, 2012, 07:49am
Replies: 51
Views: 9,994
Posted By JEL
Then why does MLB change change them out once...

Then why does MLB change change them out once they are fouled into the dirt?

Must just be a "clone" thing huh?
Forum: Softball Wed Mar 28, 2012, 04:21pm
Replies: 43
Views: 8,529
Posted By JEL
Or maybe which (recognizable) groups HAVE...

Or maybe which (recognizable) groups HAVE adapted! All I know of leave the zone over the plate!
Forum: Softball Tue Mar 20, 2012, 11:53am
Replies: 22
Views: 2,465
Posted By JEL
As was I (many years ago). I thought I was...

As was I (many years ago).

I thought I was an adullt:D
Forum: Softball Tue Mar 20, 2012, 07:42am
Replies: 22
Views: 2,465
Posted By JEL
I'm sure there may be an exception somewhere, but...

I'm sure there may be an exception somewhere, but aren't all NCAA players "adults?" (18 or above).
Forum: Softball Wed Mar 07, 2012, 05:26pm
Replies: 16
Views: 3,598
Posted By JEL
[QUOTE=rwest;830464] I will let him replace...


I will let him replace whichever defensive player he wants! He needs to tell me only where that player will bat, not which defensive position they will play.

Yes, I do want...
Forum: Softball Wed Mar 07, 2012, 08:45am
Replies: 16
Views: 3,598
Posted By JEL
That's correct, but what will the coach report,...

That's correct, but what will the coach report, and how will you record that?

Via the line-up card, or batting order, thus offense! After the entry F3 can become F whatever, but she can only be...
Forum: Softball Wed Mar 07, 2012, 08:31am
Replies: 16
Views: 3,598
Posted By JEL
Pot calls kettle black! The plot...

Pot calls kettle black!

The plot thickens:eek:
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